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Galaxy on fire, is an space RPG game.

there is a story, but the story depends on what you do in the game, and the choices you make.

that is why there is no story right now, until you make this decision:

which class do you choose:





now all of these will be explained here:

Human - As a human, you will be a part of the alliance of worlds controlled by the humans, and their allies. you will be of the human species.

---Pros and cons of joining:
-In an alliance, so people can help you out.
-Outposts in secured systems so that if you die, search and rescue will recover you and send you to the nearest outpost or base.
-Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me.
-Receive regular amount of starting resources, no more, no less.
-Have a shoot-on-sight enemy, which are the aliens.
-Start off with a small, old, and rusty ship

Alien - As an alien, you will be part of the alliance of worlds that have joined the Alien alliance treaty and all the worlds controlled by the aliens.

---Pros and Cons of joining:
-In an alliance, so people can help you out.
-Outposts in secured systems so that if you die, search and rescue will recover you and send you to the nearest outpost or base.
-Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me.
-Receive regular amount of starting resources, no more, no less.
-Have a soot-on-sight enemy, which are the humans
-Start off with a small, old, battered ship.

Independent - As an independent, you will have to choose what species you will be (Human or alien), and you will be ON YOUR OWN.

---Pros and cons of joining:
-Get a lot more starting resources than other classes.
-Start with a relatively repaired ship, none of that old rusty and battered stuff.
-No shoot-on-sight enemies to start with, so most people are neutral
-Can start a wing, as long as there are enough people to start it.
-Can found an alliance, as long as it has 2 worlds under it.
-You have your own home world!
-Not in an alliance from the start, so danger of getting shot at is higher than if you were in an alliance.
-No outposts from the start, so search and rescue revive you at your home world, or at an alliance member's home world.

Robot - As a robot, you will be under the alliance of worlds that the Robots control. You will be a Robot.

---Pros and cons of joining:
-Are in an alliance, so you can be helped out.
-Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me.
-Receive slightly more than the regular amount of starting resources.
-with the right programming and engineering, robots can do almost anything.
-are way more resistant to damage than other classes.(better armor on ship)
-No outposts from the start, so search and rescue revive you at your home world, or at any other world of the alliances control.

Ship classes: ship classes are the names of the ships, and their upgrades. for example:

Viper MK 1
is the starting ship for a human campaign, but repaired.

Viper MK 1.5
is the upgraded version.


What's a squad?

a squad is a smaller version of an alliance, in which a group of ships would work together to demolish a bigger ship, or do something together.

how do you form a squad?

just say so. one at a time, please. you can only be in one squad at a time.

you can invite other players to join, too.

Squad ranks: (highest on the top)

What's the difference?

the higher, the more privileged.

And now for the Character Sheet:

[this is a long one...]

(different specials can be bought at the shop to enhance the info of your sheet, such as scanners, or system tracking.)

XP: 0/20
Rank: Rookie (for start, rookie)
level: 1
Skills: none (you can spend credits to learn new skills.)
Name of ship:
Ship class:
Hull: 0/0 (Depends on class)
Weapons: (can be bought at the shop depends on class.)
shields: none (for the start, none. you can buy more later.)
FTL range: (each class determines this, but for starts it's usually 1.5 light years.)
Current Alliance: (depends on class)
% of galaxy controlled: (depends on class)
Enemies: (depends on class)
Treaties: (depends on class)
Primary Quests: (story line quests)

Secondary quests: (side quests)

Quest log: (shows what you did and where you currently are in a quest)
Current squad: (name of current squad)
Members: (members of squad)
your rank in squad: (ranks)
(depends on the other players in the game. it would tell you the player's name and how far in light years they were from you.)

Players in your alliance: (a little more detailed info)

If anyone has any questions, comments o suggestions visit my page at my messeger

thank you, and i hope you enjoy this game!

  • 199 Replies
1,715 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 50,000
XP: 4/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Went down to the planet Vergon.
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 16.5 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

you hire a worker, and he is happy to help.

You tell him what his job is, and he says:

worker: hey, i know a friend of mine who's a mechanic, and he'll do a better job then me. although, i'd love to take your money anytime.

beginner's tip: make sure to read your quests carefully, as they may provide you with the information you need to do the job correctly.

