ForumsForum GamesAge of Mythology SRPG (Strategic role-playing game)

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In this RPG, you must choose a certain civilization (once it's been chosen, it cant be chosen again, unless you ask for allignce to the person who does own the civilization).
Here is the Civilization/Character sheet:

Civilization Name:
Civilization Class:
Certain Colonization points*: I put, depending on civilization class.
Civilization Perks: I put
Mythology powers: depends on god you choose, i put.
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 1
Agriculture level: 1
Political level: 1
Army strength: 1
Main God: Depends on which civilization class you choose.

You will be able to unlock other things later on in the game.


Greeks follow an average lifstyle, and do not face many wars. The choosable gods/goddesses are as follows:

Zeus, Posiden, Hades, Hephastus, Ares, Athena, and Aphrodite

Each one has different leaders/heros you can use as stronger units, but you can only have one of each hero out at a time. They also have certain perks that are different between each god/goddess. Once your mythology level goes past 30, you can choose titans. here's the titans:

Kronos, Hyperion, Oceanus, and Atlas

Those are the titans you can use, but instead of giving heros to use for your army, you get to use the titans themselves, and they are very powerful. But, they dont give any mythology powers. And instead of adding to the community, you need to sacrifce 10 people per Titan.

Norse are all offense, some defense, but not much for speed. They are more warlike than the other civilizations. Here's the Norse Gods:

Thor, Odin, Loki, Hoar, and Freyr.

The Norse gods are the same as the greek gods, but dont ake heros, instead, they can upgraded certain units into hero-like status, but are a little weaker than the Greek heros.

Then the Egyptians:
They mostly go into the technology more than the other civilizations. Heres there gods:

Thoth, Anubis, Hathor, Sobek, Ptah, and Osiris.
They are like the greek gods with powers, but there mytholigical powers only affect civilization, instead of both war/civilization.

They are like the Norse, only more strategic. Here's there gods:

Jupiter, Vulcan, Pluto, Neptune, Venus, Mars, and Athene.

The romans used the greek gods, bt with different names, at the end of the greek civilization. They were more war-like, and there perks ar for war, only.

Thats everything, hope you like my new RPG.

  • 98 Replies
3,028 posts

im a current one too ghost you can join me, im the most advanced, rome.

yeah, leap is really far a head of the others...anyway, isn't there an army of chineese coming at you?
3,028 posts

Civilization Name: Rome 3000
Civilization Class:Romans
Certain Colonization points*: Rome, Italy; Belgum, Germany
Civilization Perks: Stradegy (war perk, can design certain types of attaks.)
Mythology powers: Rain of Fire (war power, sends a shower of boiling water on enemy units)
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 4
Agriculture level: 2
Political level: 4
Army strength: 3
Main God: Mars
Technology Research:
The Wheel: 50 wood
Gallery (war boat): 100 wood, 10 gold
Catapult: 200 wood
Balista: 150 wood
Chariot: 20 wood
Paladin: 150 gold, 200 food
Avalible units: Gladiator, Archer, Horseman, spearman, and Knight.
Avalible Mythology units: Taurus(angry bull)
Government type: Simple Government
Democrats: 4
Liberties: 2
Republics: 5
Food: 250
Wood: 50
People: 350
Gold: 10
Boats: 0
War Units: 12

All of there siege weapons are burned, and there bodies start to spontaneosly combust (eww) due to the steam building up in there bodies. Once nobody is left, you gain an army strength level. Here are the next set of buildings:

Ship Yard, gain a stat "marine level" and be able to trade with other civilization via the trade menu.
Advanced Barracks, adds a level to your army strength.
Advanced Senate, adds a level to politics, and a chance at making an advanced government.
Parthenon, adds level to mythology, and access to the mythology menu.

whoops, forgot to put anything down for you, lol:

Civilization Name: Nattfodd (Nightborn)
Civilization Class: Norse
Certain Colonization points*: Norway
Civilization Perks: Multi use units (multi use: you can only make regular hammer units, but they can be upgraded for certain jobs)
Mythology powers: Rain storm (battle power, during combat, when you use this, you farms gain 2x more food)
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 1
Agriculture level: 3
Marine level: 1
Political level: 1
Army strength: 2
Main God: Freyr
Avalible units: Miner, simple hammer unit
Mythology units: Giant
Wood: 25
Food: 60
Gold: 60
People: 100
War units: 0
Boats: 1
Tradable civilizations: Rome, Greek, Egyptians
Tradable items: Food, gold, wood, research
Trade Boats: 1
Current Trade: None

