Just for fum! Nyan cat's health starts with 10 ANY ATTACK IS NECECARY!
What is "this" my computer is being retarded.
I stab my eyes.
It's a weird alteration of Nyan Cat.It's XOLGA AND MR TOKO FROM PACTHESIS!
And if you play the entire series called Xolga and Mr Toko you realize they used to be human! The games are hilarious but kinda short. I almost cried at the end of Xolga and Mr Toko part 9 which is the very last episode
I kill the yellow guy with a sword.
I kill the yellow guy with a sword
I show Nyan Cat a picture of Walter Hudoson (If you dont know whoWAlter Hudson is, you're an idiot.)
Hey guys I wont be on much today so Alexandra is da boss
I throw the sun at all of them.
I nuke said cat 999999999999999 times.
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