Credit to SonicHeroes65 for the idea ------------------------------------- In this game your main goal is to defeat the enemies Enigma(me) sends out. They progressively go farther in hp the more bosses there are. Most of these will be based off of games. Dont go whining to me that youre banned I dont care if youre banned, youre banned.
First Boss
Sushi Cat(Extremely Fat) 3500/3500
Injuries: Crippled: Critical: Dead(cant play till next boss): Burnt(warned) Forever Dead:
i pull out the machinegun bow (currently have 1024 arrows loaded) and fire it. if you dont know what that is then go get minecraft and make a bow and a lot of arrows and hold down the right mouse button.
Injuries: Crippled:spartandestroyer Critical: Dead(cant play till next boss): Burnt(warned) Forever Dead:
sonicheroes95@ it does 500 damage sadly since your just altering one of his attacks
armor boy@ I got confused so 700 damage
spartandestroyer@ that is amazing anyways you launch a volley of arrows at him it does 1020 damage the other 4 back fire and hit you(somehow)
Denchot@ since we havent made a console or system that gives you 2 screens for the game instead of 1 screen for other stuff and the other for the game. So only takes up 1 screen does 900 dmg
I drop him in a pool of lava which flows into a room covered in spikes tipped with neurotoxin and acid so extremely acidic that it burns skin. Nostalgic eh?
i make a character in runescape (you probebly dont know what it is if not its a game that in it we can do almost everything mining fighting ...)
i make the charecter lv 126 the last lv in runescape i buy him a armadyl armor set (one of the strongest and expensivest in game more than 200.000.000 each part !!!)and i buy a god sword its very strong in runescape !!! and its one of the expensivest and strongest again !!
then i make the charecter real he will attack mario !!!!
Denchot@ since we havent made a console or system that gives you 2 screens for the game instead of 1 screen for other stuff and the other for the game. So only takes up 1 screen does 900 dmg
I meant it goes off screen.
I throw a false star near him that its pathway leads right to spikes.
Injuries:Zyba Crippled: Critical:spartandestroyer Dead(cant play till next boss): Burnt(warned) Forever Dead:
Zyba(Injured)@ Before you grabbed him he was struggling so he hit you a few times. Plus that move was used 4 times in this game already so only 300 dmg
armorboy@ for some reason mario gets a metal block out of nowhere and turns into metal. The god sword somehow breaks against his head but does 900 damage
Denchot@ He sees its a fake star but still follows it believing it leads to treasure does 700 dmg
spartandestroyer(critical)@ not sure what that is but he is now confused and starts attacking randomly does 500 dmg to himself but since youre tired from running around so much you were an easy target
metal huh.... well then... *Takes out Skyward Dragon, automanically activating Sonic Arts* lets show him the true meaning of speed. *uses an either on myself to activate clock level 4, activating Brick wall, attack haste and All critical.* PREPARE TO LOSE IT ALL! *quickly unleashes a light speed combo on mario that can't be interupted do to brick wall, and always critical do to all critical, before finally activating clock level Max* Time's up! *uses Zone of Ruin to finish off my endless combo, setting my clock level to one, deactivating everything but Sonic Arts*