there is a story, but the story depends on what you do in the game, and the choices you make.
that is why there is no story right now, until you make this decision:
which class do you choose:
now all of these will be explained here:
Human - As a human, you will be a part of the alliance of worlds controlled by the humans, and their allies. you will be of the human species.
---Pros and cons of joining: Pros: -In an alliance, so people can help you out. -Outposts in secured systems so that if you die, search and rescue will recover you and send you to the nearest outpost or base. -Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me. -Receive regular amount of starting resources, no more, no less. Cons: -Have a shoot-on-sight enemy, which are the aliens. -Start off with a small, old, and rusty ship
Alien - As an alien, you will be part of the alliance of worlds that have joined the Alien alliance treaty and all the worlds controlled by the aliens.
---Pros and Cons of joining: Pros: -In an alliance, so people can help you out. -Outposts in secured systems so that if you die, search and rescue will recover you and send you to the nearest outpost or base. -Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me. -Receive regular amount of starting resources, no more, no less. Cons: -Have a soot-on-sight enemy, which are the humans -Start off with a small, old, battered ship.
Independent - As an independent, you will have to choose what species you will be (Human or alien), and you will be ON YOUR OWN.
---Pros and cons of joining: Pros: -Get a lot more starting resources than other classes. -Start with a relatively repaired ship, none of that old rusty and battered stuff. -No shoot-on-sight enemies to start with, so most people are neutral -Can start a wing, as long as there are enough people to start it. -Can found an alliance, as long as it has 2 worlds under it. -You have your own home world! Cons: -Not in an alliance from the start, so danger of getting shot at is higher than if you were in an alliance. -No outposts from the start, so search and rescue revive you at your home world, or at an alliance member's home world.
Robot - As a robot, you will be under the alliance of worlds that the Robots control. You will be a Robot.
---Pros and cons of joining: Pros: -Are in an alliance, so you can be helped out. -Can join squads, with other players, and with players made by me. -Receive slightly more than the regular amount of starting resources. -with the right programming and engineering, robots can do almost anything. -are way more resistant to damage than other classes.(better armor on ship) Cons: -No outposts from the start, so search and rescue revive you at your home world, or at any other world of the alliances control.
Ship classes: ship classes are the names of the ships, and their upgrades. for example:
Viper MK 1 is the starting ship for a human campaign, but repaired.
Viper MK 1.5 is the upgraded version.
What's a squad?
a squad is a smaller version of an alliance, in which a group of ships would work together to demolish a bigger ship, or do something together.
how do you form a squad?
just say so. one at a time, please. you can only be in one squad at a time.
you can invite other players to join, too.
Squad ranks: (highest on the top) ***general leader admin member
What's the difference?
the higher, the more privileged.
And now for the Character Sheet:
[this is a long one...]
(different specials can be bought at the shop to enhance the info of your sheet, such as scanners, or system tracking.)
-----------Profile------------ Name: XP: 0/20 Rank: Rookie (for start, rookie) level: 1 Skills: none (you can spend credits to learn new skills.) -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: Ship class: Hull: 0/0 (Depends on class) Weapons: (can be bought at the shop depends on class.) shields: none (for the start, none. you can buy more later.) FTL range: (each class determines this, but for starts it's usually 1.5 light years.) -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: (depends on class) % of galaxy controlled: (depends on class) Enemies: (depends on class) Treaties: (depends on class) ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: (story line quests)
Secondary quests: (side quests)
Quest log: (shows what you did and where you currently are in a quest) -------------Squad------------ Current squad: (name of current squad) Members: (members of squad) your rank in squad: (ranks) ------------Players----------- (depends on the other players in the game. it would tell you the player's name and how far in light years they were from you.) Players:
Players in your alliance: (a little more detailed info) ------------------------------
If anyone has any questions, comments o suggestions visit my page at my messeger
OPTIONS: 1. [hire a worker(more options enabled if this is chosen)] 2. [talk to world secretaries (set up tax)] 3. [^][Hangar(access your already bought upgrades and repair your ship.)] 4. [World analysis(more options enabled if this is chosen)] 5. [shop (buy/sell)] 6. [go to a different city/town] 7. [go to bar (side quests)] 8. [go around orbit of Vergon]
----------Profile------------ Name: Dex River Class: Independant Credits: 47,775 XP: 30/50 Rank: ensign level: 2 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: The Space Crab Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I Hull: 90/150 Weapon: small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] Weapon slots: 3 (1 open) shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 3,000 every 3 days Total population: 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% Bases/outposts: Vergon 6 - Home base/home world Population: 1,000,000 Tax: 3,000 every 3 days ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Shop fanatic - uncle Edward wants you to check out the shop. go to any city, and choose to go in the shop. Reward: 1,000 credits. FINISHED!
