Name:Felpe Vansuez Player:Locoace3 Age:190 Sex:M Looks:Tall-ish with pure white hair and a noticeable scar going up from the corner of his right lip Racerow? ClassBard) Alignment: Neutral evil Level:1 Level Equivalency:1 Attributes:Strength(12), Dexterity(14), Constitution(12), Intelligence(14), Wisdom(12), Charisma(16) Saves:Fortitude(1),Reflex(4),Will(3) Hit points:7 Attack1(2) DamageRapier 1d6 + 1) Armor Class(AC):16 Featsimproved intiative, toughness) Skillsconcetration, appraise, balance,dipolmacy, climb, perform, move silently, hide send motive ) Equipment:300 gp and Adventurer's Kit(with everything you need like bedrolls and rations and so on)
"Do you not know, know but aren't allowed to explain or just don't know?"
"I don't know."
I will investigate the scenes in the order mentioned, Padfoot, then Urthadar, then Garrick. I am primarily searching for signs of "animalistic" mutiliation of the tissue, bite marks, claw marks, etc. (unless the bodies are elsewhere, then I still search for signs of wild animals)
Nah, I have it saved. Padfoot's Body: Padfoot was cleaved nearly in half, a wound probably dealt by an axe. Other than that, there are no noticeable injuries. Urthadar's Body: Urthadar's wounds are recognizable to you, because you are a mage; the marks of a spiritual weapon are clear, as well as what appear to be marks from the Inflict Wounds spell of moderate or light magnitude. Garrick's Body: You do not recognize any of the wounds on Garrick's body(I rolled a 3).
Have Badger stake out the well for any baddies or suspicious activity, and i will go to the council or whatever that Dragonsbane referred me to.
Badger sits by the well; he/she will remain there until you say otherwise. Psst...maybe you should tell everyone else to attend this council meeting, because it's gonna be kind of important.