ok so its rock paper siccors,but you can use anythingexamplerocklava beats rockwater beats lava,and so onil start,wood
Heat gradually melts the avalanche.
Liquid nitrogen negates the heat.
fan blows heat away.
Liquid nitrogen negates the heat
containment unit contains liquid nitrogen!
Short circuit makes the containment unit lose power.
circuit lengthener makes a short circiut longer. (I KNOW THAT A SHORT CIRCUIT IS NOT LITERAL BUT I WAS OUT OF IDEAS OK?)
wire cuters cut circuit
rain rusts wire cutters (quoted esk7)
REALLY hot sun hardens the rusted wire cutters
a steamroller runs over the old wire cutters, crushing them completely
The steamroller runs out of steam,(I know steamrollers don't run on steam, but whatever) and earthquake creates a crevice, causing the steam roller fall through and be completely destroyed by the lava at the bottom,(+10 miles down)
and earthquake
the old wire cutters go down with the steamroller and both melt in the lava.
the gigantic crack seals up with another earthquake
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