Repair my broken ship - Go back to the city once you've finished with the shop, and repair your vessel. Reward: 1,000 credits
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] You finished the Defenseless defenses Primary quest! You hired a mechanic [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY
Players in your alliance: N/A --------------------------------
Flag Name:Storm Hughes Class: independant Credits:50,000 XP: 7/20 Rank: Rookie level: 1 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: Normandy Ship class: Vector MK I Hull: 40/100 Weapons: 1 small machinegun(lvl 1)[equipped] shields: none FTL range: 1.5 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 0 Total population 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Defenseless defenses - your uncle want's you to repair the inactive defenses of your planet. to do this you must ask for a mechanic to fix them, from the city menu. (hire a worker) Secondary quests: none Quest log: [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Dex River: 1.7 LY Thane Chellick: 15.0 LY Alex Walsh: 4.8 LY Players in your alliance: N/A ------------------------------ 1)
----------Profile------------ Name: Dex River Class: Independant Credits: 47,775 XP: 30/50 Rank: ensign level: 2 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: The Space Crab Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I Hull: 90/150 Weapon: small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] Weapon slots: 3 (1 open) shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 3,000 every 3 days Total population: 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% Bases/outposts: Vergon 6 - Home base/home world Population: 1,000,000 Tax: 3,000 every 3 days ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Shop fanatic - uncle Edward wants you to check out the shop. go to any city, and choose to go in the shop. Reward: 1,000 credits. FINISHED!
Repair my broken ship - Go back to the city once you've finished with the shop, and repair your vessel. Reward: 1,000 credits
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] You finished the Defenseless defenses Primary quest! You hired a mechanic [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY
Players in your alliance: N/A --------------------------------
1. [Info on bought upgrades] 2. [Repair ship(2050 credits)]
Name:Storm Hughes Class: independant Credits:50,000 XP: 7/20 Rank: Rookie level: 1 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: Normandy Ship class: Vector MK I Hull: 40/100 Weapons: 1 small machinegun(lvl 1)[equipped] shields: none FTL range: 1.5 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 0 Total population 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Defenseless defenses - your uncle want's you to repair the inactive defenses of your planet. to do this you must ask for a mechanic to fix them, from the city menu. (hire a worker) Secondary quests: none Quest log: [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Dex River: 1.7 LY Thane Chellick: 15.0 LY Alex Walsh: 4.8 LY Players in your alliance: N/A ------------------------------
there is no UN. please just finish 3 quests and then you can do whatever you want.
----------Profile------------ Name: Dex River Class: Independant Credits: 47,775 XP: 30/50 Rank: ensign level: 2 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: The Space Crab Ship class: Old and battered Raptor MK I Hull: 90/150 Weapon: small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] Weapon slots: 3 (1 open) shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 3,000 every 3 days Total population: 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% Bases/outposts: Vergon 6 - Home base/home world Population: 1,000,000 Tax: 3,000 every 3 days ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Shop fanatic - uncle Edward wants you to check out the shop. go to any city, and choose to go in the shop. Reward: 1,000 credits. FINISHED!
