Credit to SonicHeroes65 for the idea ------------------------------------- In this game your main goal is to defeat the enemies Enigma(me) sends out. They progressively go farther in hp the more bosses there are. Most of these will be based off of games. Dont go whining to me that youre banned I dont care if youre banned, youre banned.
First Boss
Sushi Cat(Extremely Fat) 3500/3500
Injuries: Crippled: Critical: Dead(cant play till next boss): Burnt(warned) Forever Dead:
Injuries:ZombieFreak77, Riptizoid101 Crippled: Critical: Dead(cant play till next boss): Burnt(warned) Forever Dead:
ZombieFreak77@ it works but somehow he wears off the aids 250 damage
Riptizoid101@When he falls he bounces back up due to the fat and when you jump on him hes getting up so you fly far back, but FACEPLANT! did 200 damage
spartandestroyer@ you learned from ZombieFreak77 heh > anyways it burns sushi cat for 10 seconds 320 damage