ok so its rock paper siccors,but you can use anythingexamplerocklava beats rockwater beats lava,and so onil start,wood
Staypuff steps on teh ghostbusters.
staypuffed guy gets eaten by hungry seagulls
hungry seagulls get eaten by Foren Vores
Chuck Norris stares Foren Vores to death.
Mr. Rogers' in his lovely red sweater beats Chuck with overwhelming cheerfulness.
Chuck Norris
Evil gnomes spill cran berry juice all over mr. Rogers' red sweater
Darth, your avatar looks like some Chinese Pedophile, he takes out all the evil gnomes by 'edophiling' them!
the chinese pedophile eats some deadly rat poison and goes to the hospital, where they do a background check, and then is sent to prison.
The Pedophile is in prison, so my Dancing French Cat can rob all banks!
A dog chases the cat out of the banks
a bear eats the dog chasing the cat
A hunter shoots the bear with a shotgun.
a lion eats the hunter (i know,its lame)
A tiger kills the lion, having an advantage due to the element of surprise (the lion was too busy having lunch).
avalanche kills tiger (kaSPLAT!)
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