A person needs to say one thing he would do if he/she was a moderator. Then, the below user rates the above user's post depending on how awesome his wish was, and then the below user posts a wish.
Tools such as a garbage can next to posts on forums, a lock option, a delete thread option. Then on user pages probably seeing a ban option, maybe being able to look at some other things as well. Dunno.
0/10. He's already banned, master.
If I was a Moderator then I would look for merit worthy comments.
If I was a moderator, I would ban every single member on the site and DESTROY the forums. I would post pictures of the highest quality gore and scat and nobody would stop me because I would have banned all the administrators and the other moderators. I would run this site to the ground. If only I was a moderator...
If I was a moderator, every decisive action I would take would include a picture. If I was locking, a picture. Stickying, a picture. Telling people to not troll the guy that doesn't know any better? Picture. Reminding people how foolish they are by not looking at the stickies that require CONSTANT attention, because they are highly emotional, attention-needing kittens? Picture.
If i was a mod i would use my influence with the site developers to get them to make an edit and delete button and the creator of the topic has the ability to delete posts in it.
0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001/10 If I was a mod,I would make a link to a program for flash game making and ad a nice tutorial to the homepage.