ok so its rock paper siccors,but you can use anythingexamplerocklava beats rockwater beats lava,and so onil start,wood
^ now THERE is some reasoning.Well, this could get repetitive, so.. intelligence pwns stupidity
No They SUPPORT intelligence. lets just count our posts as the same one.
budget cuts fire teachers MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
coupons save enough money 4 the budgets
lazy people don't cut out the coupons.
Lazy people are beaten by active people.
A gallon of pure water drowns dehydration.
one's bladder removes that water.
#2 beats #1
A rock smashes the knife (well, knives may be sturdier than scissors, but still...).
sword slice's paper
double sword slices swordspam spam spam is that all you people do?
bowman snipes the person wielding the sword. ^.^
armor stops the bullet
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