No, I was talking about you giving everyone the ability to deal much more damage than what they would've gotten previously.
lol, that really isn't something you should mention to the GM. come to think of it, I have been lenient on you guys. the funny part was that I was that I did so to restablize the game after perrykid multiplied the tree's health. (speaking of which, I wonder what he's doing these days)
ATTENTION: due to the fact that I have been waaay too lenient on you guys, I'm slashing everyone's attack power. Also, be sure to thank santi_ for this wonderous improvement. so says's just that the only way I've noticed something like that happens is either breaking the rules, using a suicidal attack, or pissing you off. The latter seems to be the most effective.
trust me, the only way to piss me off these days is to break the rules.
I experiment with my powers a bit.
your experimentation shows that you now have 200hp, and you retain all of your powers from before your transformation, but there is a difference (let's see if you can figure out what that difference is).
killersup bashes the tree day and night for 40 days and 40 nights.abraham lincoin style. the "toy" that killersup uses to bash said tree with is of course his trusty sledghammer.this is only ment to weaken it.
lol, all you did was tire yourself out.
I bring down thunderbolt after thunderbolt from the clouds on the tree. I also bring down tons and tons of electric hail, and I fire the most powerful blast of energy I can muster while channeling energy from the earth's magnetic field to charge me.
you damage the tree, but there is a bit of a problem. when you tapped into the earth's magnetic field, you actually multiplied your gravity constant. you are the same mass, but your weight has multiplied by a factor of 4. you are unable to move.
Temporarily Disabled: epicness01
(remember, to get out of it, you just need to post how you will get out of the situation.)
I get a ballista and put some C4 upon the bolt and poison the tip and FIRE!
lol, new people. since I now know that you haven't read the whole thread, I have to now tell you that poison doesn't affect the tree. Also, you were a little trigger happy, and you pressed the detonator button a little too soon. the bolt exploded in mid-air.
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,317,945,859 HP
Weather: Dark Blizzard
Ground Condition: moist
Wind: light breeze