You now can trade with other civilizations that have ship yards (right now, only the greeks do) Would you like to send a trade boat to the Greeks? Here is the next set of buildings:

Thor Statue, adds level to mythology, and access to mythology menu.
Advanced Plantation, increases food production, adds level to agriculture.
Advanced Barracks, adds level to army strength.
Alchemy lab, adds level to technology, and access to the research menu.

1,140 posts

sure ill join you

3,028 posts

sure ill join you

Go to the beginning of this thread, and fill out a sheet for German Romans (Rome owns both Italy and Germany). And when you start, i need to tell you: leap has a small military camp just outside you capital: Berlin.
1,328 posts

Civilization Name: Rome 3000
Civilization Class:Romans
Certain Colonization points*: Rome, Italy; Belgum, Germany
Civilization Perks: Stradegy (war perk, can design certain types of attaks.)
Mythology powers: Rain of Fire (war power, sends a shower of boiling water on enemy units)
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 4
Agriculture level: 2
Political level: 4
Army strength: 3
Main God: Mars
Technology Research:
The Wheel: 50 wood
Gallery (war boat): 100 wood, 10 gold
Catapult: 200 wood
Balista: 150 wood
Chariot: 20 wood
Paladin: 150 gold, 200 food
Avalible units: Gladiator, Archer, Horseman, spearman, and Knight.
Avalible Mythology units: Taurus(angry bull)
Government type: Simple Government
Democrats: 4
Liberties: 2
Republics: 5
Food: 250
Wood: 50
People: 350
Gold: 10
Boats: 0
War Units: 12

The shipyard, i can trade.

4,049 posts

Civilization Name:Memphis
Civilization Class:Egypt
Certain Colonization points*: Egypt, Morocco
Civilization Perks: Sands of Wisdom (multi use perk, can have the desert turn into fertile ground, and gain recources quicker, or turn into a twister, and get rid of enemies)
Mythology powers: Blazing sun (multi use perk, can slowly hurt attacking enemy units, and gains food 1.5x faster)
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 2
Agriculture level: 2
Political level: 1
Army strength: 1
Main God:Ra-God of the sun
Food: 220
Wood: 30
People: 55
Gold: 20
Boats: 0
The Wheel: 50 wood
Mining: 120 wood
Colossus: 200 gold, 300 wood
Jackal: 100 food, 30 gold

I research or create advance plantation!

1,140 posts

Civilization Name: Sparta (lol)
Civilization Class: Germany Roman
Certain Colonization points*: I put, depending on civilization class.
Civilization Perks: I put
Mythology powers: depends on god you choose, i put.
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 1
Agriculture level: 1
Political level: 1
Army strength: 1
Main God: Depends on which civilization class you choose.

like this and can i become allies with leap please

1,328 posts


3,028 posts

Civilization Name: Sparta (lol)
Civilization Class: Germany Roman
Certain Colonization points*: I put, depending on civilization class.
Civilization Perks: I put
Mythology powers: depends on god you choose, i put.
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 1
Agriculture level: 1
Political level: 1
Army strength: 1
Main God: Depends on which civilization class you choose.

since you chose germany rome, you are allies with leap. You start out by building certain buildings, then once you think you are ready: you can attack other civilizations.
Here's your first building list:

Barracks, adds a level to army strength and adds war unit menu.
Ship yard, adds stat "marine level" and opens trade menu
Plantation, opens recources menu, and gain a level in agriculture.
Senate, adds a level in politics, and have a chanc at making a government.

