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Well, the title is a slight giveaway. But here's the thing. This, is based on the multiplayer. I will be making changes to the whole multiplayer thing. For one, there will be ALOT of players in one game. But the thing I am stressing is, it will also be clan combat. I know many clans in Halo Reach. ([clan I am in]United Nations, Crossed Legions, V100, Freelancers[non-controlable here], United Federations of Reach, United Colonies of Reach, etc.) There will be MANY differences in what the clans are now. So basically, in this game, you're going to be an average joe, fighting in clan warfare. Simple enough right? NOPE!!! With clans come competition, with competition comes hate, with hate comes war, and with war comes the multiplayer. The clans I will be showcasing will be like countries today, only, the leaders will be just a liiiiiiitle bit more gung-ho. There will be spawn-kills. You might be on both sides of the spectrum. There won't be any of those random 'fight me' requests. There will be betrayel and corruption. The guy you make friends with might be a spy for all you know.

Anyways, you won't be a clan leader. You will have to make your way to the top. You're going to start out as a private. Nothing special really. But you will be able to make your way up the chain. With new ranks, come new powers, with these new powers come more things to do. For example, a Lieutenant can go on diplomacy missions. Below this will be the branches of your clan.

Army: Pretty obvious. They are the main-line force. They are the first to jump into combat. (Basically the first to get shot in the face by a shotgun) They are also the mechinized forces. (Tanks, warthogs, mongooses etc.)
Navy: They fight on the sea, but they are also, basically, the air force. They drop off the troops.
National Gaurd: They aren't neccasarily the army, but they are reserves. (When an Army member is offline, a NG takes over for him) They gaurd the politicians, diplomats, leaders, etc. Mostly armed with shotguns and pistols.
Rangers: They perform behind enemy lines sabotage, assassinations, and recon. They are the special forces of the clan, but they are best with a Sniper rifle.

Assault rifle: Suppresion weapon, fully automatic, 32-round clips, best used in medium-short range, effective against shields.
DMR: Single shot, best used in long-medium combat, best used on a headshot against an unshielded target, 15 per mag.
Shotgun: Insta-kill in close range. 6 shots in the cartridge.
Sniper rifle: We have a 'well duh' weapon.
Magnum: Not a reliable primary, but best used when there is no time to reload primary.
Rocket Launcher: 2 shots per mag. Best used on enemy vehicles.
Spartan laser: 5 second delay before firing. Insta-kill on anything it hits. Fires a red laser that goes across the map.
Grenade Launcher: best used when breaching. Has an EMP feature.

Here's the format.
Age: (12+ Some clans have age restrcitions)
Description: (At least three things)
Species: (Spartan or Elite, some clans only have one species, I'll give the go ahead to let you know if the clan accepts this species)
Spawn-weapons: (DMR, Assault rifle, and/or magnum)
Clan: (UN, Crossed Legions, UUF, UCR, V100, etc.)
Friends: (Guys you joined with, you can control what they say and do, try and give their own information too, if you don't that's fine)

I might update the format every so often, but for now, sign up.

  • 62 Replies
16,287 posts

you had me, then lost me with the fact you play a gamer

2,316 posts

Hey, not my fault I'm not interested in other means of 'lay'. But hey, your opinion is yours. Not my fault either... BUCHACH SANDWHICHES!!! But, could you please try and make your statement a bit clearer, may I ask? (Already knows answer. :3)

1,030 posts

Gamertag:Frank Anderson
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Friends:Phillip Burns,Richard Goons

Hey trooper haven't heard from you in a while.Basically I choose one of the existing clans and fight for them to beat the other clans?(not that easy of course)

2,316 posts

Gamertag:Frank Anderson
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Phillip Burns,Richard Goons

Nope. This is going to be like I hate N.Y.C. We're going to try and last for a while. Also, could you make the GTs... You know, GT like. For example, CheeseSamurai21 or Garliclovingvampire35. Those would be off the top of my head. The reason why I haven't posted in a while was because I was trying to think of a good RPG idea.

