ForumsWEPRWhat type of Government do YOU believe is right?

221 58831
79 posts

This is just curiosity and so people can talk about how they feel about the government of their country or what government they believe is right.
Personally, I believe in a small government where the government hardly does anything to affect your life, but people just don't care nowadays what happens: They just want free stuff, like money, food to make them fatter, other free junk from what the government 'romises' also known as 'lies' and the government has just controlled people.
So, I believe in a small, democratic government that won't control your daily life. That would include Capitalism as well.

  • 221 Replies
345 posts

I believe the perfect government has yet to be developed, although the U.S. government is as close as the human race has come.

3,817 posts

A democrat is the most fair govenment

Is it? It could easily lead to mob rule, two lions and a lamb arguing over what to eat for dinner and all that.


Capitalism is not a form of government. Unless you are referring to state capitalism?

I believe the perfect government has yet to be developed, although the U.S. government is as close as the human race has come.

And why is that?

I don't believe that any government is right, to make right and instantaneous decisions concerning the world and it's people, a government where there is no poverty, no giant gap between upper and midlle class, no sexism, racism, people taunting other's religion, all religion is right, no war or crimes, and the perfect society is just impossible. There is no "Right" government, you might as well be grasping for a utopia that isn't there.

"Right" doesn't mean prefect, it would be insane to assume that it doses. That would be like saying "Which diet is right for you?" and then flipping out since none of the diets are perfect.
421 posts

Democracy is the best. Communism has shown us through the years that it is wrong, evil, oppressive, and just despicable. However in America, the way things are going, it's not good either.

Down to more specific government, in democracy, Conservatives are good. Liberals, Democr**s, Proggresives... they can all be classified as communists/socialists.

5,552 posts

Democracy is the best.

In your opinion.

Communism has shown us through the years that it is wrong, evil, oppressive, and just despicable.

Read the thread, the past 3 pages in particular. Then you'll see why saying this makes you look like a moron.

in democracy, Conservatives are good

Failzors. In a true democracy (which America is not) there is no "best" party, only the majority.

Liberals, Democr**s, Proggresives... they can all be classified as communists/socialists.

Again, read past 3 pages, learn why your comments are stupid.
4,170 posts

I don't believe there's really a specific government that has the potential and the qualities to satisfy the needs of society entirely. Rather, I beliee that a good government comes from the democratic ideas of the state serving the people and the people runing the state, with the laws and controlling of people ideas of socialism and even some communism. Frankly, a society with rights and privlages brought upon with the "giving up our freedoms for safety" ideas is great.

Rousseau, eat you heart out as you are the first person to strongly believe in this.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Democracy is the best. Communism has shown us through the years that it is wrong, evil, oppressive, and just despicable. However in America, the way things are going, it's not good either.

What you think is Communism, is not Communism.

Conservatives are good.

Hitler was a social conservative. Are we done with dumb, unjustified generalizations?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Is it? It could easily lead to mob rule, two lions and a lamb arguing over what to eat for dinner and all that.

Considering other plausible forms of governments the world has actually seen so far are much less fair, yes. I'm sure you've heard the cliched Churchill quote.

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
4,220 posts

in democracy, Conservatives are good

Conservatism is a relative thing. It's someone who doesn't want to change the status quo or push forward. They like what they have, and are quite neophobic. Please tell me how neophobia is good for anything? It's okay to like how it is, but to demonize any and all economic or social forward thinking is arrogant, pointless, and narcissistic.
8,256 posts

I find it funny and sad how in America 'socialist' is a swearword. Social-ist.

In our country there are some people who want to make the population vote about every single ****. I say pure direct democracy leads to chaos; representative democracy is still the fairest while still being serious. A few specialists simply understand more of certain topics than a pack of uninformed citizen.

100 posts

Monarchy, its the best kind.

408 posts

The best kind of government can depend on where you are in society.
My family has always voted for the conservatives in my country as one of their core beliefs is that hard work should be rewarded which is what my dad did, he hardly had any qualifications but worked hard to work his way up the ladder in many computer software and hardware companies and so he's going to vote for a capitalist party.

Most of may vote for a socialist Government as they may be struggling at the moment an will get a better deal with that kind of Government.

Because I'm going to University and will probably get a decent job I have to go to the more capitalist Government as I can't stand the idea of a nuclear physicist and a bus driver getting similar pay especially as the nuclear physicist would have paid a lot towards University fees.

I also like monarchy as well but instead of having full power the monarchy should be more of a symbol of a nation than ruling the country on their own which is what happens in the UK, in fact not many people know what the Queen does.

3,817 posts

The best kind of government can depend on where you are in society.
My family has always voted for the conservatives in my country as one of their core beliefs is that hard work should be rewarded which is what my dad did, he hardly had any qualifications but worked hard to work his way up the ladder in many computer software and hardware companies and so he's going to vote for a capitalist party.

Most of may vote for a socialist Government as they may be struggling at the moment an will get a better deal with that kind of Government

Wait. Your saying that the best government (Actually economic system. You didn't say anything about forms of government) is the one that gets you the most money? The rich choose capitalism because it lets them keep their riches, and the best for the poor is socialism because it lets them take other people's riches? Which is the best for both?

Because I'm going to University and will probably get a decent job I have to go to the more capitalist Government as I can't stand the idea of a nuclear physicist and a bus driver getting similar pay especially as the nuclear physicist would have paid a lot towards University fees.

....In a socialist government, a total socialist government, why did the physicist pay for the university? In a total socialist government, he would get in for free.

And why is it so bad that both get similar pay? Both their jobs are necessary for a nation to function and prosper, and are they not equal as humans? Why should one get payed more then the other?

I also like monarchy as well but instead of having full power the monarchy should be more of a symbol of a nation than ruling the country on their own which is what happens in the UK, in fact not many people know what the Queen does.

Why? Having Monarchies is the one government that I can't see any benefit of. There is no reason to ever have a monarchy, and there are tons of better governments out there.
1,606 posts

Here's my liberal two cents worth.

A system is only as god as its leader. You could be an monarchism with a goodass leader, or a federal republic with a Genghis Khan/Gung Ho wannabe. It's all in your political leaders. And, it's all a choice, really. Some people might LIKE having an magnanimous manic man***** stealing all your liberties and money. I'm no social scientist. There's always minority groups.


1,361 posts

A system is only as god as its leader.

But a team is only as good as it's worst player.
And isn't that what a government is? A big team. Constantly at competition with other countries?

I think a government should only maintain what it needs to. As long as everyone works hard and does their part, there's no need for a super leader or large and in charge system.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I think a government should only maintain what it needs to. As long as everyone works hard and does their part, there's no need for a super leader or large and in charge system.

And what has history shown us? Humans almost never fulfil their own part, unless there's someone in charge, with the powers to enforce such practices.
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