Repair my broken ship - Go back to the city once you've finished with the shop, and repair your vessel. Reward: 1,000 credits
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] You finished the Defenseless defenses Primary quest! You hired a mechanic [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY
Players in your alliance: N/A --------------------------------
----------Profile------------ Name: Dex River Class: Independant Credits: 46,725 XP: 51/50 Rank: Senior Ensign level: 3 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: The Space Crab Ship class: Old Raptor MK I Hull: 150/150 Weapon: small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] Weapon slots: 3 (1 open) shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 3,000 every 3 days Total population: 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% Bases/outposts: Vergon 6 - Home base/home world Population: 1,000,000 Tax: 3,000 every 3 days ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: none
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: [Primary quest completed!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY Storm hughes - 1.7 LY
Players in your alliance: N/A --------------------------------
You have repaired your ship! +3 XP! LEVEL UP!
Reward: 1000 credits
ou get hailed from uncle Edward.
Edward: hey, ma'boy! You: I finished what you asked of me. Edward: yes! now you are free to do whatever you like. you can explore, do jobs, fight enemies, or just see the sights! adventure lies ahead! If you want to earn some money, go to the bar. there you can get a job. goodbye, and good luck little nephew!
...P.S. ooh, and f you ever need anything, just hail me. i'll be glad to help! You: alright, bye uncle.
----------Profile------------ Name: Dex River Class: Independant Credits: 46,725 XP: 51/50 Rank: Senior Ensign level: 3 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: The Space Crab Ship class: Old Raptor MK I Hull: 150/150 Weapon: small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] Weapon slots: 3 (1 open) shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 3,000 every 3 days Total population: 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% Bases/outposts: Vergon 6 - Home base/home world Population: 1,000,000 Tax: 3,000 every 3 days ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: none
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: [Primary quest completed!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY Storm hughes - 1.7 LY
Players in your alliance: N/A --------------------------------
----------Profile------------ Name: Dex River Class: Independant Credits: 46,725 XP: 51/50 Rank: Senior Ensign level: 3 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: The Space Crab Ship class: Old Raptor MK I Hull: 150/150 Weapon: small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] small laser(lvl 1)[equipped] Weapon slots: 3 (1 open) shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 3,000 every 3 days Total population: 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% Bases/outposts: Vergon 6 - Home base/home world Population: 1,000,000 Tax: 3,000 every 3 days ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: none
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: [Primary quest completed!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Thane Chellick - 21.1 LY Alex Walsh - 5.6 LY Storm hughes - 1.7 LY
Players in your alliance: N/A --------------------------------
yes, you can do anything as long as it is reasonable. although It would be better to buy a bigger ship, and then try. chances are, you will get blown from the sky, if the planet has defenses. It would also benefit you if you were to establish an alliance (the closer members are to you the better), and you can then share resources and help each other out.
OPTIONS: 1. Go down to the planet. 2. Go to a different system.
Name:Storm Hughes Class: independant Credits:50,000 XP: 7/20 Rank: Rookie level: 1 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: Normandy Ship class: Vector MK I Hull: 40/100 Weapons: 1 small machinegun(lvl 1)[equipped] shields: none FTL range: 1.5 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 0 Total population 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Defenseless defenses - your uncle want's you to repair the inactive defenses of your planet. to do this you must ask for a mechanic to fix them, from the city menu. (hire a worker) Secondary quests: none Quest log: [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Dex River: 1.7 LY Thane Chellick: 15.0 LY Alex Walsh: 4.8 LY Players in your alliance: N/A ------------------------------ ill pay him what ever he wants... ( the first price...)
Name:Storm Hughes Class: independant Credits:47,775 XP: 18/20 Rank: Rookie level: 1 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: Normandy Ship class: Viper MK I Hull: 40/120 Weapons: 2 small machinegun(lvl 1)[equipped][equipped] shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 0 Total population 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Shop freak - go to the shop from the city menu. Reward: 1000 credits
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: entered the city menu. [New Primary Quest!] [Primary Quest Completed!] You hired a mechanic! [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Dex River: 1.7 LY Thane Chellick: 15.0 LY Alex Walsh: 4.8 LY Players in your alliance: N/A ------------------------------
You finished your 1st quest!
[Primary Quest Completed!] +10 XP!
