Hi everybody! This Forum Game is based in the series "House MD".
It works like that: I tell the symptoms and the users try to find out what disease is. They may look on other sites to find out. As House's diagnosis are too complicated, the diseases here will be easier. Each user have 3 guesses. Let's begin...
Patient: 30-year-old female.
Symptoms: Severe headache, nasal congestion, toothache and lacrimation (she is tearing for no apparent reason). Facial X-Ray is showing an anomaly.
Can you discover what it is? Tip: is a common condition caused by inflamation of the facial bones.
NEW SYMPTOMS: During the start of the treatment, the patient started to show signs of yellowing (Jaundice) and had difficulty moving the jaw. They are gone now, but they might help on the diagnose.
House would be satisfied now: The bacteria found was the one that caused Lemierre's syndrome, so: correct diagnose. Plus, the IV stuff was additional to the treatment and worthed 5pts _____________________________________________________________________
1st Maverick4 with 355pts (diagnose + treatment + diagnose + treatment + 2 guesses + diagnose + additional info on treatment [5pts]) 2nd Hypermnestra with 330pts (Guess + Diagnose + treatment + 1st guess bonus + Diagnose + treatment + 1st guess bonus + treatment) 3rd MrStuff with 235pts (FOP + Guess) 4th dair5 with 10pts (guess) _____________________________________________________________________
Lupus is always a differential, which means that a full bloods work up is required. I want FBE, UEC, CPM, CRP, ESR, Rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP (just in case I don't believe the RhF result), dsDNA, anti-histone (in case the Lupus was caused by drugs), cANCA, pANCA, (for vasculitides), anti-Rho and anti-La. And if I get nowhere with those tests, I'd like to do a PET scan of the brain while pricking the patient with sharp needles to see if she needs a psych review. Or, more accurately, because I like looking at pretty pictures of striatal projections while torturing people.
And no, I didn't even read the presenting complaint lol.
Info: As the case was already solved, no guesses granted points after Maverick4's diagnose. Here's the ranking _____________________________________________________________________ RANKING:
1st Maverick4 with 355pts (diagnose + treatment + diagnose + treatment + 2 guesses + diagnose + additional info on treatment [5pts]) 2nd Hypermnestra with 330pts (Guess + Diagnose + treatment + 1st guess bonus + Diagnose + treatment + 1st guess bonus + treatment) 3rd MrStuff with 235pts (FOP + Guess) 4th dair5 with 10pts (guess) _____________________________________________________________________
Patient: 19-year-old male.
Symptoms: The patient is feeling a loss of sensitivity on the limbs and barely can move them. Tests show trouble on the peripheral nervous system. What we can do for him?
Difficulty: 95/100
Tips: --> Genetic --> Less than 20 cases reported worldwide.
I think it's either Gullain Barre or possibly Syndrome Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. I would cure with prednizone, physical therapy, and plasma transfers.