I would hope you choose an existing clan! Anyways...

Tapdata@s57 drops you off at the base you were assigned. Keep New Hope. It looks like a Mideivel castle. Tapdata@s57 pulls out with his Falcon and returns to the off-shore carrier he picked you up from. A guy comes out from the gate. Two guys in blue and white flank him. He is wearing red and brown. He stops in front of you. "Hey-o Franky, Phil, Rich." he greets cheerfully. Without waiting for a response, he continues. "Welcome to Keep New Hope! Let me show you around." He takes you inside, the other two guys, NGs from what you rememeber, follow you. There's an AFC guy in a gaurd house next to the gate. You can hear audible snoring in the back-ground. You proceed to mute him as you walk by. The officer takes you the back of the keep. On the way, you saw the main building, smack-dab in the middle of the facility. You could see a slightly smaller building next to it. The officer said that was the armory. When you see a building with glass windows, you guess it's the barracks. You can see another building that looks like a garage, obviously the motor pool. The officer and his bodygaurds take you to the top floor. It has four beds. Two making up a bunk. "This is where you will usually stay if you go AFC. The gaurd you saw earlier didn't have enough time to go here." The officer says. He heads out of the room. The two NGs following him. Almost immediately, another guy wearing red and brown comes in. "You guys are the new guys, right?" He sounds like he's about 15. You answer him. "All right. We're supposed to act as foxtrot squad. I'm your squad leader." What do you do/say?

1,030 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Phillip Burns,Richard Goons

"Whats your tag?"I say in a deep voice.

2,316 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Phillip Burns,Richard Goons

Could you change your friends?

"Madcake75." He answers. From his emblem, it looks like he's a sargeant. He turned back around. "Anyways, follow me." He orders. Your group follows after your squad leader. He comes into a room that has a few tables on each wall. These have laptop-looking structures on them, they have a 1-way shield on top of them as well. There are a few guys in here. They are wearing red and white. "Ah, Foxtrot, come here." One of them says. He is wearing ODST armor. He leads you into another room that looked identical to the other one in almost every way, except for the large one way shield on the wall. "Here is the situation. We suspect a UCR attack force to hit the keep. We want you to go with one of the Rangers and scout out the hostiles." The Madcake shifts on his feet. "Do we know where they are, or do we have to walk around with massive targets painted on our faces." The intelligence guy chuckles. "Probably the second option." What do you do?

1,030 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

"Lets do it,which one of our squad will do the mission?"
Phil:I'll volunteer I'm heck of a Sniper on high grounds
Richard:I won't mind as well I have plenty of Grenades and Rockets on my straps.

Can you all name all the clans please?

2,316 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

Well, I named some I know earlier. DemonicLegends, United Nations, (Again, I am in that clan)V100, United Colonies of Reach, United Union Federation, Roman Empire, (they probably won't last long)Gaurdian Grunts clan. Off the top of my head. You'll be meeting all of them.

"All of you apparently." The quack says. He ushers your squad out, saying he had "important bussiness." Madcake takes you to the vehicle depot. But then, another squad comes out. "Ohhhhh, hello Cake." Madcake immedietely pulls up his weapon. But he puts it back down. "The fu** you want Tox?" He says with hostility. They all have matching uniforms. Red and brown. That meant they were from the army. "Oh, not much. Just for you to admit, you shouldn't have taken the rank Sargeant." Then, some NGs come around the corner. "Yo, is there a problem here?" The two squad leaders look at each other. You hear the occasional squak of that random bird on the map. "Yeah." Madcake says. The other squad walks to the central building. Madcake walks into the motor pool. A couple minutes later, he comes out with a passenger warthog. He parks beside you. "Come on in!" Madcake says. Phil and Rich get into the back of the warthog, you sit in the passenger seat. Madcake drives out of the gate. The AFC gaurd was replaced by an NG. You're out on a grassy flatlands. There is the occasional rock pile, but nothing else. What do you do to pass the time?

