ok so its rock paper siccors,but you can use anythingexamplerocklava beats rockwater beats lava,and so onil start,wood
Laser deflected by a mirrorthis is rather fun
Hammer shatters the mirror.Now, how the heck would you defeat a hammer?
nuke destroys the hammer.and yes, i was far enough a way not to die
SAM hits the nukes before it strikes.
chaos control resets the universe.(memes are no fun.)rock.
(Wait, what meme?)Magma melts rock.Do you even have permission to reset the game? :P
nitrogen freezes magmaha and now i dont think he has the power
Thermite vaporizes nitrogen.Here's the proof: Here
nope. and nukes. that's abit over used. that, and i had no **** clue what a SAM was.anyway, Mythbusters use Thermite.
... a rock tripped the ghostbusters.
a mini gun shoots the rock into billions of piecesi hope you guys like my forum,its my first forum game
bomb squad disarms the C4.
Fukushima > C4
... Rasengan kills the idiot poster.just continue with 'bomb squad', since that was the last legit one it seems, and since it's my own, it's redundant to beat it.
10 snipers kill bomb squad
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