ForumsWEPRWhat type of Government do YOU believe is right?

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79 posts

This is just curiosity and so people can talk about how they feel about the government of their country or what government they believe is right.
Personally, I believe in a small government where the government hardly does anything to affect your life, but people just don't care nowadays what happens: They just want free stuff, like money, food to make them fatter, other free junk from what the government 'romises' also known as 'lies' and the government has just controlled people.
So, I believe in a small, democratic government that won't control your daily life. That would include Capitalism as well.

  • 221 Replies
1,606 posts

But a team is only as good as it's worst player

Have you ever played chess? the kin (leader) is the weakest piece, but also the most important. If you had common sense (I ended that forum discussion recently), you would have known that was exactly what I was saying.

And no, not constantly competing, only if the government is fascist or something like that.
479 posts

Chillz, pg 1 this thread. "Everyone knows the best government is exactly what the USA uses, the flexibility of the Constitution permits the country to consistently adapt and evolve without a violent revolution, making the USA always on top when it comes to dealing with the issues of the next modern world."

Except when that government makes laws that clearly violate the Constitution.

But yes, we do have a good government. We just have Sh***y politicians at the moment.
2,150 posts

A government needs only to provide essential functions:

-An economy. People need things, and ways to get things. Most countries use paper and metal notes that are representations of trading precious metals (like gold) in order to receive goods and services.

-jobs. we need a way to get money. Thus jobs. The ammount of money you make should be based upon how much stress- physical or emotional/mental you handle on a daily basis.

-protection. We need to protect the people from external and domestic bad guys. So we have a military, law- making bodies, and police. Also protection from natural forces, and so on.

-health and well- being. We need to make sure people have clean water, access to a hospital if someone is sick or injured (and sick or injured ONLY) without being slammed with extreme health bills.

everything else is really not necessary.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

An economy. People need things, and ways to get things. Most countries use paper and metal notes that are representations of trading precious metals (like gold) in order to receive goods and services.

What you described is not an economy....but just a mode of payment. The government needs to do more than just print money when it comes to economics. I'm opposed to freshwater economists, so you can guess where I stand on this.
4,170 posts

Except when that government makes laws that clearly violate the Constitution.

The Constitution was made to change. The founding fathers added many laws immediately after writing and approving it. Besides, what power should a 230 year old document have today?
784 posts

I don't believe there are any types of government that are right or wrong. If they're run the right way by the right people, any of them could work just fine.

1,361 posts

If you had common sense (I ended that forum discussion recently), you would have known that was exactly what I was saying.

Shut the **** up dude. You provided one example that didn't even disprove what I said.
16 posts

extremely small government get rid of the government agencies and spending lower taxes as well, no property tax either. The government needs to get out of our lives and we need more freedom. Yep im libertarian

325 posts

Glad we're degenerating to cussing at other people who've posted, which is one of, if not the, saddest things that can be done. We're all big and bad at home in front of the computer in our mommie's basement.

I think communism is the truly perfect government. Unfortunately, nobody seems capable of handling it due to greed, corruption, and selfishness. I mean, with communism there is no poor, no rich; everybody is equal. Obviously that'll never happen, so we settle for some kind of democratic government.

Ours is just corruption. It was the ideal government until Washington finished his second term. Then kaplooey.

9,439 posts

I think communism is the truly perfect government.

Communism is an economic and social model, not a form of government. Statelessness is the preferred type of government (or rather nongovernment) that communism would run the best with.
325 posts

Communism is an economic and social model, not a form of government. Statelessness is the preferred type of government (or rather nongovernment) that communism would run the best with.

Alright, alight, I can adjust. I'm not as knowledgable on the specifics of governments.

What I'm going for, I guess, is the basic idea of communism, which would go with the governments you mentioned. I assume.
2,420 posts

None would be best. However, since anarchy wouldn't be practical in our world today because of some people adoring a nanny-state, a government that places equality before freedom.

2,420 posts

er, freedom before equality. jumbled up my words.

2,420 posts

I think communism is the truly perfect government. Unfortunately, nobody seems capable of handling it due to greed, corruption, and selfishness. I mean, with communism there is no poor, no rich; everybody is equal. Obviously that'll never happen, so we settle for some kind of democratic government.

Communism implies no government. Once Socialism is achieved, Communism will come into place.

Either way, communism is a flawed system. If anything, one would prefer Mutualism because it rejects capitalism and property for any use other than labouring on it. However, this system creates inequality, as well. What most people who call themselves Communists really want is to get rid of lawyers and "capitalists," or people who make money off of owning capital without labouring, such as rent, investing, owning property, etc.

Mutualism believes the state is "bad," whatever that means, and that it should not exist. However, capitalism is a flawed system as well in the sense that one can become rich off of not labouring. What it wants is for people to make a living through working hard, like many Socialists/Communists want.

Essentially it goes like this:

Socialism - Centrally Planned Economy will create a surplus labour and will transition into Communism naturally because of the proletariat being now educated.
Communism - A Centrally Planned Economy is no longer needed and a Self Managed Economy or Market Socialism begins, depending on what theory you go by. Labour vouchers or vouchers (libsoc) in general are used instead of money as we call it today.
Mutualism - Support markets and arkets (voucher based system), but reject capitalism.

Either way, everyone except Mutualists are talking out of their ***. It wasn't until the early 1900s until Marx's theories became popular, and the majority of the people thought Socialists were crackpots. The only reason that people are still "Socialists" today is because of countries actually became Socialist.

It's funny actually. All of the countries that became Socialist were feudal or agrarian, but not capitalist.
98 posts

Equality isn't everyone being exactly the same, but everyone having their needs met. Since everyone is different, very few, if any, will have the exact same needs, and having other peoples needs instead of your own isn't very helpful.
I believe in a government like ours, but one that keeps its promises, and uses wisdom to better their country, instead of the elected's own personal gain. Someplace where justice is just, as well as mercy thrives, for I believe that they can coexist rather well.

I think that we should follow advise from the past. President Washington said that splitting into party's will be the fall of this nation.

I agree.

The distance between the two parties would be humorous, if not for the chilling fact that it is crumbling this nation.

As was said before, People should be voted in by their own merits and morals; by their wisdom, their strengths and their weaknesses.

I believe that we stick to our motto, E Plurbious Unim, in Deo Spermus.

I believe that the wars fought should be to defend ourselves and other's who do not have the strength to do so. That People may look after their friends, their families, and their futures, in order to be the best that they can possibly be. I believe that if this does happen, that people think more about others instead of themselves, that this nation will once again thrive as it has in the past.

To predict the future, you must first look at the past, T.R.

To change the world, that you must first start with yourself.

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