Hi everybody! This Forum Game is based in the series "House MD".
It works like that: I tell the symptoms and the users try to find out what disease is. They may look on other sites to find out. As House's diagnosis are too complicated, the diseases here will be easier. Each user have 3 guesses. Let's begin...
Patient: 30-year-old female.
Symptoms: Severe headache, nasal congestion, toothache and lacrimation (she is tearing for no apparent reason). Facial X-Ray is showing an anomaly.
Can you discover what it is? Tip: is a common condition caused by inflamation of the facial bones.
1st Dr. Haus with 915pts (GGG+D+T) 2nd Maverick4 with 610pts 3rd MrStuff with 255pts (GG) 4th dair5 with 40pts 5th kingjac11 with 20pts 6th Deathless950 with 20pts (GG)
The patient had rickettsialpox and the doxycycline healed him.
Knowledge! In fact, MITES are the ones who pass the Rickettsialpox for the humans, not the ticks.
no he said if you could reason with religious people there would be no religious people
You're thinking of something else. It was in the episode Small Sacrifices, he said religion is not a disease but it's communicable and it kills lots of people.
I also agree with hypermnestra. That seems really likly. Specificly bubonic. Also this might help.
Actually, it could be any of three...and if it's septicemic, he's going to die within the day.
Actually, it could be any of three...and if it's septicemic, he's going to die within the day.
I thought if it was the others that he would put more detail. To specify. And I think bubonic is more common. But I'm not much of a docter and likly to be compleatly wrong.
1st Dr. Haus with 925pts (G) 2nd Maverick4 with 610pts 3rd MrStuff with 255pts 4th Dr. Air with 50pts (G) 5th kingjac11 with 20pts 6th Deathless950 with 20pts
No "bubos" nor success with Bubonic Plague's treatment. Just awful skin lesions.
Also, an less-than-ultimate-yet-big tip: This disease is from one of House's cases. Finding diseases that do not show any apparent signs (ie mutations and such) out of nowhere is very hard, y'know?
1st Dr. Haus with 925pts (G) 2nd Maverick4 with 610pts 3rd MrStuff with 255pts 4th Dr. Air with 150pts (G+D) 5th kingjac11 with 20pts 6th Deathless950 with 20pts
Correct! Leprosy!
Actually, there's some kind of treatment but it is too long. ____________________________________________________________
NEW CONDITION! Real life case!
Patient: Dr. Roger
Symptoms: My hand's skin turn red-ish on cold, winter days.
Game's Info: I already went to the doctor and she said me something. If anyone say something that matches the doctor's description, one will be rewarded with 150 points plus 55 points for a treatment. She said that too, so...
Difficulty: BONUS CONDITION/100
Tip: --> Caused by an external factor. --> NEW TIPs WILL BE INSERTED HERE AS GUESSES ARE GIVEN!
1st Dr. Haus with 925pts 2nd Maverick4 with 610pts 3rd MrStuff with 490pts (D+T+1stGB) 4th Dr. Air with 160pts (G) 5th kingjac11 with 20pts 6th Deathless950 with 20pts
My hand's skin become very dry in winter days, yes. My mom keeps reminding to use moisturizers but I always forget.
An extra 20pts for the person who guess that one correctly:
If my skin become dry, why it does not happen on other seasons of the year? What is the other factor?
Really, there is an other external factor that make this happen. _____________________________________________________________