Hi, this is Moat. I decided to make a new RPG, because, why not? Now, this game is very simple. Your job is to survive and escape from whatever wilderness you've become lost in. Your scenario will be presented when you join up.
Name: Age: Gender: Health*: A Personality: ---------------------------- You have 15 points. Erase this after reading. Strength: Agility: Endurance: ----------------------------- Proficiency**: Equipment***: Location****: Time Spent: -----------------------------
*-Health is categorized as follows: A) Completely healthy. B) Suffering from lack of something, most commonly water, sleep, or food. C) Disease/Parasite. D) Physical Injury. Seriousness of health problem is as follows: I: Moderate, slightly lowering attributes, slowing your reflexes, and you will need to rest more often. II: Serious, all above symptoms but worse. Sometimes inable to get up, and effects of Type C will start(for example, vomiting), as well as serious blood loss in case of Type D. III: Life-Threatening. It needs to be taken care of soon, or you will die. This system was created by myself and Choazmachine, some credit goes to him.
**What you're good at. Anything reasonable, for example construction would grant you extra skill in building items and shelters.
***-Pick three reasonable items that you would like to take with you. You will gain more as the game goes on.
****-Your location. You can choose where you would like to be(as long as it's reasonable), but you must provide a link to it. If you would like, you can have me pick your location.
Be forewarned, this will be realistic. So, those of you who want to do well, do your research. I will accept as many people as want to join, but it is likely that I will halt submissions after a few people join. Go ahead, and good luck.
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
You cautiously put a berry in your mouth to taste it. It's dry but slightly sweet.
A) Eat it B) Tear it apart, seeing what's inside it C) Make your own option
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: ----------------------------- c)i eat the one in my mouth but cut open another to see whats inside
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
...are you sure? You have no idea if they're poisonous. You should probably study them further. I can show you a picture of them if you want.
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
You slice one open with your fingernail. It's kind of hard, so you have to use your knife. It has a pit, like a cherry, but it's a little smaller than a regular cherry. It looks like this:
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
c)i go look for different food because i dont wanna wind up sick
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
You look for different food. There's nothing but the berries that you can find.
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
You decide to settle for the berries. You eat them, then almost cough them back up. They taste awful, and almost make your tongue go numb. You remember those berries! You'd tasted some back home...they're called chokecherries. They taste awful, but at least they're not poisonous. Your hunger is slightly mollified. What will you do now?
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife,berries Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
i put them in my pack and start looking for a place to stay for the night.
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife,berries Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
Hm? No, but chokecherries are just about the only plants I could find that grow in Java that aren't immediately recognize as not-poisonous. I mean, if I, like, gave you a bunch of rice then you'd recognize it immediately.
You put the berries into your backpack then start looking for shelter. After searching, you find nothing. You sigh. If you want a shelter, you'll have to make it yourself. What will you do?
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife,berries Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
A)i go and get some branches and rocks to try and make myself shelter before nightfall
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife,berries, Rocks(20), Branches(10) Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
You gather several branches and rocks, hacking limbs off of trees with your bowie knife and gathering large stones off the ground. You finally cannot hold any more rocks in your backpack or any more branches in your arms. What will you do now?
A) Begin building the shelter by (specify)
Name: Joseph Slothok Age: 25 Gender: Male Health*: A Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations. ---------------------------- Strength: 5 Agility: 5 Endurance: 5 ----------------------------- Proficiency: Fishing Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full] Location: Spratly Islands Time Spent: 4 hr -----------------------------
You decide to investigate carefully. You aren't sure what kind of wildlife live on this island, as well as being uncertain as to whether it's even an animal, or a hostile human soldier... When you peer around the bushes to the source of the noise, you are practically quaking with fear without noticing it(due to an overactive imagination). Your knife is raised and ready to strike. However, this caution and fright seems almost ridiculous when you see what scared you so: It's just a bird. There's probably lots of them around here. You don't recognize it and don't know what kind of bird it is. It's pretty big compared to you, but still poses no threat. You can see that one of its wings is sprained or even broken, as it's bent slightly backwards at a 90 degree angle. That's probably why it landed here in the first place. What will you do?
A) Try to help it B) Leave it alone C) Kill it. Easy meat. D) Make your own option
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife,berries, Rocks(20), Branches(10) Location****: West Java Time Spent: -----------------------------
A)i grab two bigger rocks and lay them on the ground by a tree then grab two branches putting them on both sides wedged under the rocks then grab two more branches and drive them in the ground with a rock to set the branches on to make a roof then lay branches across the two main branches to finish the roof then make a ground with the remaining branches and use the rocks as a kind of wall around the outside....lol sorry not good at building
Name:coopdog Age:21 Gender:male Health*: A Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful. ---------------------------- Strength:10 Agility:2 Endurance:3 ----------------------------- Proficiency**:hunting Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife,berries, Location****: West Java Time Spent: 5 hours -----------------------------
You finish this, and just as soon, it falls apart. Cursing, you try again. Deciding that you need stronger foundations, you find the flattest, biggest stones you can find. You lay them in a rectangle, one on top of the other, until you have a small stone hut. Then you start weaving branches for the roof, and you place it on. Then you cement the whole thing together with large quantities of wet mud and grass that you gathered by the ocean. Your shelter's finished. It's getting dark. What now?