Civilization Name:Memphis
Civilization Class:Egypt
Certain Colonization points*: Egypt, Morocco
Civilization Perks: Sands of Wisdom (multi use perk, can have the desert turn into fertile ground, and gain recources quicker, or turn into a twister, and get rid of enemies)
Mythology powers: Blazing sun (multi use perk, can slowly hurt attacking enemy units, and gains food 1.5x faster)
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 2
Agriculture level: 2
Political level: 1
Army strength: 1
Main God:Ra-God of the sun
Food: 320
Wood: 30
People: 55
Gold: 20
Boats: 0
The Wheel: 50 wood
Mining: 120 wood
Colossus: 200 gold, 300 wood
Jackal: 100 food, 30 gold

The next list of buildings is:

Senate, gain a level in politics, and have a chance at making a government.
Advanced gold mine, increases production of gold, adds level to agriculture.
Obliesk, gain a level in mythology, have more to research in mythology menu.
Alchemy lab, gain a technology level, have more to research.

1,328 posts

then once you think you are ready: you can attack other civilizations.

Does that mean he can attack me??

1,140 posts

Civilization Name: Sparta (lol)
Civilization Class: Germany Roman
Certain Colonization points*: I put, depending on civilization class.
Civilization Perks: I put
Mythology powers: depends on god you choose, i put.
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 1
Agriculture level: 1
Political level: 1
Army strength: 1
Main God: Jupiter

ill build a racks and no i will not attack you youre my ally

8,256 posts

Civilization Name: Nattfodd (Nightborn)
Civilization Class: Norse
Certain Colonization points*: Norway
Civilization Perks: Multi use units (multi use: you can only make regular hammer units, but they can be upgraded for certain jobs)
Mythology powers: Rain storm (battle power, during combat, when you use this, you farms gain 2x more food)
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 1
Agriculture level: 3
Marine level: 1
Political level: 1
Army strength: 2
Main God: Freyr
Avalible units: Miner, simple hammer unit
Mythology units: Giant
Wood: 25
Food: 60
Gold: 60
People: 100
War units: 0
Boats: 1
Tradable civilizations: Rome, Greek, Egyptians
Tradable items: Food, gold, wood, research
Trade Boats: 1
Current Trade: None

I think since the Greek was eager to start trading I'll ask him if he wants to open a trade route.
And, um, since Freyr is my main god, can I built a Freyr statue instead of Thor? But I'll build a statue anyway, you say which god.

2,752 posts

Civilization Name: The Elite
Civilization Class: Greeks
Certain Colonization points: Athens, Greece.
Civilization Perks: Trade Routes (multi use perk, can trade recourses with other civiizations)
Mythology powers: Owl Swarm (war power: Athena sends a swarm of owls at enemy units.)
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 2
Agriculture level: 3
Marine level: 1
Political level: 1
Army strength: 1
Main Goddess: Athena
Food: 50
Population: 100
Wood: 30
Gold: 50
War Units: 0
Boats: 1
Tradable civilizations: Rome, Vikings and Egyptians.
Tradable items: food, wood, gold, and research.
Trade boats: 1
Current trade: None
The Wheel: 50 Wood
Irrigation: 20 wood, 50 food

First, I would like to build the Parthenon.
Then, I would like to research Irrigation.
Last, but not least...

I think since the Greek was eager to start trading I'll ask him if he wants to open a trade route.

You are right to think that. I do want to start a trade route with you, Nattford civilization. Waiting for your offer.
1,328 posts

Civilization Name: Rome 3000
Civilization Class:Romans
Certain Colonization points*: Rome, Italy; Belgum, Germany
Civilization Perks: Stradegy (war perk, can design certain types of attaks.)
Mythology powers: Rain of Fire (war power, sends a shower of boiling water on enemy units)
Mythological level: 1
Technology level: 4
Agriculture level: 2
Political level: 4
Army strength: 3
Main God: Mars
Technology Research:
The Wheel: 50 wood
Gallery (war boat): 100 wood, 10 gold
Catapult: 200 wood
Balista: 150 wood
Chariot: 20 wood
Paladin: 150 gold, 200 food
Avalible units: Gladiator, Archer, Horseman, spearman, and Knight.
Avalible Mythology units: Taurus(angry bull)
Government type: Simple Government
Democrats: 4
Liberties: 2
Republics: 5
Food: 250
Wood: 50
People: 350
Gold: 10
Boats: 0
War Units: 12

I declare war on Greece

8,256 posts

You are right to think that. I do want to start a trade route with you, Nattford civilization. Waiting for your offer.

Well, I don't have a lot of wood and no research up to now. I can give you food or gold, though you have some of that too. What do you say?
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