Arthur Vasco
Energy: 250/250
Woah...easy, no hidden cheating
) It's 220/250, check it back again if you didn't see that, oyu used Hypnotize once, mana, energy and abilities can be used off-battle too...
Name: Arthur Vasco
Gender: Male
Class: Illusionist
Level: 1
Experience: 0/100
Health: 500/500
Energy: 250/250
Power: 15
Spell: 30
Precision: 25
Damage: 8
Main Hand: Knife (No Bonuses)
Off Hand: Nothing
Armor: Trainer's Leather (No Bonuses)
Inventory: None
Gold: 3000
-Children...(Find the poor man's child)(Reward: 100 Exp, Some Item)
-Judgement (Steal the Holy Tome)(Reward: 100 Exp, Entrance to Thieves Guild)
Objectives Completed: 0
Objectives Failed: 0
-Hypnotize (Stun your enemy for one turn)(Energy Cost: 30)
You can do Hypnotize again, but this time they are too much, the hypnotize will work but they will regain consciousness in less than a second. You ask "OK, I give up. What must I do to join the guild then?". The leaders tells you everything, and the final thing is that you must steal a Holy Tome from the Church. What do you do now? The Church is east, some monsters are west, strange light comes from the North, but the very far north.
A) East
B) West
C) North
D) Come up with your own plan...
Name: Talow Rosine
Gender: Male
Class: Dragonborn
Mastery: Path of the Fire Dragon
Level: 2
Experience: 150/200
Health: 198/600
Energy: 150/350
Power: 50
Spell: 15
Precision: 15
Damage: 25
Main Hand: Knife (No Bonuses)
Off Hand: Nothing
Armor: Trainer's Leather (No Bonuses)
Inventory: None
Gold: 2715
-All Roads lead to... (Follow the road until you reach the Village)
Objectives Completed: 1
Objectives Failed: 0
-Improved Firebreath: 100 damage with on going damage of half prev round. (Energy Cost: 50)
You ask around the small village for a doctor. Then a villager tells you that there is no doctor here, but an amateur alchemist who makes potions that cure wounds and pain. He's not too far from here...
A) Go to the Alchemist
B) Ask Around for more
C) Explore the Village (since it's small)
Name: Henry Raz
Gender: Male
Class: Conjurer
Mastery: Path of the Summoner
Level: 2
Experience: 0/200
Health: 600/600
Energy: 350/350
Power: 30
Spell: 40
Precision: 10
Damage: 16
Main Hand: Knife (No Bonuses)
Off Hand: Nothing
Armor: Trainer's Leather (No Bonuses)
Inventory: None
Gold: 3000
-The Hive Cluster (Reach the Hive that is summoning the Monsters and find a way to destroy it)(Reward: 200 Exp, Magical Armor)
Objectives Completed: 0
Objectives Failed: 0
-Summon Skeleton (Health:350/350)(Damage:40)(Energy Cost: 100)
-----Skeleton Ability: Taunt (Taunts the enemy to attack the Skeleton)(No Energy Cost)
-Summon Cyclops (Health:950/950)(Damage:40)(Energy Cost:200)
-----Cyclops Ability: Stoneskin (Increases your and cyclops' max health by 100 in beginning of the battle)(No Energy Cost)
You go east to fight some creatures, and a goblin instantly shows up. As you approach to attacks he yells "Wait! Don't kill me! I got something for you. I'll give it to you" Then he shows you an item ((Theurgist's Staff)(+10 Spell, -5 Power)).
A) What do you do?