hi you guys, and if you're wondering, i felt like running a CTO spinoff, so i did. if you're wondering, this would kinda be like a boss rush version of CTO, where you're only fighting bosses for most of the game, unless you need to do something first. before you complain, i got Kylelolcat's permission, and now with out farther ado, on with first objective.
Current Objective: Defeat Sonny and Veradux. Enemies Hp: Sonny 5000/5000, Veradux 4000/4000 Enemies Status: None Damaged: None Critical: None Dead: None Status: None Trapped in Time(banned): None
Current Objective: Kill Chuck Norris Enemies Hp:Chuck Norris: 43500/50000 Enemies Status: Resistances: Weaknesses: Allies: Bruce Lee Clone: 3550/5000, Damaged:Spartandestroyer Critical: Riptizoid Dead: GoldEmerald Status: Everyone: tornado(all projectile attacks get sucked towards the torado) Annoying(Warning): Tom Trapped in Time(banned): None
@DarthNerd: you do no damage, because it's not sunny.
@spartandestroyer: *cellphone suddenly gets hit with a chaos spear*
@darkfire45: you start up a tornado. it's not doing damage.
@rick: you bring in Rex... the 10 inch tall action figure.
Bruce lee somehow soul punches Chuck norris, dealing 500 damage. chuck norris replies with a round house kick, dealing 750. (normally a instant kill, but considering Bruce lee is somewhat of a meme like chuck norris....)
Since i haven't replied in a long time i must be in the hospital going from critical to damaged so anyways, I get out a flame thrower with full gas and ignition so it works, and start burning Chuck Norris!