So guess what? With the new CS5, you thought you'd be making Flash games for the iPhone? Tough luck, because Apple banned any third-party development systems.
So that's a negative...
How long do you think this will last? I mean, seriously, Apple's giving a HUGE middle finger to Adobe.
Well.... yeah. They have. But this is a huge one. Do you think it's gonna change? Cause I'd be pissed as hell if I bought CS5 and couldn't export to iPhone.
Hey for apple it's a legitimate strategy they don't want anything interfering with their cesspool of games. Especially ones they couldn't get 65% of sales from.
Do you think it's gonna change?
If apple figures a way to charge for the games then yes. Otherwise no, unless you "fix" the iphone.
Cause I'd be pissed as hell if I bought CS5 and couldn't export to iPhone.
I'm surprised adobe even wasted time on that feature they should of known something like this would happen. There are literally hundreds of other more important things they should be doing.
If I ever manage to get CS5, and assuming the clause is still in there, I think I'd contact Apple and see if there's some way to be allowed to do so. I'm sorry but I don't feel like learning another language, especially since I don't know AS3 all that well.
It's only not supported that well because big companies don't feel like letting their source codes out for drivers and such.
I think I'd contact Apple and see if there's some way to be allowed to do so.
I your dreams, Apple already showed us it doesn't give a ___ about developers.
Heh watch as they makes us use a language they invet or just plain old assembly languages to make games and then charge for the classes.
Apples strategy 1. Whip out oversized ipod 2. Ban 3rd party compilers 3. ????? 4. Profit!!
and you all know this will work wonders for them. Because they know that they can <insert poo related age appropriate insult of your choosing here> all over the consumers, business and developers and they will take it without complain. Like how many times does apple have to slap people across the face till they realize that apple doesn't love them it loves their money.