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Nomad is good. Life is grand. The world is your oyster. would be. See, there is no universe. So it can't really be your mollusk, my Lord. Ahh, please don't disintegrate me! What I meant to say was, there is no universe yet. I'm sure that as omnipotent and benevolent as you are, you'll be able to create it soon enough. Oh, did I forget to mention that you're an immortal deity, a god? Oh yes, well, I suppose the technical term is mortally challenged, but you know what I mean, sir. And I'm your servant. Er, actually, I'm one of two, but I'm the better servant my lord.
Okay, that's enough. I've had it. I can't let this dolt do the talking any longer, twisting everything around. Let's make one thing clear; you may be the all-powerful deity around here, but I am your best servant, not Kiss-*** McGrovelpants over there. Capische? And we're your welcoming committee. So, yeah. Welcome to the universe.
You idiot, that's not enough! This one's brand-new to the universe, remember? We need to explain everything first.
*sigh* Fine...I still don't know what I did to deserve welcoming committee duty.
It may have had something to do with how you insulted Zeus and Yahweh at the same time....
What? No one knew about that You tattled, you coward!
I'm sorry about this one, my Lord. He's just stupid.
You know what Yahweh said; thou shalt not lie. Or something like that. I was just telling the truth! Now, here's the deal, your Omnipotence, you're a brand-new god in a brand-new universe.
See, there are a lot of universes in all the dimensions.
He is correct, your All-Knowingness. There are several universes; you rule but one. Not that this encroaches on your all-encompassing power, of course, my Lord, but-
Well, it kind of does, actually. See, for each universe there is a god or gods who rule over it. And unfortunately, being that you're such a young god, you don't have a lot of influence in the pantheon; that's the tribunal of gods that reviews each others' work.
Although I'm sure you'll soon gain influence, my Lord, as soon as they see your divine beauty and omniscient power!
Shut up and let me finish, dummkopf. As I was saying, the tribunal is all the gods in all the dimensions gathered together. They meet once every score of years-
That's twenty years, my Lord.
Be quiet and let me finish. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, the pantheon meets once every two decades to review each others' work and check up on dimensional progress. Now, the tribunal doesn't support either good or evil; anything you want to do in your universe, you can do. But you have to follow the rules set by the tribunal; basically, do what the tribunal says or they'll kick your ***. could have been presented in a slightly less vulgar way, but yes, that is true, my Lord. But that isn't important. Unless there's some sort of revolution, you needn't worry about the pantheon. You can create planets, solar systems, nebulae, stars, creatures, technology, and so much more, my Lord. All you must do is think it, and it will be.
The dunce got it, except that he forgot about worship. Basically, the more worship you have, the more influence you will have in the pantheon and the more power you will have over your universe.
Now that you know all this, you can start building your universe. Good luck my Lord, and we'll be here if you need any help.

Universe: None.

  • 152 Replies
4,049 posts

Name:Tom Razer
Universe: Spiral Galaxy, Stars, 6 Habitable Planets, Nebula, 8 Solar Systems, Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroid.
Planet Structures: Clouds, Water, Mountains, Ores/Minerals, Atmosphere, Weather, Cliffs/Canyons, Volcanos, Islands, Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Continents, stone, waterfalls.
Planet Life Forms(Plants): Grass, apple tree,lemon tree,banana tree,oak trees,blackberry bush,raspberry bush,pine tree,coconut tree,palm trees,walnut trees,carrots,beans,eggplants, daisies,roses and tulips, cotton trees, hibiscus, lily.
Planet Life Forms(animals): Improved Humans, Rabbits, deer, bears, wolves, cows, chickens,pigs, horses, fish, octopi,robins, hawks, worms, spiders, scorpions, monkeys, gorillas, cats,dogs, parrots, lions, elephants, warthogs, sheep, goats, tamana fly, and squirrels.
Life Form Structures: Club[humans], Wicki-up[humans], Atlatl[humans].

I add Legendary shrines and mayan temples for my people to find and explore.
I also add sharks,whales.
I also create antartica.

P.S What is the Atlatl.

