Background: The world has been ravaged by war multiple times, but not like this. The era has led to the rise of a new enemy, surprising the Order (The Order is an army of well trained soldiers clad in blue armor. They reside in the Western Expanse, which stretches towards their blood-rivals, the Knights of Round (More on them later). The Order has a variety of soldiers to assist in the war, such as mages and bladesmen. They seek the union of the world under one ruler to prolong peace within their empire. The Knights of Round are against the union, knowing that they would be as slaves to the Order. They are an army clad in crimson and are much more headlong then their enemies. Regardless of the odds of battle, they still charge forward, seeking to preserve their freedom. Among them are bladesmen and warmages, mages capable of wielding a weapon in battle, but not as profound in thee arts of magic as the Order's own. They remain oblivious to the new threat on the world, knowing that the Order is the new danger's first prey. Among other groups are the Magi, a group of blue-skinned creatures consisting of a complete army of warmages, the Outsiders, who are deserters from the Order and Knights of Round alike, working together despite their differences to stay alive, the Dragoon, former pikemen in the Round's army that have learned dragon lore and often ride their dragons that they raise themselves into battle, and the Nameless Ones, a group of shadowed, always cloaked beings who's history remains unknown and forbidden to study. Legend has it the crafted the two swords of legend. The Gladius and the Eclipse. (You can't choose to be allied to the Nameless Ones, they are merely part of the storyline.) Gladius: A sorcery-imbued shortsword that originates from Levian steel (A very strong metal that is extremely had to craft and can't dent, rust, or dull) and has a regular, leather-wrought grip, which is made from ironwood and reinforced with Levian steel. In fact, it resembles a gladiator's shortsword. Eclipse: An obsidian greatsword tat rivals the strength of Levian steel. The hilt is made to resemble the moon, and ,when in pure moonlight, can absorb the moon's energy to strengthen and repair the blade, if needed. It is said that every soul this blade reaps is stored in the blade for eternity.
How to Play: 1. Select your alliance. EX. Knights of Round 2. Pick a name for your character. EX. Thiorian 3. pick a class according to your alliance. EX. Bladesman 4. Distribute the thirty points given to you in the beginning in any of these six attributes: Strength (basic attack power) Magic (Basic spell power(Only works for mages and warmages)) Agility (dodge chance) Resist (magic defense) Defense (melee defense) Luck (critical hit chance(critical hits do 2x damage)) EX. Strength:7 Magic:0 Agility:5 Resist:6 Defense:6 Luck:6
By now, your profile should look something like this. Name: Thiorian Race: Age:*Come up with something suitable to your race (For more on races, scroll down). Class: Bladesman Alliance: Knights of Round Stats: Str:7 Mag:0 Agi:5 Res:6 Def:6 Luck:6
Races: Your race depends on who you're allied with. The Knights of Round can be: Human Elf (60-140) Dwarf (50-90) (The Order's races are the same as the Knights of Round's) Magi: Blue-skins (30-50) Outsiders: Human Beastman Dragoons: Human Elf (60-140) Dwarfs (50-90)
More on classes: Knights of Round: Bladesmen:Melee Pikemen:Melee/Range Bowsmen:Range Warmage:All Magic/Melee Guardefender/Melee Order: Knightefender/Melee Priest:Beneficial Magic Mage:Offensive Magic Ranger:Melee/Range Lancer:Melee Magi: Warmage:All Magic/Melee *Note: Magi Warmages have more powerful magic than any other warmage from other factions. Outsiders: Cutthroat:Melee Sniper:Range Archmage:Offensive Magic Dragoons: Dragoon:Melee/Range Dragon Priest:Beneficial Magic
Now your profile should look like this (New info bolded) Name: Thiorian Race: Human Age: 27 Class: Bladesman Alliance: Knights of Round Stats: Str:7 Mag:0 Agi:5 Res:6 Def:6 Luck:6
Now onto equipment. Weapons: Melee classes can equip shortswords, greatswords, axes, hammers, flails, lances, and longknives. Range classes can equip shortbows, longbows, throwing knives, crossbows, and throwing stars. Magic classes can't equip any weapons, but can use up to three of these magic attributes (Set them on your profile. They're permanent!) Fire Water Wind Ice Earth Dark Light Shadow Defender classes can only equip poleaxes, lances, and flails. Armor: Melee classes can equip light armor and heavy armor. Melee/Range classes can only equip light armor. Melee/Defender classes can only equip heavy armor. Range classes can only equip light armor. Magic classes can only equip robes.
*Note: You can make up the names of your armor, and the armor, when made, can get five points put in any of the attribute slots, just like your base stats. ***WARNING*** Weapons can break down during battle!
So, I hope you enjoy the game. And also, you can only create one character, but if you want, you can delete your previous character to create another.
Are we allowed to add attribute points for weapons? Also, if two starting weapons aren't allowed, I'll just take the Battleaxe. Because battleaxes are awesome.
Are we allowed to add attribute points for our weapons?
Oh yeah, I forgot all about that... You will be able to put 5 attribute points on your weapons, just like the armor. And yes, if you're Melee/Range or Melee/Magic,, you can equip two weapons, such as a battleaxe and a crossbow. And even if you're just Melee, you can equip two axes of swords, or even an axe and sword, but you can't dual-wield lances or greatswords.
I don't know if you write your own weapons and armor
Now how about I join my own game? Name: Thiorian Race: Human Age: 27 Class: Bladesman Alliance: Knights of Round Stats: Str:7 Mag:0 Agi:5 Res:6 Def:6 Luck:6 Right Hand: Sanguine Sword (+3 Str,+2 Agi) Left Hand: Devil's Warcry[axe] (+4 Str,+1 Luck) Helm: Visored Helm of Crimson (+2 Str,+3 Def) Armor: Maximillian[heavy armor] (+2 Def,+2 Res,+1 Luck) Gloves: Crimson Gauntlets (+2 Str,+3 Def) Feet: Leggings of the Wind (+5 Agi) Accessory 1: Vitality Ring (+5 Def) Accessory 2: Crest of the Knights (+4 Str, +1Def) *Now, as you can see, you can equip a lot more than I said... just added it when I made this profile. Also, be sure to show the stat increases next to your weapons and armor!
The Dragoon camp has been visited by the Magi. Thinking that they are here for negotiations, the Dragoons sent an unarmed group of Dragon Priests to escort the group of warmages, when suddenly, the Magi burst into action. The Priests are killed by fire and ice used in tandem with each other. they bolster their forces and attempt to raid the Dragoons' main camp. The only ones to stop them are a handful of Dragoons however. For all you Dragoons out there, what will you do? A)Succumb to the enemy forces and surrender B)Attempt an escape C)Attack with all your might, using superior tactics and the terrain to your advantage. Each person decides for themselves, but choose wisely, for one option leads to death. *You don't actually die per say, but if you do "die" then you go to your last checkpoint. **Checkpoints are the camps or castles/towns that your character last visited.
You are at the Dragoons' main camp, awaiting orders from the commanders of the faction, when, quite suddenly, a ivory horn sounds outside the gates. The whole camp in disarray, the soldiers peer over the wooden walls. To gaze upon a squad of Magi, preparing their magic. You are sent out, and you: