Credit to SonicHeroes65 for the idea ------------------------------------- In this game your main goal is to defeat the enemies Enigma(me) sends out. They progressively go farther in hp the more bosses there are. Most of these will be based off of games. Dont go whining to me that youre banned I dont care if youre banned, youre banned.
First Boss
Sushi Cat(Extremely Fat) 3500/3500
Injuries: Crippled: Critical: Dead(cant play till next boss): Burnt(warned) Forever Dead:
Zyba, i delt infinite damage appearently. *looks at the infinity symbol that appeared above Mario's head when i nailed it with my sword, before it finally vanishes*
hmm... *takes out Zero/One, gets clock level 4(triggered abilities: brick wall, all critical, targeting scope) and just while standing 50 ft away from the elephant, combos the air while facing the elephant, targetting scope causing the target to get hit anyway.*
Injuries: Crippled: Critical: Dead(cant play till next boss): Burnt(warned) Forever Dead:
Zyba@ Mr. Elephant gets his miniphants to help him out of there by shooting their lazers around him and then because he escaped without you realizing it you burn tthe mice with rabies
sonicheroes95@ I is now confused. ME NO SPEAKEY YOUR LAUNGUAGE! 800 damage
I can't use spikes so... I shall summon the dragons and attack! Breathe fire upon the blue elephant, Drop them from the highest point of the sky (into spikes).
fine, i'll go back to chaos control. but first. *Takes out only Skyward dragon, and slashes Elephant 10 times at speeds fast then light, then walks away as the slashes happens a few seconds latter* Stop raid is fun.
Mr. Elephant 3400/5750 Ally:Zombie sushi cat 3200/5750
Injuries:Zyba Crippled:spartandestroyer Critical: Dead(cant play till next boss): Burnt(warned) Forever Dead:
Zyba@ man what is with you and spikes but fine does 500 damage for the fire but he somehow deflects some of it on to you and then 300 damage for the fall into the spikes
sonicheroes95@ He says and then splits into two pieces(never knew huh) hp reduced by half and the other half becomes sushi cat
spartandestroyerthe mini phants are destroyed but not before taking down one cannon then sushi cat takes down the other after being shot like 10 times the slashes from the sword 800 damage to elephant and the shots do 1000 damage to sushi cat but then they both smack you against the wall [b]you break an arm and your nose
now let me show you just what i'm made of! *focuses, then turns completely black, losing both keyblades. starts off a light speed combo on the sushi cat and elephant combo, before ending the assault with a high speed finisher, a burst of dark energy, and another high speed combo finisher, before getting back on the ground on all 4s*
ATTENTION! there is now going to be quarter bosses which are bosses that werent planned till now
and theyre going to be based on people who have accounts here on armor games not adminstrator or moderators.go on my page and ask and Ill consider it but it also means you have to fight other players as a boss
I rally up a bunch poachers, loading them and me with tranquilizers and armor piercers(armor piercing guns). We shoot a round of tranquilizers at Mr. Elephant and Sushi Cat. Then, we shoot several clips of armor pierces at the previously mentioned characters.