In this game, you are a member of one of two armies: Americans or Insurrectionists.
This game is called IED for two reasons. As someone in a demolition group, your job is to Infiltrate-Eliminate-Demolish, and terrorists like blowing crap up with Improvised-Explosive-Devices.
Char Sheet:
Name: Callsign: Class: Squad: (ie. Alpha, Bravo... Zulu; I'll assign it, but tell me whose team you want to be on so that I can put people together) Main Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Equipment:
Callsigns can be anything you want, but they usually refer to your job (ie. a medic could be "Doc"[stupid example, I know])
Classes Weapons and Equipment are:
Class- Infantry Main- HK XM8, HK416 Secondary- Beretta M9 Equipment- Fragmentation Grenades (x2), Smoke Grenade, Stun Grenade, Med Kit
Class- Grenadier Main- HK XM25 IAWS Secondary- Beretta M9, MP9 Equipment- Fragmentation Grenades (x2), M18 Claymore, Med Kit
Firestorm- You dodge successfully, and shoot out one of his kneecaps, but as he slumps, you miss the other and hit his artery (not a good thing when taking a hostage. You manage to pull his G36 away from him. What is your next action?
Ah dam, I shot his femoral artery(that's what I'm assuming, it's either that or I'm the worst shot in the world)? I'll just shoot him in the head now. The alternative is a slow bleeding to death kind of thing, so for one thing he'd be worthless as a hostage, and for the other, it'd be torturously painful for him. More merciful this way. I'll continue to clear the house.
Firestorm- You are clearing the house, and you find a weapons cache. It is composed of 2 G36s, 4 AK-47s, and 4 RPGs. Over the comm-link you hear Hakon saying that Sgt. Jackson is missing and comm-silent. He tells you to get down so you can start searching. You manage to store the 5 RPGs and the 4 AKs in a crate downstairs. What next?
BTW, Jumper encountered enemies with a Jeep. As soon as he responds, you can load up the weapons (you can bring what you couldn't fit in the crate), but for now you're on foot.
Jumpy- Well, they're gathered around a Jeep. One has an RPG, one has a grenade launcher, and the other has an AK.You are still on top of the building, so if you want to shoot from up there, take out the guy with the grenade launcher first. If you shoot from inside the building, you have better protection from both the grenade launcher and the AK. It's all your choice.
But it'd actually be easier for it to go in enemy hands if it's downstairs; at least in the cache it'd be hidden. "Team, this is Firestorm; I found a small secret arsenal of weapons at _(insert location). If you guys need some extra kaboom, that's where to go." I'll go downstairs as commanded, and I'll start looking for Jackson.
All right. Would you like to wait for Jumpy to get his stuff cleared up, wanna help him, or just wanna start searching. BTW, you found the cache in an enemy building. I think they would look in the place it used to be before looking anywhere else, even if it is right in front of them. They wouldn't expect it.
I didn't see your post at first. Blue- You start looking for him, and you find a trail of blood that you hadn't seen before, and wasn't anywhere near an enemy. Do you follow it, or head back to your squad?
Firestorm- As you approach his position, you see two men tailing him. What do you do? Blue- You start walking down the trail, and you hear gravel shifting. What do you do?
Firestorm- Well if they were friendlies, I'm sure they would have established contact, and wouldn't just be sneaking behind him. That said, I think it would be safe to shoot him... but maybe I'm wrong >