You wake up in a circular room, a energy sheild of a door infront of you, a blanket on the ground. You look around, the walls, celling, it all looks
You instantly know it, your on an alien ship, and you must escape. You spot 2 adolecent sized aliens in a white space suit with a oval glass helmet near your "door" to your cell. ----------------------------------------------------------
^ Story | Instructions | v
In this game, you are a captive of the aliens, you must traverse the ship and attempt escape. Be prepared to go through experiments, abominations, robots, and a whole lot of aliens on this adventure. Will you kill them all and crash the ship back onto earth? Steal a flying saucer and fly there? Or maybe take an escape pod? ITS YOUR CHOICE!
In this game, you have an inventory of items, but other then that, you dont have skills or attack bounuses, you just head around trying to survive as i give you the reasponse to your actions.
Name: Age: 20-50 Inventroy:
ITS THAT SIMPLE! I read the makeing an rp and makeing an rpg things, and i also heard somewhere people like small charecter sheets, but they still tell whats going on. I hope people join this, and that you have fun if you do!
No, and nothing happens. Ill give you a hint, the aliens have poor eye site, and they will panic if they THINK you escaped. And, the grey blanket is the EXACT color of the wall. So, hideing against the wall with the blanket sheilding you...They would rush in and look for you, disabling the door
That's not a hint, that's the solution . A hint would have been you mentioning the size of the blanket, saying it would be large enough to cover my whole body. Although I do appreciate the help. Oh, and perhaps I should be more explicit in the future, as well. When I said "I'm quite desperate", I didn't mean it literally; I was referring to my character in-game. Although there is an RPG maker who can get me desperate in only a couple of pages' "time", you are nowhere near him in that matter .
So, yeah, I would say what I would do next, but you did that for me already.
You are running, find a big red button, instincivly hit it, and the 2 aliens are traped inside, You then see a "teleporter" with 5 different levels to go to. Barracks, Pirson(greyed out), Lab, Captians qaurters, or Bridge(out of order)
Name: Isaac Franks Age: 28 Inventory:
You wake up in a lab, your stomach open, and several aliens disecting your insides, whilst you see a machine pluged into you via tubes provideing life support so you dont die when they remove organs.
You are about to lob it, when you relize you are not in a hall way, however, you notice fleas jumping off the rat and biteing you, the aliens look at you wide eyed as boils come on to your skin, and you look like you are rotting, soon your cell is quariantined, anything you touch is then draped in cloth.
Name: Isaac Franks Age: 28 Inventory:
You notice one alien purposely poke your stomach to the point of you throwing up, and are then left in an unattened room with a regular door, chest open, throw up still there, and you look past the draps around you to see 2 skeletons in similar positions. You also notice your liver missing.
It emits a slight shock to your hand, but a hard covering has formed there, giveing you a "rock skin" kinda look, and the shock doesnt do much. The laser gate shorts out soon. You see bio hazard signs all over the floor outside, torn cloth, dead aliens mutated beyond savior, and an elevator to the other cell blocks listed: Cell block 78, Cell block 90, Cell block 666 The rest of the cells are listed as "comprimised" and have a bio hazard symbol locked over the number.
Not to the originall infected, they become carriers if they contract it form the fleas, but if you contract it from something else, death is a definate.
You go up and the elevator music is the equivlent of jazz for aliens. In the cell(each cell "block" is actully only one cell) you see a octopus, as an odd white color, and it has tubes connected to the ink sack, and you see some notes on a desk and a vial of white liquid. It becomes clear as you look through the notes(written in english, strangly) that the octopus was being used to create a vaccine. The liquid in the vial could be anything from the finished product to a virus to kill all things infected.
Its the kind of cure the goverment would turn into a gas and dump over citys KILLING all the infected, not cureing, but killing. SO when i said kill all infected that drinks it, i mean IF IT DOES THAT it would be a "This will kill me"