ForumsWEPRWhat type of Government do YOU believe is right?

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79 posts

This is just curiosity and so people can talk about how they feel about the government of their country or what government they believe is right.
Personally, I believe in a small government where the government hardly does anything to affect your life, but people just don't care nowadays what happens: They just want free stuff, like money, food to make them fatter, other free junk from what the government 'romises' also known as 'lies' and the government has just controlled people.
So, I believe in a small, democratic government that won't control your daily life. That would include Capitalism as well.

  • 221 Replies
13 posts

A Truely Nationalist state is the way to go, unlike Capitalism (which is essientially Fascism and Fascism is essientially Corporatism) or Communism (which is fundamentally flawed) and other Constructs of governance Nationalism is a Natural construct that arises when people of a similar Racial group come together.

Nationalism puts the interests of the Native population first and the state is there to service our interests, as you can tell Nationalism leans towards true Anarchism and Proto-Socialism.

13 posts

Also Nationalism is essientially Distributionism, Neutralism and Localism and is similar to Proto-Socialism.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I do hope you are just a troll, for the sake of a multicultural society.

And just to let you know, being Nationalist or Capitalist or Fascist is not mutually exclusive. Also, Fascism is NOT Capitalism. Corporatism is not Capitalism.

13 posts

I am not a troll, so tell me, whats Fascism?

Well it's essientially big state and corporations (or labour) working hand-in-hand with eachother for the sole benefit of the state.

In a Fascist state big state comes first not the people.

So Nationalism is in effect polar opposite to Fascism, Capitalism is flawed, the state would be run for the benefit of a few wealthy elites.

13 posts

Multiculturalism only brings violance, social fracture, economic collapse and a host of other banes.

Tell Multiculturalism to the Serbs, they have been destroyed by NATO because of the Albanians terrorising the Serbian populations who decided to fight back.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Multiculturalism only brings violance, social fracture, economic collapse and a host of other banes.

Personally, I beg to differ. Nationalism brings social fracture. In Nationalism there is "us" and there is "them". One particular group of persons is considered superior, its a so-called master race.
Now, I am not supporting the notion that Multiculturalism is perfect, that in multicultural societies everything is coming up roses, because yes, there is some times violence and social fracture in said societies. But the cause of these acts of violence is -exactly- Ethnocentrism (or Supernationalism), unjustness and lack of acceptance of cultural diversity.
Nationalism is the agent behind the problems you see in multicultural societies, hence more nationalism won't -probably- magically fix them.
Also, an other problem -in my opinion- with Nationalism is the fact that -generally- racial, cultural or ethnic groups are hard to define, most of them are vague and unsound. In Nationalism you have a person (or group of persons) who decide arbitrary and uncontrolled what constitutes a nation. In my book, this indicates that the state is run (or abused) for the benefit of a few elites.
5,061 posts

If we're going for an ideal world, then I'm all for a Marxist government, don't lump that in with Communism, none of that core group of leaders drivel, I mean really and truly a democracy. Because in an ideal world it would be possible.

If we're talking about the real world, then I'm in the Democratic-Socialist range, although I'm still of the opinion that military service ought to be compulsory for all adults.

13 posts

You mean Cultural Marxism when speaking about Marxism.

all of these man-made constructs are fundamentally flawed.

By god the only natural type of governance is Nationalism.

13 posts

Personally, I beg to differ. Nationalism brings social fracture. In Nationalism there is "us" and there is "them". One particular group of persons is considered superior, its a so-called master race.
Now, I am not supporting the notion that Multiculturalism is perfect, that in multicultural societies everything is coming up roses, because yes, there is some times violence and social fracture in said societies. But the cause of these acts of violence is -exactly- Ethnocentrism (or Supernationalism), unjustness and lack of acceptance of cultural diversity.
Nationalism is the agent behind the problems you see in multicultural societies, hence more nationalism won't -probably- magically fix them.
Also, an other problem -in my opinion- with Nationalism is the fact that -generally- racial, cultural or ethnic groups are hard to define, most of them are vague and unsound. In Nationalism you have a person (or group of persons) who decide arbitrary and uncontrolled what constitutes a nation. In my book, this indicates that the state is run (or abused) for the benefit of a few elites.

