Hi everybody! This Forum Game is based in the series "House MD".
It works like that: I tell the symptoms and the users try to find out what disease is. They may look on other sites to find out. As House's diagnosis are too complicated, the diseases here will be easier. Each user have 3 guesses. Let's begin...
Patient: 30-year-old female.
Symptoms: Severe headache, nasal congestion, toothache and lacrimation (she is tearing for no apparent reason). Facial X-Ray is showing an anomaly.
Can you discover what it is? Tip: is a common condition caused by inflamation of the facial bones.
I hate to double post, but I'm in a bit of a rush... It's probably chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, aka Sjaastad Syndrome. You know, one of the moderators is actually a doctor? Anyway, yeah, that's my guess.
This looks like a nice idea (by the way it's one of my favourite series), yet searching for the disease might be a bit too hard or time consuming. I mean, it's not impossible, but not that much fun if you have absolutely no knowledge of medicine whatsoever.
Uh... assuming that House's diseases are way too complicated, the diseases I will choose are common and easy.
I'm sorry, but this disease simply cannot be either, considering the majority of the AG community. And there's really not that much joy into randomly searching for something you have no idea of, when it's skills with search engines that are in question.
Symptoms: Fever and extreme coldness (chills shivering), Cough, Nasal congestion, Body aches (especially joints and throat), Fatigue and Headache.
The patient was admitted to the hospital on a cold winter night. It was snowy and he had only a common jacket. He said he didn't took any shots (vacine) on the last 3 months.
Tips: VERY common disease, almost everybody have this on winter and elder people have vacin against it.
1st: Maverick4 with 100pts (for healing the patient on the Case "Common cold" 2nd: Hypermnestra with 25pts (for a guess on the "Sinusitis Case" _____________________________________________________________________ Patient: 42-year-old male
Symptoms: Severe Diarrhea and vomiting. The dehydration is causing his blood pressure to stay low.
Info: Patient recently went to Indonesia. Tests shows the presence of a bacteria. He is with severe dehydration.
Tips: --> Epidemic on regions near Indonesia. Small outbreak reported on October 2010 on Haiti. In 1849 an outbreak occurred on the California region --> The bacteria can be found on contamined food or water.
Patient is suffering from Cholera. I put him in quarintine, then rehydrate him intraveinously. I then administer an antibiotic to kill off the bacteria.
The patient has cholera. Chaos happen in the hospital because a few patients think that is highly contagious.
A month later, the patient is getting better. _____________________________________________________________________
1st: Maverick4 with 200pts (2 right diagnostics) 2nd: Hypermnestra with 25pts (for a guess) _____________________________________________________________________
Symptoms: Lumps start to appear on the patient's neck, shoulder and arms. X-Rays show that is similar to cancer, but there is no other evidence of that. The patient feel pain. It looks like her muscles are turning onto bones!
All we can do by now is admit her and give painkillers
Difficulty: 100/10
Tip: --> VERY rare disease --> No known cure. Diagnosing it will count the case as solved. --> Can be misdiagnosed as cancer but it's not.
For being so rare, a right diagnosis will grant the doctor 225pts instead of the normal 100. Guesses grant 25pts only.
Symptoms: Lumps start to appear on the patient's neck, shoulder and arms. X-Rays show that is similar to cancer, but there is no other evidence of that. The patient feel pain. It looks like her muscles are turning onto bones!
All we can do by now is admit her and give painkillers