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Hi, this is Moat. I decided to make a new RPG, because, why not?
Now, this game is very simple. Your job is to survive and escape from whatever wilderness you've become lost in. Your scenario will be presented when you join up.

Health*: A
You have 15 points. Erase this after reading.
Time Spent:

*-Health is categorized as follows:
A) Completely healthy.
B) Suffering from lack of something, most commonly water, sleep, or food.
C) Disease/Parasite.
D) Physical Injury.
Seriousness of health problem is as follows:
I: Moderate, slightly lowering attributes, slowing your reflexes, and you will need to rest more often.
II: Serious, all above symptoms but worse. Sometimes inable to get up, and effects of Type C will start(for example, vomiting), as well as serious blood loss in case of Type D.
III: Life-Threatening. It needs to be taken care of soon, or you will die.
This system was created by myself and Choazmachine, some credit goes to him.

**What you're good at. Anything reasonable, for example construction would grant you extra skill in building items and shelters.

***-Pick three reasonable items that you would like to take with you. You will gain more as the game goes on.

****-Your location. You can choose where you would like to be(as long as it's reasonable), but you must provide a link to it. If you would like, you can have me pick your location.

Be forewarned, this will be realistic. So, those of you who want to do well, do your research.
I will accept as many people as want to join, but it is likely that I will halt submissions after a few people join.
Go ahead, and good luck.

  • 157 Replies
77 posts

Health*: A
Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful.
Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife,berries,
Location****: West Java
Time Spent: 5 hours

i settle in and dicide to find some logs and rocks to make a small fire to keep wolves and other animals away

8,570 posts

Health*: A
Personality:nice and outgoing likes to learn helpful and resourceful.
Equipment***:backpack,gallon jug of water,bowie knife, Choke Cherries
Location****: West Java
Time Spent: 5 hours

Settling in, you decide to gather some logs and rocks to make a fire. You've gathered the supplies easily enough; large logs and rocks, but how will you get a fire going?

8,570 posts

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full]
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 4 hr

You decide to try to help it. At first, when you approach, the bird pecks at you, but it misses, and after only a few swings at you, it stops. Either it's decided you're not a threat or it's so exhausted that it can't so much as peck at you anymore. One way or the other, you are now able to approach it and pick it up, being careful not to damage its injured wing. What will you do now?

A) Try to put its wing in a splint
B) Examine the wing first
C) Gather some food and water.
D) Make your own option

UPDATED CHARACTER SHEET: Mentality. Mentality is your state of mind; survival, or civilized. Good acts, such as helped an injured bird, will add to your Mentality, while more crude and cruel acts, such as killing and eating the bird, will lose you Mentality. When you are rescued, your Mentality must be above 0, otherwise you will be unable to reenter society, as your mind is in Survival mode and you will be deemed dangerous. However, there's another side to Mentality; if you do the "good" thing every time, then there's a substantial risk that you will end up in a very bad place(for example, starving to death because you didn't eat that freebie bird meal).
All players, add Mentality to your sheet(KOS, I already did yours). Everyone starts with 5 Mentality.

8,570 posts

Oh, and one more thing: KOS, "conscience" is spelled like that. Excuse the double post.

8,570 posts

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full]
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 4 hr

Don't spam to bump the thread.
You decide to examine the wing. It's broken, and the bone almost pokes's bad. Blood is encrusted around a deep gash you hadn't noticed previously on the breast. So, instead of what you had originally thought; that the bird had broken its wing and had to land because of it, it must have gotten hurt in a fight, which caused the cut, and it landed roughly, breaking its wing. You aren't sure what to do...

A) Try to heal the gash
B) Try to heal the wing
C) Clean the wounds
D) Make your own option

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow when his team flew over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortanley he landed on a island he is the only surviver. Brown haired, blued eyed puts others around him before him
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent:

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow when his team flew over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortanley he landed on a island he is the only surviver. Brown haired, blued eyed puts others around him before him
Mentilaty: 0
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent:

8,570 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow when his team flew over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortanley he landed on a island he is the only surviver. Brown haired, blued eyed puts others around him before him
Mentilaty: 0
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent:

I guess that's good. Why did you post it twice?

Alright, so you've just crash-landed in an island in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. The other members of your team are dead. You have only a flare, a knife, and a pistol, because the rest of your equipment tumbled to sea in the wild landing, with nothing to secure it in your helicopter. What will you do?

A) Make your own option

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow when his team flew over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortanley he landed on a island he is the only surviver. Brown haired, blued eyed puts others around him before him
Mentilaty: 0
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent:

Cause I never done mentilaty lol

First of I go and search my dead team mates for equipment then a go off to find resorces and use the knife to leave a trail so I can go back to the helicopter

8,570 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentilaty: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent:
----------------------------- old are you, again?

You decide to search the bodies of your dead mates. Unfortunately, most of them simply dropped into the sea. The ones that lived through that, though, are here with you on the island, unfortunately for them they didn't survive the landing, and neither did the pilot. You don't find anything of value; it was a light travel trip, and most of your equipment went into the sea during the crash; it was hard enough for you just to grab the few items that you did. What will you do now?

A) Make your own option

I fixed your sheet. I couldn't stand the spelling, no offense.

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentilaty: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent:

It's k Moat BTW At you Age question in Real Life I 10 I'm 11 this year August the 5th

I take a trip around the island looking for anything else that crashed here and for some items for shelter

8,570 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

Really? little sister just turned twelve, and she's about as good as I am, grammar-wise.
*shrug* Then again, you're English and she's American. xP. Just kidding.

Nothing else has crashed here, at least not that you can find in the time that you search. You could use the wreckage of your plane as a shelter. It might be uncomfortable and smell bad(bodies and all) but it will protect you from the elements, and animals too(it's made out of metal, and somehow the door survived).

A) Make your own option

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min
I wish I had sis or bro ur lucky Moat

I use the Helicopter as my shelter but before I have a rest I check in the water to see if I can see any floating equipment

BTW Moat I'm going to find your High School RPG and post on it so you will have 2x the RPG's to do Also join mine its Called
Total Population: You! RPG

8,570 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

You decide to make the helicopter your shelter. You check in the water to see if you can find any floating equipment. Unfortunately, you cannot see any. You lean further, straining your eyes to see something in the blue sea. Suddenly, you lose your balance and tumble into the ocean. You're immediately pummeled by waves and slammed against the rocky shore. What will you do?

A) Try to swim towards land
B) Make your own option

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

A)I try to swim towards land and try to grab onto anything I can to help me get onto it

I won't be able to update for about 20 mins - 30 mins my mums goin on the computer

Showing 46-60 of 157