I wire a timer to a dispenser filled with hostile mob spawner eggs.(In the newest snapshot dispensers spawn mobs when eggs are put in) I then zeppelin-mod the spawner onto nyan cat and let the skellie fighting with creepers begin, to explode Nyan Cat.
I wire a timer to a dispenser filled with hostile mob spawner eggs.(In the newest snapshot dispensers spawn mobs when eggs are put in) I then zeppelin-mod the spawner onto nyan cat and let the skellie fighting with creepers begin, to explode Nyan Cat.
This attack please
If I understood anything you had just said i would have done it, but I didn't, so sorry.
I wire a timer to a dispenser filled with hostile mob spawner eggs.(In the newest snapshot dispensers spawn mobs when eggs are put in) I then zeppelin-mod the spawner onto nyan cat and let the skellie fighting with creepers begin, to explode Nyan Cat.
is from minecraft. The skellies shoot bows, which make the creepers explode.