i ask him "i'm here concerning the death of *insert name here* and if you gave any information i would appreciate you telling me" i will look around utilizing my spot search and gather information skills
i ask him "i'm here concerning the death of *insert name here* and if you gave any information i would appreciate you telling me" i will look around utilizing my spot search and gather information skills
Okay, who are you asking? Captain of the guard? The cleric of Lathander? Pronouns are a pain. >.<
anyway i screw it and look for abandoned buildings to search
I told you this already. You find no abandoned buildings, but you do find a large well with a manhole cover beside it.
TRF, out of curiosity, why is everything in parentheses?
i throw a rock in it to see how deep
You toss a rock in to see how deep the well is; it is quite some time before you hear a faint splashing sound when the rock reaches the bottom. You realize that the manhole probably leads to some kind of maintenance tunnel system for the well.
diplomacy check
Cleric Silverheart's disposition towards you remains Friendly.
a really lucky role and tieflings get pluses to dex
i ask him "i'm here concerning the death of *insert name here* and if you gave any information i would appreciate you telling me" i will look around utilizing my spot search and gather information skills
You spot nothing. Search would require searching the place, which you cannot do with the workers there. Using the Gather Information skill, you ask the gnome about the murder of Gimble Garrick. "I dunno much, but I did see him last headed to the Drunken Dragon for a pint."
Indeed," Captain Dragonsbane says in agreement. "Padfoot was found at the tailor's shop where she worked, Urthadar was found at the Hunter's Lodge, also where he worked, and Garrick was found in the stables at the Flickerflame Inn." To which crime scene will you go first?
I will investigate the scenes in the order mentioned, Padfoot, then Urthadar, then Garrick. I am primarily searching for signs of "animalistic" mutiliation of the tissue, bite marks, claw marks, etc. (unless the bodies are elsewhere, then I still search for signs of wild animals) Do I need to repost my sheet?
Name:Felpe Vansuez Player:Locoace3 Age:190 Sex:M Looks:Tall-ish with pure white hair and a noticeable scar going up from the corner of his right lip Racerow? ClassBard) Level:1 Level Equivalency:1 Attributes:Strength(12), Dexterity(14), Constitution(12), Intelligence(14), Wisdom(12), Charisma(16) Saves:Fortitude(1),Reflex(4),Will(3) Hit points:7 Attack1(2) DamageRapier 1d6 + 1) Armor Class(AC):16 Featsimproved intiative, toughness) Skillsconcetration, appraise, balance,dipolmacy, climb, perform, move silently, hide send motive ) Equipment:300 gp and Adventurer's Kit(with everything you need like bedrolls and rations and so on)