2,754 posts

Name:Alexi Stukav
Universe: Solar System, Nebula, Planets 4(1 atmosphere/water), Moons 6, Stars.
Planet Structures: Trees, Grass, Ores, Flowers, Animals.
Life Forms(animals): Zerg Drone.

lets see... make all zerg units and make a hive, spawning pool, hydralisk den, ultralisk cavern, greater spire, etc

3,912 posts

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: None.

i want to create a universe with 4 planets

A sun

2 that can support life

and a moon

Sun will be in middle and one of the 2 will have the moon and the rotate on there axis in a 24 hour rotation the other will rotate every 48 hours lol

26,390 posts

Name:Tom Razer
Universe: Spiral Galaxy, Stars, 6 Habitable Planets, Nebula, 8 Solar Systems, Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroid.
Planet Structures: Clouds, Water, Mountains, Ores/Minerals, Atmosphere, Weather, Cliffs/Canyons, Volcanos, Islands, Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Continents, stone, waterfalls.
Planet Life Forms(Plants): Grass, apple tree,lemon tree,banana tree,oak trees,blackberry bush,raspberry bush,pine tree,coconut tree,palm trees,walnut trees,carrots,beans,eggplants, daisies,roses and tulips, cotton trees, hibiscus, lily.
Planet Life Forms(animals): Improved Humans, Rabbits, deer, bears, wolves, cows, chickens,pigs, horses, fish, octopi,robins, hawks, worms, spiders, scorpions, monkeys, gorillas, cats,dogs, parrots, lions, elephants, warthogs, sheep, goats, tamana fly, sharks, whales, and squirrels.
Life Form Structures: Club[humans], Wicki-up[humans], Spear, Atlatl[humans].

Nono, Humans have to be the ones to create shrines and temples.
You already created continents. How many continents do you want?
...just google it. It's not that difficult.

Name:Alexi Stukav
Universe: Solar System, Nebula, Planets 4(1 atmosphere/water), Moons 6, Stars.
Planet Structures: Trees, Grass, Ores, Flowers, Animals.
Life Forms(animals): Zerg Drone.

No, intelligent life forms have to be the ones to make buildings. You can't do it for them.
And besides, they don't even have anything to eat or drink. They'll die soon anyway.

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: None.

What now?

4,049 posts

Name:Tom Razer
Universe: Spiral Galaxy, Stars, 6 Habitable Planets, Nebula, 8 Solar Systems, Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroid.
Planet Structures: Clouds, Water, Mountains, Ores/Minerals, Atmosphere, Weather, Cliffs/Canyons, Volcanos, Islands, Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Continents, stone, waterfalls.
Planet Life Forms(Plants): Grass, apple tree,lemon tree,banana tree,oak trees,blackberry bush,raspberry bush,pine tree,coconut tree,palm trees,walnut trees,carrots,beans,eggplants, daisies,roses and tulips, cotton trees, hibiscus, lily.
Planet Life Forms(animals): Improved Humans, Rabbits, deer, bears, wolves, cows, chickens,pigs, horses, fish, octopi,robins, hawks, worms, spiders, scorpions, monkeys, gorillas, cats,dogs, parrots, lions, elephants, warthogs, sheep, goats, tamana fly, sharks, whales, and squirrels.
Life Form Structures: Club[humans], Wicki-up[humans], Spear, Atlatl[humans].

Is that to high or too low.If to high i will reduce it.If too low i will make it higher.

3,912 posts

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: None.

take one of the planets and start making lakes and trees also a ocean with 3 huge landmasses devided by the ocean and have it go through developing resourses for its self

the other planet make it all ocean but put one huge land mass on it

26,390 posts

Name:Tom Razer
Universe: Spiral Galaxy, Stars, 6 Habitable Planets, Nebula, 8 Solar Systems, Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroid.
Planet Structures: Clouds, Water, Mountains, Ores/Minerals, Atmosphere, Weather, Cliffs/Canyons, Volcanos, Islands, Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Continents, stone, waterfalls, 10 continents.
Planet Life Forms(Plants): Grass, apple tree,lemon tree,banana tree,oak trees,blackberry bush,raspberry bush,pine tree,coconut tree,palm trees,walnut trees,carrots,beans,eggplants, daisies,roses and tulips, cotton trees, hibiscus, lily.
Planet Life Forms(animals): Improved Humans, Rabbits, deer, bears, wolves, cows, chickens,pigs, horses, fish, octopi,robins, hawks, worms, spiders, scorpions, monkeys, gorillas, cats,dogs, parrots, lions, elephants, warthogs, sheep, goats, tamana fly, sharks, whales, and squirrels.
Life Form Structures: Club[humans], Wicki-up[humans], Spear, Atlatl[humans].

Nope, that's okay.
What now?

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: Ocean, 3 Continents.
Planet Structure 2: All ocean, 1 supercontinent.

What now?

