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Hi, this is Moat. I decided to make a new RPG, because, why not?
Now, this game is very simple. Your job is to survive and escape from whatever wilderness you've become lost in. Your scenario will be presented when you join up.

Health*: A
You have 15 points. Erase this after reading.
Time Spent:

*-Health is categorized as follows:
A) Completely healthy.
B) Suffering from lack of something, most commonly water, sleep, or food.
C) Disease/Parasite.
D) Physical Injury.
Seriousness of health problem is as follows:
I: Moderate, slightly lowering attributes, slowing your reflexes, and you will need to rest more often.
II: Serious, all above symptoms but worse. Sometimes inable to get up, and effects of Type C will start(for example, vomiting), as well as serious blood loss in case of Type D.
III: Life-Threatening. It needs to be taken care of soon, or you will die.
This system was created by myself and Choazmachine, some credit goes to him.

**What you're good at. Anything reasonable, for example construction would grant you extra skill in building items and shelters.

***-Pick three reasonable items that you would like to take with you. You will gain more as the game goes on.

****-Your location. You can choose where you would like to be(as long as it's reasonable), but you must provide a link to it. If you would like, you can have me pick your location.

Be forewarned, this will be realistic. So, those of you who want to do well, do your research.
I will accept as many people as want to join, but it is likely that I will halt submissions after a few people join.
Go ahead, and good luck.

  • 157 Replies
8,570 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

You try to swim back to shore, grasping at everything in reach. You finally manage to clutch a large floating piece of wood and it keeps your head above water. You start kicking your feet and paddling towards shore. Despite the strong riptide current, you're definitely making progress, and you're infinitely relieved. However, you spot a small red-and-white kit against the navy blues and teals of the ocean. It's a first-aid kit, dropped from your helicopter! It's being washed toward open sea and out of the gulf you're in. If it makes it there, you'll never get it. That first aid kit could be immensely useful to you if you get hurt, maybe even save your life...but you could drown trying to get it. What will you do?

A) Go after the first aid kit
B) Keep swimming to shore
C) Make your own option

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

C) I put my injured muscle on the piece of wood then swim with anything I can use towards the first aid kit. Then I take out some string from the kit or any kind of string and rap it round my knife. Then I throw my knife to shore then reel myself in with it

8,570 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

You don't have an injured muscle.
You put yourself on the piece of wood, and swim towards the first aid kit. But it's drifting further and further out to sea, and you can't keep up with it. You use one of your shoelaces and wrap it around your knife, then throw it towards shore to reel yourself in, but the throw falls short. What will you do?

A) Make your own option

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full]
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 4 hr

You cleanse the wounds with saltwater and scrub them, making the bird flap about wildly, but they're cleaned. You aren't sure what to do about either the gash or the broken wing. What will you do?

A) Be specific.

8,570 posts

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full]
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 46 hr

You manage to staunch the bleeding by tearing a strip off of your shirt and using it to apply pressure to the bleeding wound. The blood stops. You build a sleeping area, by gathering rocks and setting them in a foundation then weaving sticks and branches. You now have a shelter. What will you do now?

A) Make your own option
Ah...I thought for sure you were going to use a tourniquet. Finally, someone who knows something!

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

I reel the knife and try and hit the 1st aid kit with it if I fail I reel my knife and go for shore

8,570 posts

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full]
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 6 hr
You try to find some food for the bird and you. You see another bird fly overhead. Potential food. What will you do?

A) Kill it(irony...)
B) Make your own option

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

You manage to snag the first aid kit with your knife hook! What will you do now? You're being carried out to sea, you must act quickly.

A) Make your own option

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

I reel it in then take it off the knife and put it on the piece of wood if I can. Then I stuck my knife into the wood and stand on. Then I throw then first aid kit to shore with my stronger hand and then jump into the water (with my knife in the wood) and swim to shore

8,570 posts

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full]
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 6 hr

You use a bird call, but the bird doesn't respond. You keep searching for food. Finally, you find a small pool, bay-like area. It's full of fish! What will you do?

A) Try to catch some
B) Leave them
C) Make your own option

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

You're not strong enough to throw the first aid kit to shore. You're fairly far away, and it's heavy.
Why would you abandon the wood and your knife?

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

I never said that :l

I'll swim to shore

8,570 posts

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full], 3 Fish(Raw)
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 6 hr

You catch three fish, however they're raw. You could take the chance and eat them, or you can try to cook them somehow. What will you do?

A) Make your own option

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife, First Aid Kit
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

Oh, sorry, didn't see the part about standing on the piece of wood. It's not strong enough for that. That response was really confusing.

You try to swim to shore, but you've drifted quite far out and are getting tired(low Endurance). You grip the wood, but you're going hopelessly far out(riptide, remember?). What will you do?

A) Make your own option

1,943 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife, First Aid Kit
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

I use my head and put the shoelace around the bullet in my gun whats loaded I shoots the bullet at a tree when it hits I use the line to reel my self to shore then put my shoe lace back in my shoe

8,570 posts

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full], 3 Fish(Raw)
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 9 hr

You gather logs and return to your shelter with your pieces of wood to try and start a fire. After three hours, you have had only sparks, and it's getting dark. What will you do?

A) Make your own option

8,570 posts

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full], 3 Fish(Raw)
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 1 day
----------------------------- pee around your shelter, fail to start a fire, pet the bird, then go to sleep.
The next morning, you awake early. Looking around, you cannot find Charlie Brown(well...he needed a name, and he's a brown bird, so...yeah. Change the name if you want). What will you do?

A) Make your own option

1,943 posts

Did you see me ?

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife, First Aid Kit
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min
I use my head and put the shoelace around the bullet in my gun whats loaded I shoots the bullet at a tree when it hits I use the line to reel my self to shore then put my shoe lace back in my shoe

8,570 posts

Name: Cpl. Mason
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Health: A
Personality: Is in the S.A.S and was shot down somehow while his team was flying over the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, he landed on an island. He is the only surivor. Brown haired, blue-eyed, and puts others around him before himself.
Mentality: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 6
Endurance: 4
Proficiency: Climbing
Equipment: Pistol, Flare, Knife, First Aid Kit
Location: The Bermuda Triangle
Time Spent: 2 hr, 30 min

Putting the shoelace around the bullet in a gun will cause it to misfire.
Honestly...*shakes head sadly*.

Name: Joseph Slothok
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Health*: A
Personality: Well Educated but an avid fisherman, also has a great sense of humor when needed, also trained for special operations.
Mentality: 15
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Proficiency: Fishing
Equipment: Fishing Pole, Survival Knife, Canteen[full], 3 Fish(Raw)
Location: Spratly Islands
Time Spent: 1 day

You look around for Bird Moat and you find him. He's waddling around. You're intrigued when you see he has a hard-shelled nut in his mouth, and cracks it easily. He then gobbles up the edible yummy inside. Apparently, he can feed himself.
You try again to make a fire, and again you fail. You need to use a lighter and more flammable kindling to start a flame.

A) Make your own option

OOC: Innuendo...*shudder*

Showing 61-75 of 157