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Galaxy on fire, is an space RPG game.

there is a story, but the story depends on what you do in the game, and the choices you make.

that is why there is no story right now, until you make this decision:

which class do you choose:





now all of these will be explained here:

Human - As a human, you will be a part of the alliance of worlds controlled by the humans, and their allies. you will be of the human species.

---Pros and cons of joining:
-In an alliance, so people can help you out.
-Outposts in secured systems so that if you die, search and rescue will recover you and send you to the nearest outpost or base.
-Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me.
-Receive regular amount of starting resources, no more, no less.
-Have a shoot-on-sight enemy, which are the aliens.
-Start off with a small, old, and rusty ship

Alien - As an alien, you will be part of the alliance of worlds that have joined the Alien alliance treaty and all the worlds controlled by the aliens.

---Pros and Cons of joining:
-In an alliance, so people can help you out.
-Outposts in secured systems so that if you die, search and rescue will recover you and send you to the nearest outpost or base.
-Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me.
-Receive regular amount of starting resources, no more, no less.
-Have a soot-on-sight enemy, which are the humans
-Start off with a small, old, battered ship.

Independent - As an independent, you will have to choose what species you will be (Human or alien), and you will be ON YOUR OWN.

---Pros and cons of joining:
-Get a lot more starting resources than other classes.
-Start with a relatively repaired ship, none of that old rusty and battered stuff.
-No shoot-on-sight enemies to start with, so most people are neutral
-Can start a wing, as long as there are enough people to start it.
-Can found an alliance, as long as it has 2 worlds under it.
-You have your own home world!
-Not in an alliance from the start, so danger of getting shot at is higher than if you were in an alliance.
-No outposts from the start, so search and rescue revive you at your home world, or at an alliance member's home world.

Robot - As a robot, you will be under the alliance of worlds that the Robots control. You will be a Robot.

---Pros and cons of joining:
-Are in an alliance, so you can be helped out.
-Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me.
-Receive slightly more than the regular amount of starting resources.
-with the right programming and engineering, robots can do almost anything.
-are way more resistant to damage than other classes.(better armor on ship)
-No outposts from the start, so search and rescue revive you at your home world, or at any other world of the alliances control.

Ship classes: ship classes are the names of the ships, and their upgrades. for example:

Viper MK 1
is the starting ship for a human campaign, but repaired.

Viper MK 1.5
is the upgraded version.


What's a squad?

a squad is a smaller version of an alliance, in which a group of ships would work together to demolish a bigger ship, or do something together.

how do you form a squad?

just say so. one at a time, please. you can only be in one squad at a time.

you can invite other players to join, too.

Squad ranks: (highest on the top)

What's the difference?

the higher, the more privileged.

And now for the Character Sheet:

[this is a long one...]

(different specials can be bought at the shop to enhance the info of your sheet, such as scanners, or system tracking.)

XP: 0/20
Rank: Rookie (for start, rookie)
level: 1
Skills: none (you can spend credits to learn new skills.)
Name of ship:
Ship class:
Hull: 0/0 (Depends on class)
Weapons: (can be bought at the shop depends on class.)
shields: none (for the start, none. you can buy more later.)
FTL range: (each class determines this, but for starts it's usually 1.5 light years.)
Current Alliance: (depends on class)
% of galaxy controlled: (depends on class)
Enemies: (depends on class)
Treaties: (depends on class)
Primary Quests: (story line quests)

Secondary quests: (side quests)

Quest log: (shows what you did and where you currently are in a quest)
Current squad: (name of current squad)
Members: (members of squad)
your rank in squad: (ranks)
(depends on the other players in the game. it would tell you the player's name and how far in light years they were from you.)

Players in your alliance: (a little more detailed info)

If anyone has any questions, comments o suggestions visit my page at my messeger

thank you, and i hope you enjoy this game!

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