4,049 posts

Name:Tom Razer
Universe: Spiral Galaxy, Stars, 6 Habitable Planets, Nebula, 8 Solar Systems, Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroid.
Planet Structures: Clouds, Water, Mountains, Ores/Minerals, Atmosphere, Weather, Cliffs/Canyons, Volcanos, Islands, Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Continents, stone, waterfalls, 10 continents.
Planet Life Forms(Plants): Grass, apple tree,lemon tree,banana tree,oak trees,blackberry bush,raspberry bush,pine tree,coconut tree,palm trees,walnut trees,carrots,beans,eggplants, daisies,roses and tulips, cotton trees, hibiscus, lily.
Planet Life Forms(animals): Improved Humans, Rabbits, deer, bears, wolves, cows, chickens,pigs, horses, fish, octopi,robins, hawks, worms, spiders, scorpions, monkeys, gorillas, cats,dogs, parrots, lions, elephants, warthogs, sheep, goats, tamana fly, sharks, whales, and squirrels.
Life Form Structures: Club[humans], Wicki-up[humans], Spear, Atlatl[humans].

I create a very intelligent person to help the other people.He will be called Albert Heinstein.
I also add magma underground and create obsidian.

3,912 posts

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: Ocean, 3 Continents.
Planet Structure 2: All ocean, 1 supercontinent.

make some natrial resourses on both places and start adding amebas to start a life process

26,390 posts

Name:Tom Razer
Universe: Spiral Galaxy, Stars, 6 Habitable Planets, Nebula, 8 Solar Systems, Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroid.
Planet Structures: Clouds, Water, Mountains, Ores/Minerals, Atmosphere, Weather, Cliffs/Canyons, Volcanos, Islands, Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Continents, stone, waterfalls, 10 continents, Magma Mantle, Obsidian.
Planet Life Forms(Plants): Grass, apple tree,lemon tree,banana tree,oak trees,blackberry bush,raspberry bush,pine tree,coconut tree,palm trees,walnut trees,carrots,beans,eggplants, daisies,roses and tulips, cotton trees, hibiscus, lily.
Planet Life Forms(animals): Improved Humans, Rabbits, deer, bears, wolves, cows, chickens,pigs, horses, fish, octopi,robins, hawks, worms, spiders, scorpions, monkeys, gorillas, cats,dogs, parrots, lions, elephants, warthogs, sheep, goats, tamana fly, sharks, whales, and squirrels.
Life Form Structures: Club[humans], Wicki-up[humans], Spear, Atlatl[humans].

You can't interfere with the humans that much. Whether or not they are intelligent is up to their heredity and training.
You could, however, appear to them and give them a little bit of basic knowledge...

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: Ocean, 3 Continents.
Planet Structure 2: All ocean, 1 supercontinent.

Natural resources like what?
Eh...amoebas aren't quite good enough. Might I suggest making protists first; how about diatoms?

3,912 posts

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: Ocean, 3 Continents.
Planet Structure 2: All ocean, 1 supercontinent.

basic resourses like stone iron, copper, silver, gold

basic resourses on other would be oil, iron, stone and copper

make weather on both planets one will have winter spring and atum the other summer and fall

26,390 posts

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: Ocean, 3 Continents, Seasons, Weather.
Planet Structure 2: All ocean, 1 supercontinent.
Planet Resources: Stone, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Oil.

All right, what now?

3,912 posts

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: Ocean, 3 Continents, Seasons, Weather.
Planet Structure 2: All ocean, 1 supercontinent.
Planet Resources: Stone, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Oil.

put oxygen on both worlds and make some plains, pastures, jungles, and forests on the super continate

on the other have one continate have deserts but with some fiertal grounds the other lashes patures and fields with forests then the last shall be a jungle area

26,390 posts

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: Ocean, 3 Continents, Seasons, Weather, Oxygen, Plains, Pastures, Jungles, Forests.
Planet Structure 2: All ocean, 1 supercontinent.
Planet Resources: Stone, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold.
Planet Resources 2: Oil, Iron, Stone, Copper.

All right, what now?

3,912 posts

Name: Jangwoe
Universe: 4 Planets, 1 Moon, 1 Star.
Planet Structures: Ocean, 3 Continents, Seasons, Weather, Oxygen, Plains, Pastures, Jungles, Forests.
Planet Structure 2: All ocean, 1 supercontinent.
Planet Resources: Stone, Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold.
Planet Resources 2: Oil, Iron, Stone, Copper.

ok make some animals and the same stuff for second planet

and other such animals also keep food chain balanced with the animal kindom

Showing 61-75 of 152