before I start the reply. I would like to announce 2 things:
1. I'm now allowing Epic to play off as his new title, the DoT calculator. he won't be a norse god, but I will put him under the new title "Norse Prophet". this basically means that I have given people certain jobs within the game in order for it to be more entertaining. if/when I come up with more jobs, I will allow people to apply for these positions.
2.I kept on noticing that people who decided to defend the tree were always attacked, and killed immediately. obvious reason aside, I decided to again make the game more interesting by allowing players to go under my new opposition class. much like perrykid's vision of having people defend the tree as a class, I have decided to allow these people to play as your enemies. I will be giving them a starting health of about 250hp (because if I don't they will be killed immediately). in fact, all they have to do to get this position is post "I pledge my loyalty to the tree of life and power", and they will become your new worst enemy. Nerdsoft will be my starting candidate. they can attack other players (and you can attack them) whenever you/they want to. I shall call this new class "Nature Touched". their powers will of course be nature based.
now onto the reply:
The King of games approaches the tree again after resting to restore his power. "Curses! What we need is...AH!, what we need is SCIENCE!" He rushes off, returning some time later, wearing a white lab coat, leading two dump-truck-loads of Aluminum and Iron oxide (Rust), both metals ground into a fine powder. "Let's see how this tree likes Thermite!" He rigs up a system of ropes and pullies to pour the ingredients, bucket by bucket, to the top of the tree. Now, Thermite is one of the most exothermic reactions in the world. Why? Because of the electron transfer between the Iron Oxide and Aluminum, the Iron Oxide losing 3 electrons and Aluminum gaining 3, per atom. The reaction is so hot, the elemental Iron formed is molten. Such heat and molten metal would dribble down the tree, quickly melting the wood. Given enough time, there simply wouldn't be a tree, as it would be melted down to the ground. "...How's that, Blade? Scientific enough for you? Original enough?"
the thermite proved to be a solid attack.
"Hey. I'm currently looking for the mana fragment. you by chance want something to trade for it, or are willing to give it away for free?"
a spirit then flies out of the mine, and you hear it whisper, "bring us back the sword of the endless resting." the spirits were referencing the paladin blade, zinkorov, which was used thousands of years ago to cleanse evil and restore rest to the dead. you can either take back the blade, or you can keep it for yourself. either one works for me. whichever you decide, the blade is currently in the posession of a powerful warlord to the north of here."
walk up to nerdsoft and slice him with my sword.
he receives some damage.
I tell the alchemist that, despite the bizarre weather, I am here for some upgrades to my archery abilities, along with some poison/acid/fire/napalm arrows (napalm would be excellent for this game).
he laughs, and then says, "if that was all you wanted, then you didn't need to come to me. I can easily send those to you myself via courier. in fact, the only reason you should ever come to me is for 2 things: to either demand a refund, or you would like to augment your body in some way, shape, or form." he hands you the arrows free of charge, and tells you to shoo.
I make every game characters on the internet come to life using my awesome powers, for example Sonny, Veradaux and Felicity will come alive and all will attack the tree. I will then stand in front of the tree and wait til all the players have commented and they will strike with all they have at the tree, then I will steal their powers by absorbing it like Sebastian Shaw in X-Men: First Class and then I will touch the tree and making it explode.
stealing the powers of other players is against the rules. sorry man, try something else.
Thaboss goes back to his sword quest.
(you didn't need to post this) alright, you are back at the shield with the shifting energies. how will you cut it?
I refuel the device and set it to attack the tree until it is dead. That should cause some DoT.
sorry, DoT won't be starting until next turn.
Killersup will call upon a giant army of undead soldiers from the earth.They are huge like no other undead. Then he will have the giants dig a giant trench in a 150 foot radius of the tree. He will have them dig over 1000 yards under the earth. Intill the molten lava rises around the tree... the lava will completely surround the tree creating a kind of force field around the tree. However, this will completely cut off the tree from any water. Even if the lava dries, it will become almost concrete hard, and it will take hundreds/thousands of yards for the water alone to crack through 150 feet of rock. By then the tree should have been completely devoid of water, thus dead.
we all seem to be forgetting that this tree isn't any normal tree. you damaged it, but only by so much.
sorry for the hitus but i fly to the man then ask how i can become a shade or whatever its called
sorry for the hitus but i fly to the man then ask how i can become a shade or whatever its called
kentour-oa looks at you with what seems like speechlessness, and then you hear him slowly whisper, "to become a shade, you must let a greater demon corrupt you, or you must be exposed to unnatural levels of dark energy, usualy beyond that of normal human tolerance. I won't stop you from becoming one, but let it be known that if I ever see you again as that monstrosity, I will personally come and end your life myself."
My attack
I stop nerdsoft's rubber flak with a flick of my wrist, condense it into a rubber ball, and shoot it at the tree. (I know that will do nothing, but I'm making a point. Then I paralyze nerdsoft, and float up into the sky with him. I then crystallize him into pure dark energy, and condense him, shaping him into a wedge-shaped object. I fly up to the top of the tree, holding Nerdsoft the Dark Wedge in my hand, somewhat reminiscent of Zeus' master bolt. Then I blast him from the top of the tree down, flattening him out as he goes, like how a lead bullet flattens out as it goes trough your body. Once he reaches the true center of the tree, I cause him to explode with massive amounts of energy, releasing more energy in 1 second than 5 suns release in an hour. I grab everyone who isn't nerdsoft and fly as far away as I possibly can, because everything for miles around is probably going to get vaporized.
that put a tear to my eye it was so impressive. under normal circumstances, nerdsoft would definitely be dead, but I'm now making him part of my new experiment.
And that, nerdsoft, is why you don't fool with me. If you have any luck, Blade might give you a second chance to respawn.
I'll let you stew over the gravity of this.
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Prophets: (player side-jobs)
TheEPICgameKING (Dot Calculator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Elemental Sages (ultimate elemental masters):
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Archangels (ultimate force of
Arcane Elite (those who have mastered magic itself):
Nature Touched
Tree's sworn Guardians)
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,360,032,855 HP
Ground Condition: dry
Wind: none