Hi everybody! This Forum Game is based in the series "House MD".
It works like that: I tell the symptoms and the users try to find out what disease is. They may look on other sites to find out. As House's diagnosis are too complicated, the diseases here will be easier. Each user have 3 guesses. Let's begin...
Patient: 30-year-old female.
Symptoms: Severe headache, nasal congestion, toothache and lacrimation (she is tearing for no apparent reason). Facial X-Ray is showing an anomaly.
Can you discover what it is? Tip: is a common condition caused by inflamation of the facial bones.
Symptoms: To begin, the patient is deaf. His kidney does not look fine and his movements are weird. He's suffering from Epilepsy too. His blood have low levels of potassium, but his pressure is fine.
Difficulty: 50/100
TipS: --> Genetic --> Caused by a mutation on the [CENSORED] gene.
The patient had EAST syndrom. The symptoms were treated but, as is a mutation, he wasn't fully healed
1st Hypermnestra with 755pts (diagnose + 1st guess bonus) 2nd Maverick4 with 465pts 3rd MrStuff with 235pts 4th dair5 with 40pts 5th kingjac11 with 20pts
1st Hypermnestra with 755pts (diagnose + 1st guess bonus) 2nd Maverick4 with 465pts 3rd MrStuff with 235pts 4th dair5 with 40pts 5th kingjac11 with 20pts
Patient: 32-year-old male.
Symptoms: Several lesions on the mucous membranes. Fever, fatigue and sore throat follow. A body-wide painful rash is present.
Symptoms: The patient have a body wide rash. He feels weaknesses and muscular pain. Fever and chills are present too. ____________________________________________________________
The doctor tags will replace the usernames on the ranking