Name: Try to be realistic Age: Gender: Physical Desc.: at least 3 Personality: at least 3 Nationality: Trait: from the above Bio: Perk: ----------------- Class:class (i.e. spearmen, charioteer, bowmen, falxman if you need help for nation specific classes ask me) Squad:4 put names here and their class (i.e. spearmen, charioteer, bowmen, falxman if you need help for nation specific classes ask me)
Well the name is a dead giveaway
anywho you can play many nations from back then times (Egypt, Rome, stuff like that)
some examples
Carthage Numidia Britannia Dacia Gaul Germania Spain Scythians Armenia Pontus Parthia Egypt Greek Cities Macedon Seleucid Empire Thrace Roman
To the sheet, CHARGE!
Name: Try to be realistic Age: Gender: Physical Desc.: at least 3 Personality: at least 3 Nationality: Trait: from the above Bio: Perk: ----------------- Class:class (i.e. spearmen, charioteer, bowmen, falxman if you need help for nation specific classes ask me) Squad:4 put names here and their class (i.e. spearmen, charioteer, bowmen, falxman if you need help for nation specific classes ask me) Weapons: Armor: Misc.: Rank: Sergeant -------------- Health: 100/100 Armor Health: Conditions: none
also hyper if i'm not mistaken the only one up now is Kem and maybe one infantryman
Kem surrenders like a little French *****, but Shalam breaks (the now nonexistent anyway) formation and flanks the infantrymen now that their shields are up(makes their movements slower).
Kem surrenders like a little French *****, but Shalam breaks (the now nonexistent anyway) formation and flanks the infantrymen now that their shields are up(makes their movements slower).
the infantryman is on the ground with an arrow in the leg
the Carthaginians throw rocks and stab at the Egyptians as the broken army flees. the general lies dead with his destroyed chariot while others drop their weapons & run. the victorious Carthaginians wave their weapons in triumph from the walls and gates
Name: Garret Zopher Age: 24 Gender: Male Physical Desc.: Tall, lanky, brown hair, brown eyes. Personality: Impatient, aggresive, intelligent Nationality: Carthage Trait: ? Bio: Born and raised in Carthage culture, Garret was very amazed by the sight of the warriors clad in armor, donning spears. Joined the warrior forces at age 15, and quickly moved up to the rank of Sergeant. Perk: ----------------- Class: Slinger Squad: If I need to change names, let me know. Jack Farrence, Peoni spearman; Aaron Golling, Libyan Spearman; Peter Torag, Iberian infantry; Tom Vignet, Balearic Slinger; Geyver Mong, Iberian infantry; Hodler Perng, Peoni spearman; Weapons: Sling, Gladius, Buckler Armor: Cloth uniform Misc.: Rag, Rock pouch Rank: Sergeant -------------- Health: 100/100 Armor Health: Chest: 20/20; Shield: 50/50 Conditions: healthy
Name: Garret Zopher Age: 24 Gender: Male Physical Desc.: Tall, lanky, brown hair, brown eyes. Personality: Impatient, aggresive, intelligent Nationality: Carthage Trait: ? Bio: Born and raised in Carthage culture, Garret was very amazed by the sight of the warriors clad in armor, donning spears. Joined the warrior forces at age 15, and quickly moved up to the rank of Sergeant. Perk: ----------------- Class: Slinger Squad: If I need to change names, let me know. Jack Farrence, Peoni spearman; Aaron Golling, Libyan Spearman; Peter Torag, Iberian infantry; Tom Vignet, Balearic Slinger; Geyver Mong, Iberian infantry; Hodler Perng, Peoni spearman; Weapons: Sling, Gladius, Buckler Armor: Cloth uniform Misc.: Rag, Rock pouch Rank: Sergeant -------------- Health: 100/100 Armor Health: Chest: 20/20; Shield: 50/50 Conditions: healthy
oh and don't forget that link i gave you id=357">here
you can get new troops and now have access to cavalry (no elephants)