ok so its rock paper siccors,but you can use anythingexamplerocklava beats rockwater beats lava,and so onil start,wood
rasengan drills through armor.
EMP stops the drills.
nuke stops the EMP! (by blowing it up in mid air)
The Nuke explodes and after the explosion and the smoke, there's nothing left from the Nuke.....So I create Magma!
magama is covered by a gigantique meteor crashing into earth, completely covering the magma spot. It's aright if I join, correct?
magma is cooled during an ensureing ice age from the planet spining away from the sun.
Gravitational pull puts the earth back in place, thus heating the earth and ending the ice age
You can't trow gravity in the dumpsters because you need gravity to trow stuff. And toilets have no strength without gravity. So gravity still wins
the FORCE minipulates gravity (yeah!! )
True, but don't forget that the Jedis controls The Force.
Darth Vader controls the Force and manipulates it.
The emporer shocks darth vader and kills him.
darth vader uses his last breaths to push him off a bridge and he falls into something or other in the deathstar
The emporer comes back as a force ghost(which cant be killed) and haunts luke
Luke summons the Ghostbusters, and they trap the emperor.
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