Hi everybody! This Forum Game is based in the series "House MD".
It works like that: I tell the symptoms and the users try to find out what disease is. They may look on other sites to find out. As House's diagnosis are too complicated, the diseases here will be easier. Each user have 3 guesses. Let's begin...
Patient: 30-year-old female.
Symptoms: Severe headache, nasal congestion, toothache and lacrimation (she is tearing for no apparent reason). Facial X-Ray is showing an anomaly.
Can you discover what it is? Tip: is a common condition caused by inflamation of the facial bones.
Dr. Dair, what is your current patient concern? He may have acromegaly due to a tumor that causes the secretion of growth hormone... but why is he coming to consult?
o_o OH! oh no sorry. I shouldn't have responded, I'm not main docter now. Dr. Roger is. His illness is the one we're trying to find out. On the bottom of page 20.
Oh, I see, then I have no idea... Dr. Roger, I may only guess, or could I, for example, take a sample of tissue and try to determine if there's a bacteria that caused this?
RANKS 1st Dr. Haus with 1070pts (G) 2nd Dr. Stuff with 655pts 3rd Maverick4 with 610pts 4th Dr. Air with 240pts (GG) 5th Dr. Roger with 155pts 6th waluigi with 145pts 7th loco5 with 30pts 8th kingjac11 with 20pts 9th deathless950 with 20pts
Dr. Air, no spores, nor skin lesions. And pneumonia treatment failed ____________________________________________________________
Well, I see there's a new player!
Welcome aboard, gerundio992. I'm Dr. Roger, main host of the House, MD game. Me and Dr. Haus (aka Hypermnestra) are the hosts of the game. Dr. Air (dair5) was a co-host too.
As you can see on the ranks ^ there, there are a few people that have Dr. [add name here] as names. They're called DoC Tags. They function as your doctor name. I'm Dr. Roger, Dair5 is Dr. Air, Hypermnestra is Dr. Haus MrStuff is Dr. Stuff! Choose your own DoC Tag too!
I may only guess, or could I, for example, take a sample of tissue and try to determine if there's a bacteria that caused this?
Well, sure thing you can make exams. More interactivity the better! _____________________________________________________________