Don't worry Dibs, I still have your sheet. Here is everyone's sheets, just in case.
Name: Belneiros Urthadar
Player: Dragon
Age: 33
Sex: M
Looks: Savage, but kind. His features have long been hardened and marred by his battles.
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Alignment: Neutral Good
Level: 9
Experience: 5,963/36,000
Hit Points: 98/107
Str: 16
Con: 18
Dex: 15
Int: 10
Wis: 15
Cha: 14
Fort: +10
Ref: +5
Will: +5
BAB: +9/+4
Attack: +12/+7
Damage: +1 Thundering Greatsword (2d6+5, +1d8 critical, 19-20 crit range)
AC: 15
Features: Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Rage 3/day, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +3, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Damage Reduction 1/-
Feats: Run, Endurance, Diehard, Blind-Fight, Track
Skills: Climb 12, Survival 12, Listen 12, Jump 12, Swim 12.
Languages: Common (spoken only)
Equipment: Masterwork Studded Leather Armor, +1 Thundering Greatsword, Glim-Gauntlet, Mysterious Gemstone, Blackflame[Longsword 1d8, +1/+4 against undead], Heavy Mace[1d8], Halberd[1d10], Bits of Wyvern Tail[2], Mysterious Ring.
GP: 24.
Name: Free.
Age: 203
Gender: Male.
Description: TBD
Race: Qualinesti Elf
Class: Monk/Drunken master
Level: 5/4
Level Equivalency:9
Alignment: LG
Deity: None.
Languages: Elven, Common, Sylvan.
Experience: 6,363/36,000
Str: 15
Dex: 20
Con: 13
Int: 13
Wis: 18
Fort Save:12
Ref Save: 13
Will Save: 9
Hit Points: 77/80.
Attack Bonus:8
Damage Bonus:2
Base Attack Bonus:6
AC: 20
Clothing: Simple monk clothing.
Off Hand: Flask
Primary Hand: Skeleton arm.
Miscellaneous: Horn of blasting, Daughter of Selune's Holy Symbol, Incomplete Potion of Undead Control, Beer[3/3].
GP: 0
Feats: Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
Class Feats: Monk:
AC Bonus for Wisdom
AC Bonus for level (begins level 5)
Flurry of Blows
Unarmed Strike
Fast Movement (already included)
Evasion (level 2)
Fast Movement (level 3)
Still Mind level 3)
Ki Strike (level 4)
Slow Fall (level 4)
Purity of Body (level 5)
Drunken Master: Drink like a demon, improved improvised weapons, Stagger, swaying waist.
Skills: Tumble, escape artist, Hide, Move silently, Spot.
Name:Carl Randor
Looks:5'0, green eyes, black hair, thin frame
Alignment:Neutral Good
Level Equivalency:9
Experience: 1,100/36,000.
Str 8(-1)
Dex 16(3)
Con 10(0)
Int 10(0)
Wis 17(3)
Cha 18(4)
Hit points: 48/48
Attack:+7/2(+10/5 or +8/8/3 ranged)
Damage:1-8(+1 Elven Thinblade), 1-8-1 +1-6 fire and +1-6 electricity (Fire Shock Comp. Longbow)
AC:20 (Mithril Breastplate)
Features:Immunity to sleep, Low-light vision, +1 to Listen, Spot, and Search, +2 to Gather Information and Diplomacy, Elven Blood, Animal Companion, nature sense, wild empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist nature's lure, Wild Shape (1/day), favored enemy (Undead), Archery style, Endurance
Feats:Natural Bond, Natural Spell, Negotiator, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Track
Skillsiplomacy 22, Gather Information 17, Handle Animal 7, Knowledge(nature) 14, Sense Motive 16, Survival 6
Equipment:Amulet of Natural Armor +2, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Periapt of Wisdom +2, and Adventurer' Kit
Spells:Ranger- 1(1),Druid- 5(0), 5(1), 4(2), 2(3)
Spells Prepared:
Ranger 1- Entangle
Druid 0- Cure Minor Wounds (x2), Create Water, Detect Poison, Purify Food/Water, Read Mgic
Druid 1- Cure Light Wounds (x3), Produce Flame(x2)
Druid 2- Barkskin, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere, Spider Climb
Druid 3- Cure Moderate Wounds, Call Lightning
--------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Rafel Soulsbane.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Description: Skinny and tall(about 6'1), blue eyes, pale skin, ash blonde hair slicked back.
Class: Cleric/Wizard/Mystic Theurge
Level: Cleric[3]/Wizard[3]/Mystic Theurge[3]
Level Equivalency: 9.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Deity: Deneir.
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Giant, Infernal.
Experience: 6,363/36,000
Str: 10
Dex: 10
Con: 11
Int: 18
Wis: 18
Cha: 15
Fort Save: +4
Ref Save: +2
Will Save: +10
Hit Points: 39/39.
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: +0
AC: 13.
Clothing: Scholar's Outfit, Bracers of Armor +3.
Weapon: Holy Heavy Flail[1d10, +2d6 against evil]
Unequipped: Mstwk Composite Bow[1d8].
Miscellaneous: Adventurer's Kit[Bedroll, 2 weeks rations, bullseye lantern, 20 ft hempen rope], Silver Holy Symbol, Tent, Holy Water[3 flasks], Scroll of Stone Tell.
Transportation: Light Warhorse[w/military saddle].
GP: 5,350
Feats: Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Extra Turning, Eschew Materials, Improved Counterspell.
Class Feats: Summon Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Turn Undead, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Armor Proficiency[Light, Medium, Heavy], Shield Proficiency.
Skills: Concentration[6], Decipher Script[6], Knowledge[Arcana, 6], Knowledge[Architecture/Engineering, 6], Knowledge[Dungeoneering, 6], Knowledge[Geography, 6], Knowledge[History, 6], Knowledge[Local, 6], Knowledge[Nature, 6], Knowledge[Nobility/Royalty, 6], Knowledge[Religion, 6], Knowledge[The Planes, 6], Spellcraft[6], Use Magic Device[6].
Synergy: +2 to Search checks for Secret Doors/Hidden Compartments, +2 to Survival checks for avoiding natural hazards/getting lost, Gather Information[+2], +2 bonus on Survival checks made aboveground, Diplomacy[+2], +2 to checks for turning undead, +2 on Survival checks made on other planes, +2 on Survival checks made underground, +2 on Spellcraft checks, +2 on Use Magic Device checks using scrolls.
Spells: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Purify Food/Drink, Resistance, Light, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil/Good/Chaos/Law, Comprehend Languages, Sanctuary, Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold Person, Zone of Truth, Remove Disease, Cure Serious Wounds, Searing Light, Read Magic, Message, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Identify, Detect Secret Doors, Mage Armor, Mirror Image, Alter Self, Detect Thoughts, Summon Monster III, Fireball.
Below belongs to Bel, carried by entire party.
8 Leather Armor
1 Plate Mail
1 Heavy Steel Shield
Mordemar[Sword +1/+2 against undead]
2 Shortswords
1 Longsword
1 Halberd
1 Morningstar