i use my rail gun to force the goblins back into submission then i force them to make me something requiring less work like....
a mini gun!!!!!!!!!
they have already built defenses against you, and are now using a
hammer of dawn type of satelite against you. you might want to get out of the way...
I create an electromagnetic field around myself which repels me from the ground, but not enough to send me into space, just enough to cancel out the extra weight.
it works...for now.
I persuade NASA to let me borrow a space shuttle and i fill it with c4 and launch it at a meteor that is big enough to survive through the atmosphere and strike Yggdrasil.
that blows up the meteor, and all of the chunks miraculously avoid earth.
killersup beings.......experimenting with a strange substance that seems to have fallen from the tree......
you're going to have to be a little more specific than that my friend, but it is interesting.
I eat some fruit and study the rest, attempting to find a container which will trap the magic in.
you are healed, but you aren't gaining any results from studying the fruit, due to the fact that the magical charge has now left all of the fruit.
And come on Blade, no one can stay mad at me forever. Right? Right?
that's not for me to decide.
Okay, maybe I can help out a bit:
I take killersup's sledghammer, then use my android being to transform it into something...interesting.
I form a thin layer of nexus around subzero's fruit, making it a one way magic-director. I also be sure to make sure it's not backwards, and does not suck out the magic from the fruit.
Well, I'm not sure what rabidgam3r expects to happen, but hey, I'm in a good mood, and use my knowledge of the human mind to help him persuade NASA, and any other individuals who object.
I take my swords, and create a thin wall-like layer that'll keep epicness from doing accidently doing something strange with his newfound magnetic field-gravity powers. If anything goes wrong, I just pull the swords back into their original form, and return them to me.
I use my small magic powers, in addition from the power of the nexus to enchant tunablade's railgun
lol, your attempts of synergism are quite elaborate (+1 intellect if you know what that means without looking it up). very well, you made killersups hammer able to hit stuff at their resonant frequency, causing multiplied vibrations (AKA: you gave him an earthquake hammer. good job). you were unable to help subzero because the enchantment already left the fruit, or epicness because he already helped himself, but you did help rabid convince NASA, which didn't turn out like he planned it. you did alter tuna's railgun, which made it able to fire elemental rounds.
Running low on ideas at the moment, so I'm getting Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann to attack with a Giga Drill Breaker.
please send me link before I calculate damage of attack.
I beg for forgiveness.
Maybe you could put the no killing rule in bold italic letters to make it more noticable?
didn't think I needed to, considering that I have warned you about it twice before. Fine!
well killersup now takes his......."interesting" sledgehammer and bashes it against on the ground about 50 feet from the tree.this causes the roots of the tree to lose their ability to bring nutrients into the base of the tree.
lol another rule, no 2nd attack posts. only the first one will count.
I nuke the tree.
lol, since you are new I'll won't ignore you. I'll just punish you by telling you to read the whole thread before you post again. I'll ask a single question about the events in the thread on your next post in order to make sure you paid attention.
I create an ice dragon and attempt to fuse it with the dark blizzard. Now I use it to attack the tree.
lol, does anybody else remember what happens when you try to corrupt a creature of immense power? I sure hope you do, because you guys had to deal with the consequences for quite a few pages. the dragon breathes corrupted ice onto the tree, which does damage the tree some.
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,317,943,859 HP
Weather: Dark Blizzard
Ground Condition: moist
Wind: light breeze
Also, will somebody please remind light_chaser how you get out of being temporarily disabled? the more people who post on his profile how to do so will mean the more likely he will actually remember.