Hi everybody! This Forum Game is based in the series "House MD".
It works like that: I tell the symptoms and the users try to find out what disease is. They may look on other sites to find out. As House's diagnosis are too complicated, the diseases here will be easier. Each user have 3 guesses. Let's begin...
Patient: 30-year-old female.
Symptoms: Severe headache, nasal congestion, toothache and lacrimation (she is tearing for no apparent reason). Facial X-Ray is showing an anomaly.
Can you discover what it is? Tip: is a common condition caused by inflamation of the facial bones.
If this happens when my skin is dry, why this does not happen during the other seasons of the year? The human skin does not get dry only on winter nor my hands get red-ish during the rest of the year. What is the other factor?
1st Dr. Haus with 925pts 2nd Maverick4 with 610pts 3rd Dr. Stuff with 490pts (G+D+T+1stGB) 4th Dr. Air with 160pts (G) 5th kingjac11 with 20pts 6th Deathless950 with 20pts
Nope. The wind bothers me on this but there is a "smoking factor" (smoking gun) other than wind.
Tip: --> I [Add Tip Here!] in an almost [Insert three letter psychological disorder here!] fashion ____________________________________________________________
1st Dr. Haus with 925pts 2nd Maverick4 with 610pts 3rd Dr. Stuff with 490pts (G+D+T+1stGB) 4th Dr. Air with 180pts (G+BONUS) 5th kingjac11 with 20pts 6th Deathless950 with 20pts
Good one, Dr. Air. I wash my hands very often, so my hands get dry and full of tiny little cuts.
hand sanatizer.
My hands are not insane!!
(I know that this is probably a typo, but I thought that the joke would be funny.)
1st Dr. Haus with 925pts 2nd Dr. Stuff with 645pts 3rd Maverick4 with 610pts 4th Dr. Air with 210pts 5th kingjac11 with 20pts 6th Deathless950 with 20pts
In children, fevers often cause hallucinations. The fever could have been caused by any number of things. She would need to hydrate often with the fever, but other than that, no diagnosis possible, and no cure. Could you be more specific?
New update. The child has been having migranes. And when she was asked to run up to the table she was just slowly walking. What's weirder is that she thought she was running.
Now I think I can give guesses too! _____________________________________________________________ Does the patient has Alice In Wonderland syndrome, aka Todd's syndrome?
If it is, I would recommend typical migraine treatment: antidepressants, betablockers and anticonvulsants ________________________________________________________________
Dr. Air, a technical tip: if you run out of diseases, a good place to look for conditions is House's episodes! See the disease and then look for it's symptoms!
RANKS 1st Dr. Haus with 925pts 2nd Dr. Stuff with 645pts 3rd Maverick4 with 610pts 4th Dr. Air with 210pts 5th Dr. Roger with 145pts 6th kingjac11 with 20pts 7th Deathless950 with 20pts
Next Condition
Difficulty 60/100
34 year old male with asthma
Symptoms- headaches and facial pain, runny nose, consistant nasal congeston.