You get hailed by your uncle:
Uncle: hey, ma'boy! nice job on those turrets. did you hire a mechanic? You: yeah. Uncle: Great! I heard that you set up a tax. go to the Shop, and you can buy great things there! You: alright, uncle.
[New Primary Quest!]
OPTIONS: 1. [hire a worker(more options enabled if this is chosen)][^] 2. [talk to world secretaries (set up tax)] 3. [World analysis(more options enabled if this is chosen)] 4. [^][shop (buy/sell)] 5. [go to a different city/town] 6. [go to bar (side quests)] 7. [go around orbit of mael'thanos]
Name:Storm Hughes Class: independant Credits:47,775 XP: 18/20 Rank: Rookie level: 1 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: Normandy Ship class: Viper MK I Hull: 40/120 Weapons: 2 small machinegun(lvl 1)[equipped][equipped] shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 0 Total population 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Shop freak - go to the shop from the city menu. Reward: 1000 credits Secondary quests: none Quest log: entered the city menu. [New Primary Quest!] [Primary Quest Completed!] You hired a mechanic! [NEW PRIMARY QUEST!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Dex River: 1.7 LY Thane Chellick: 15.0 LY Alex Walsh: 4.8 LY Players in your alliance: N/A ------------------------------ welll got to shop to buy 3
Name:Storm Hughes Class: independant Credits:47,775 XP: 29/50 Rank: Ensign level: 2 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: Normandy Ship class: Viper MK I Hull: 40/120 Weapons: 2 small machinegun(lvl 1)[equipped][equipped] shields: none FTL range: 1.1 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 0 Total population 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: Repair my broken ship - Go to the city view and look go to the hangar. then repair your ship.
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: entered city view. [New primary quest!] [primary quest completed!] entered the city menu. [New Primary Quest!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Dex River: 1.7 LY Thane Chellick: 15.0 LY Alex Walsh: 4.8 LY Players in your alliance: N/A ------------------------------
[Primary quest completed!] +10 XP! LEVEL UP!
Reward: 1000 credits
you get hailed by your uncle, yet again.
Uncle: after this last quest you can go explore! just be sure to check in once and a while on your planet to see how things are going, ok?
[New primary quest!]
Options: 1. [hire a worker(more options enabled if this is chosen)][^] 2. [talk to world secretaries (set up tax)] 3. [^][Hangar(info on bought upgrades and repair your ship)] 4. [World analysis(more options enabled if this is chosen)] 5. [shop (buy/sell)] 6. [go to a different city/town] 7. [go to bar (side quests)] 8. [go around orbit of mael'thanos]
Name:Storm Hughes Class: independant Credits:46,725 XP: 45/50 Rank: Ensign level: 2 Skills: none -------------Ship------------- Name of ship: Normandy Ship class: Viper MK I Hull: 120/120 Weapons: 2 small machinegun(lvl 1)[equipped][equipped] shields: none FTL range: 1.5 LY -----------Alliance----------- Current Alliance: none % of galaxy controlled: N/A Enemies: N/A Treaties: N/A ------------Worlds------------ Worlds under your control: 1 Total tax: 0 Total population 1,000,000 % of galaxy controlled: 2% ------------Quests------------ Primary Quests: none
Secondary quests: none
Quest log: entered city view. [New primary quest!] [primary quest completed!] entered the city menu. [New Primary Quest!] -------------Squad------------ Current squad: none Members: N/A your rank in squad: N/A ------------Players----------- Players: Dex River: 1.7 LY Thane Chellick: 15.0 LY Alex Walsh: 4.8 LY Players in your alliance: N/A ------------------------------
-2050 credits
you repaired your ship! +3 XP!
[Primary quest completed!] +10 XP!
Reward: +1000 credits
Uncle: hey, ma'boy! You: I finished what you asked of me. Uncle: yes! now you are free to do whatever you like. you can explore, do jobs, fight enemies, or just see the sights! adventure lies ahead! If you want to earn some money, go to the bar. there you can get a job. goodbye, and good luck little nephew!
...P.S. ooh, and if you ever need anything, just hail me. i'll be glad to help! You: alright, bye uncle.