Not to be rude but that is a load of drivel, "Masterrace"? There is no master races, just that there are unique peoples in the world, Europeans and Africans don't share the same Haplon group.

I believe in Global diversity, every nation has a right t it's own people, culture and way of governance.

If you havea Multi-cult world you have no Diversity.

It will be,

One race,
One Culture (well no culture)
One Government

It is 'Us' and 'them', Nationalism saved Europe from WW1 and WW2, a truely Nationalistic state would not allow for a few elites to run the show as the state is Lawful (note, this is different from Legal).
105 posts

I think that everyone should be Socialist.

787 posts

I personally almost fully agree with the way my countries government works. I am from Canada. It is near perfect except for the fact that almost every party is out only for themselves and re-election.

I know that some people are thinking that it's wrong or communist because we have free healthcare. That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. Really? Is it wrong to have an average lifespan three years higher than that of an american?

I'm getting to far from the point, sorry. Another problem with my government is that there is such thing as a majority govenment. Where the government can do whatever they feel like if they have 50% or more of the eligible ridings.

I personnally think that the government should only be able to hold 35% max, and the population votes about something. Ending in that if a well unified nation's 65% can automatically overthrow any bad governmental ideas.
*cough* Kyoto protocol *cough*

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, i.e. a nation.

It is not a way of governing. And in fact, as opposed to you saying nationalism and Fascism are polar opposites, Nationalism is in fact an integral part of what a Fascist is.

In fact, Fascism is in a nutshell, a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.

Fascists supported the unifying of proletarian workers to their cause along corporatistic, socialistic, or syndicalistic lines, promoting the creation of a strong proletarian nation, but not a proletarian class, through a revolution, and most preferably a youth based one.

Capitalism is flawed, the state would be run for the benefit of a few wealthy elites.

Capitalism is an economic system that became dominant in the Western world following the demise of feudalism. It is in no way a governmental ideology. A state can be capitalist, but also a totalitarian state, a democracy, a theocracy, a plutocracy etc. There is general agreement that elements of capitalism include private ownership of the means of production, creation of goods or services for profit or income, the accumulation of capital, competitive markets, voluntary exchange, and wage labor.
This does not necessarily lead to a few fat cats running the country.

Multiculturalism only brings violance, social fracture, economic collapse and a host of other banes.

Look up Singapore. Multiculturalism works. In fact, nationalism often does the above you mentioned, by creating an ''Us And Them'' mentality.

It is 'Us' and 'them', Nationalism saved Europe from WW1 and WW2, a truely Nationalistic state would not allow for a few elites to run the show as the state is Lawful (note, this is different from Legal).

No, it caused it. Recall the full Name of the Nazi. National Socialist Party. They aimed at German Nationalism, the superior position of Aryans over other races and hence viewed it as their right to take over land for Lebensraum.

I suggest you understand what in the world is a multicultural society before even posting further.

Multiculturalism is the appreciation, acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures, applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place, usually at the organizational level.

Nationalism on the other hand, aims to cultivate a SINGLE image for a nation, usually based on ethnicity, race, religion, culture, etc. In effect, Nationalism NOT Multiculturalism causes no diversity.

a truely Nationalistic state would not allow for a few elites to run the show as the state is Lawful

As above, Nationalism IS NOT a way to run a government, it merely aims to promote a single national identity.

Good grief, someone really has no clue about political philosophy at all.
1,900 posts

I don't believe that any government is right, to make right and instantaneous decisions concerning the world and it's people, a government where there is no poverty, no giant gap between upper and midlle class, no sexism, racism, people taunting other's religion, all religion is right, no war or crimes, and the perfect society is just impossible. There is no "Right" government, you might as well be grasping for a utopia that isn't there.

5,852 posts


585 posts

A democrat is the most fair govenment

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