1. [hire a worker(more options opened if this is chosen)]
2. [shop(buy and sell)]
3. [talk with world secretaries (set up a tax)]
4. [go to bar(side quests)]
5. [world analysis(more options opened if this is chosen)]
6. [go to a different city/town]
7. [go in orbit around Vergon]
8. [talk with your hired worker(conversation)]

Name: Alex Walsh
Class: Independent
Credits: 50,000
XP: 0/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: Phoenix Fire
Ship class: old and rusty Viper MK I
Hull: 80/120
Weapons: 1 small machinegun [equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: small shield generator to use in emergencies!
FTL range: 1.5
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - your father wants you to repair the inactive defenses on your planet. you will need to hire a machanic to do the job best. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Dex River - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

your father is a businessman. he works for a galactic security agency, and he is very rich. In fact, he is so rich, he had started buying planets from sellers. this gave him control of 4 planets, one of which he gave to you. he gave you 50,000 credits and then he gave you his first ship, a rusty, but still working Viper MK I.

he had left a taped hologram with the other things he had given you,

and it said:

hey, Alex, how's it going? i hope you like the new world i gave you. Here's a tip: Protect it well. You need to go down to the planet to be able to talk with people, and do things on the planet. I'll help you out. Go down to the planet now, and fix those defenses. you can hire a mechanic from the big cities of your planet, there are a lot. once paid, they will fix the turrets. while you are on the planet, you might want to set up a tax deal with the planet: the more people, the more credits you get. be careful though, if too much taxes are enforced, your people will get angry. i'll see you around soon!


[this game runs on options, that are made by me. the choices you make will be reflected in the game itself.]

1. [Go down to the planet]
2. [Go to a different system]

1,242 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 50,000
XP: 4/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Oh, mechanic. Why did I hire a worker? *facepalm*

Ok, then. I go and hire a mechanic and relieve my worker from duty. (Or I just fire him.)

229 posts

Name: Alex Walsh
Class: Independent
Credits: 50,000
XP: 0/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: Phoenix Fire
Ship class: old and rusty Viper MK I
Hull: 80/120
Weapons: 1 small machinegun [equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: small shield generator to use in emergencies!
FTL range: 1.5
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - your father wants you to repair the inactive defenses on your planet. you will need to hire a machanic to do the job best. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

1. Go down to the planet

1,715 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 50,000
XP: 5/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

you hire a mechanic. you go to the outskirts of the COV (the Circle Of Vergon) where are the cities are located. you show the mechanic all of the defenses, and you ask the price.

he says: well, that'll be 300 credits default cost, and another 1925 repair cost, these defenses are pretty worn.

1. [pay (2,225 credits)]
2. [bargain (may or may not work)]
3. [go in orbit around Vergon]
4. [go to a town/city]

Name: Alex Walsh
Class: Independent
Credits: 50,000
XP: 1/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: Phoenix Fire
Ship class: old and rusty Viper MK I
Hull: 80/120
Weapons: 1 small machinegun [equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: small shield generator to use in emergencies!
FTL range: 1.5
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
worlds under your control: 1
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Centra 7 - home world/base
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - your father wants you to repair the inactive defenses on your planet. you will need to hire a machanic to do the job best. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Dex River - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

you go down to the planet, and now you are at the biggest capital city, called Sorug, meaning prospering society. here are your options:

1. [hire a worker(more options enabled if this is chosen)]
2. [talk to world secretaries (set up tax)]
3. [World analysis(more options enabled if this is chosen)]
4. [shop (buy/sell)]
5. [go to a different city/town]
6. [go to bar (side quests)]
7. [go around orbit of Centrais]

Name: Thane Chellick
Class: Independent
Credits: 50,000
XP: 0/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Red Raven
Ship class: old and battered Viper MK I
Hull: 80/120
Weapons: small machinegun
weapon slots: 3
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: None
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A

Worlds under your control: 1
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Omicron VII system - home base/world
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - your grandfather wants you to go down you your planet and repair the defenses. Reward: 1 machinegun.

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Dex River - 16.5 light years

Players in your alliance: N/A

you go down to the planet, and you are at the biggest city capital, called Cantal.