1,030 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

"Sounds like this "Tox" has same problems with you."
Phillip:Yeah doesn't seem to like us either........

2,316 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

"We aren't very... Tolerant with each other. We're social enemies in school." Madcake explains. "He probably doesn't like you just because you're in my squad." He adds. He pays attention to the road. You hear a wierd sound. It sounds like... "WRAAAAAAAITH!!!" Madcake yelled as he swerved to the right. The blue artillery plasma lands on where you previously were. The Warthog landed on it's top, which was now the bottom. Fortunately you landed beside a mound of rocks. "Get up and hold the position!" Madcake orders. You crawl out of the warthog. There's small line of small boulders poking out from the bottom of the rock mound. UCR troops start rushing towards you. It's a scouting party but more larger in numbers than you. Four against twenty ain't good. There are two default Warthogs charging towards you. Two men in each one. There was one Wraith. It held only one guy from the looks of it. The rest were charging at you one foot. Most of them were armed with DMRs, Assault rifles, and Magnums. Well, what'll yus do.

1,030 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

Phillip!Get your Sniper rifle and get to the farthest boulders and give us covering fire!Richard get your Rockets and explosives ready and take out those warhogs!Whats the plan Madcake!?

2,316 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

Madcake ducks as a DMR round comes at him. "Philip will head up to the top of the mound. You and Rich will cover him. I'll make sure no one comes around the back." Madcake says.

Remember this, if you are killed, you will respawn in the closest CL controlled fort. So you'll be fine.

You remember John Hampton? Well, ah, I'm making another charrie.

Gamertag:NEWT BROS
Description: ODST shoulders, helmet, black visor, and patrol chest. (Yes, I know them all)
Spawn-weapons: DMR, Magnum
Clan: United Nations
Rank: Leutenant

NEWT BROS came out of another Council meeting. He sighed in exasperation. He watched his pals come out of the council meeting. Cyb3rkat, UN Overlord, CJPLAGUE. GeneralJB172, the UN's navy leader and media face, walked over to the leutenant. "Hello, NEWT." He greeted. NEWT nodded. JB wasted no time. "Listen, NEWT, I need you to head over to the CL keep, New Hope, and see what's going on. UCR forces are spotted in the area and I want you to see what's going on. Take some reliable people." NEWT BROS nodded. "I intend to, sir." The Leutenant stroke off to the barracks. He walked into a room with three other UN army soldiers. Sherlock228, Rookie228, and Kat o Man. "What's up?" NEWT BROS looked at the squad. "JB wants us to scout out the situation in the UCR/CL territories. There's wind that UCR are heading for the CL keep, New Hope. Get your weapons and ammo." With that, trhe squad ran out of the barracks and went to the armory. After they grabbed their weapons, they grabbed a passenger warthog and drove through the front gate of Firebase Bravo and charged through Paradiso.

1,030 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

"Phillip get up ground and get a good sniping spot!Me and Rich will cover you and follow you in a moment!*As shooting my Assault Rifle at the infantry*

2,316 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

You down about three guys with your combined fire. (Remember, this is Halo Reach, targets have shields) The warthogs see you as a serious threat to the infantry. They swerve inwards to make some cover for the infantry. The infantry crowd behind the warthogs. The drivers join the infantry and the turret users stay in their machine-guns. The Wraith fires a shot that lands near you. Well, what do you do?

1,030 posts

Gamertag:FrAnK9 ANderSon678
Description:Tall,Buff,long legs
Spawn-weapons:Assault Rifle,Magnum
Clan:Crossed Legions
Rank: Private
Friends:Ph1lLip bUrns1337,RiCharD G00ns789

"Phillip get some pressure off of us"
Phillip:I'm bstarting to get a shot at the driver of the Wraith!
Richard:Cover I'm going to some frags at the Warhogs!

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