Posted April 17, '11 11:56pm UTC
Game Title says it all. What would be the one thing you would do if you were a Moderator. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Rules A person needs to say one thing he would do if he/she was a moderator. Then, the below user rates the above user's post depending on how awesome his wish was, and then the below user posts a wish. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Example Person 1: If I was a Moderator, I would remove all accounts that are innactive for 60 days. Person 2: That's a great wish, 9/10! If I was a Moderator, I would make much contests for merits. Person 3: I like it! 6/10 If I was a Moderator, I would ban everyone except my friends. Person 4: That's very bad and pointless idea... 1/10 If I was a Moderator I would make achievements on the site. Person 5: THAT'S EPIC! 10/10 If I was a Moderator, I would create more armatars. And so on... Let's go, I start.