1. [hire a worker(more options enabled if this is chosen)]
2. [talk to world secretaries (set up tax)]
3. [World analysis(more options enabled if this is chosen)]
4. [shop (buy/sell)]
5. [go to a different city/town]
6. [go to bar (side quests)]
7. [go around orbit of Omicron VII]

1,242 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 50,000
XP: 5/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

I pay the man his credits, and then go about talking about the tax.

1,715 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 47,775
XP: 22/50
Rank: ensign
level: 2
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
Total population: 1,000,000
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Population: 1,000,000
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

you pay the man, and all of the defenses are repaired.


you get hailed by your uncle:

Edward: nice job!
you: thanks.
Edward: your small laser is in your inventory as we speak. you can choose to equip it, and then you will have 2.
You: ok.

[Level UP!]

you go back to the city, and set up a tax. what would you like it to be?

[this is a non choice option. you will get to choose your own tax, but a tip: don't make it too high. there is also one more thing: a maximum tax. this is above the unhappiness level, and is the max. right now your max is 0.3%. a good tax for now would be 0.1%]

taxes are based on the population you have. the more population, the more tax.

1,715 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 47,775
XP: 22/50
Rank: ensign
level: 2
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped] small laser [not equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
Total population: 1,000,000
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Population: 1,000,000
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

sorry, a mess up in the sheet.

also, taxes are collected every 3 days. (you can buy upgrades so that it collects sooner)

1,242 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 47,775
XP: 22/50
Rank: ensign
level: 2
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped] small laser [not equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
Total population: 1,000,000
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Population: 1,000,000
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

I set up a tax of 0.1%

1,715 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 47,775
XP: 22/50
Rank: ensign
level: 2
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped] small laser [not equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
Total population: 1,000,000
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Population: 1,000,000
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

ok, i'm sorry about this, this is the first time i've hosted this game, and i'm learning from my mistakes as the game progresses.

new tax:

we will now do tax like this:

maximum tax: 5,000 credits per collect (collect is every 3 days)
current tax: 1,000 credits per collect

now, 5,000 credits would make your people angry after the second collect, so 2,500-3,000 credits a collect is a good tax.

which tax?

1. [none]
2. [1,000 credits]
3. [1,500 credits]
4. [2,000 credits]
5. [2,500 credits]
6. [3,000 credits]
7. [3,500 credits]
8. [4,000 credits]
9. [4,500 credits]
10. [5,000 credits]

and, one last thing. do you want me to enable instant guess for you?

it's where i would choose the one that you're most likely to pick.

for example: if these were said, instant guess would automatically pick 3,000 for you.

a good tax would be 2,500-3,000

so if you want it enabled, just say so.

1,242 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 47,775
XP: 22/50
Rank: ensign
level: 2
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser [equipped] small laser [not equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (2 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
Total population: 1,000,000
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Population: 1,000,000
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - uncle Edward wants you to hire a mechanic to repair the defenses on the planet, so your world can be better defended. reward: 1 small laser

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

Yeah, enable instant guess, so 3000 credits.

1,715 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 47,775
XP: 30/50
Rank: ensign
level: 2
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] small laser(lvl 1)[equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (1 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
Total tax: 3,000 every 3 days
Total population: 1,000,000
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Population: 1,000,000
Tax: 3,000 every 3 days
Primary Quests:
Shop fanatic - uncle Edward wants you to check out the shop. go to any city, and choose to go in the shop. Reward: 1,000 credits.

Repair my broken ship - Go back to the city once you've finished with the shop, and repair your vessel. Reward: 1,000 credits

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
You finished the Defenseless defenses Primary quest!
You hired a mechanic
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

ok. you set up a new tax! +5 XP!

You get hailed by your uncle.

Edward: hey! nice job on those turrets. did you hire a mechanic?
You: yeah.
Edward: Great! I heard that you set up a tax. go to the Shop, and you can buy great things there!
You: alright, uncle.


instant guess has equipped your second small laser.

instant guess has entered you into the shop.


Edward: hey, thanks for following my advice. i think you have enough money to upgrade your weapons, hull, or even, if you have enough money, your entire ship! you can also go back to the city, and repair your ship! I want you to do that now.


Edward: after this last quest you can go explore! just be sure to check in once and a while on your planet to see how things are going, ok? Edward out.

1. [Ships]
2. [Sensors]
3. [Defenses]
4. [Fleet]
5. [Other]

[these are the categories of sales. different places might have different exclusive items, or higher or lower prices.]

1,715 posts

Name: Thane Chellick
Class: Independent
Credits: 50,000
XP: 0/20
Rank: Rookie
level: 1
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Red Raven
Ship class: old and battered Viper MK I
Hull: 80/120
Weapons: small machinegun
weapon slots: 3
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: None
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Omicron VII system - home base/world
Primary Quests:
Defenseless defenses - your grandfather wants you to go down you your planet and repair the defenses. Reward: 1 machinegun.
Secondary quests: none
Quest log:
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Dex River - 16.5 light years
Players in your alliance: N/A

you already did that. here's your new options:

1. [hire a worker(more options enabled if this is chosen)]
2. [talk to world secretaries (set up tax)]
3. [World analysis(more options enabled if this is chosen)]
4. [shop (buy/sell)]
5. [go to a different city/town]
6. [go to bar (side quests)]
7. [go around orbit of Omicron VII]

1,715 posts

Name: Dex River
Class: Independant
Credits: 48,775
XP: 46/50
Rank: ensign
level: 2
Skills: none
Name of ship: The Space Crab
Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I
Hull: 90/150
Weapon: small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] small laser(lvl 1)[equipped]
Weapon slots: 3 (1 open)
shields: none
FTL range: 1.1 LY
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Treaties: N/A
Worlds under your control: 1
Total tax: 3,000 every 3 days
Total population: 1,000,000
% of galaxy controlled: 2%
Vergon 6 - Home base/home world
Population: 1,000,000
Tax: 3,000 every 3 days
Primary Quests:
Shop fanatic - uncle Edward wants you to check out the shop. go to any city, and choose to go in the shop. Reward: 1,000 credits.

Repair my broken ship - Go back to the city once you've finished with the shop, and repair your vessel. Reward: 1,000 credits

Secondary quests: none

Quest log:
You finished the Defenseless defenses Primary quest!
You hired a mechanic
Current squad: none
Members: N/A
your rank in squad: N/A
Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY
Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY

Players in your alliance: N/A

ok. you set up a new tax! +5 XP!

You get hailed by your uncle.

Edward: hey! nice job on those turrets. did you hire a mechanic?
You: yeah.
Edward: Great! I heard that you set up a tax. go to the Shop, and you can buy great things there!
You: alright, uncle.


instant guess has equipped your second small laser.

instant guess has entered you into the shop.


Edward: hey, thanks for following my advice. i think you have enough money to upgrade your weapons, hull, or even, if you have enough money, your entire ship! you can also go back to the city, and repair your ship! I want you to do that now.


Edward: after this last quest you can go explore! just be sure to check in once and a while on your planet to see how things are going, ok? Edward out.

1. [Ships]
2. [Sensors]
3. [Defenses]
4. [Fleet]
5. [Other]

[these are the categories of sales. different places might have different exclusive items, or higher or lower prices.]


2,515 posts

ahh bicola remeber when you first joined personal planet... we were both serf.. now look at you...

Name:Storm Hughes
XP: 0/20
Rank: Rookie (for start, rookie)
level: 1
Skills: none (you can spend credits to learn new skills.)
Name of ship:Normandy
Ship class:Venris MK 1
Hull: 0/0 (Depends on class)
Weapons: (can be bought at the shop depends on class.)
shields: none (for the start, none. you can buy more later.)
FTL range: (each class determines this, but for starts it's usually 1.5 light years.)
Current Alliance: none
% of galaxy controlled: none
Enemies: (depends on class)
Treaties: (depends on class)
Primary Quests: (story line quests)
Secondary quests: (side quests)
Quest log: (shows what you did and where you currently are in a quest)
Current squad: (name of current squad)
Members: (members of squad)
your rank in squad: (ranks)
(depends on the other players in the game. it would tell you the player's name and how far in light years they were from you.)
Players in your alliance: (a little more detailed info)

im a little confused on what to do...

2,515 posts

waiting on you dude...

Showing 16-30 of 199