ForumsForum GamesPokemon Mystery dungeon: A RPG

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So, you probably know what Pokemon is/are. If you don't, you probably aren't going to play this. You also might know what Pokemon mystery dungeon is. If you don't that's OK. It's pokemon, without any humans, and the pokemon, so to speak, replace humans, living in tribes, villages, and such. You get the idea. This is an RPG, like that game. You travel, fight, talk, and evolve. Please ask more questions to clarify.

Nick Name: (usually Pokemon just have their species as their name, but for example if your a bulbasaur, you can call your self bulby. Not required.)
Pokemon: (what kind of pokemon you are.)
Traits: (For example, a scar on your eye, a ruft of hair.)
Attacks: (I'll put, but if you go and look up your attacks, and i check them ok, there fine. Aslong as your not just starting the game, and suddenly start with a level 100 move)
Inventory: None
Party: None

When you pick your name, if you don't have a special name or anything, then just put your Pokemon name.

For your Pokemon, you cannot use a legendary and your pokemon must be in its first stage, unevolved. Even if its a "baby" type like pichu or munchlax.

For your trait, you cannot be a shadow pokemon, be miscolored, or be a "shiny" pokemon. You cannot be much bigger or smaller, or shorter or taller. The traits are just for small things.

Once again, if anyone has any questions, please let me know, and that there is a limit of 6 people joining, but more will be let in if it even reachs that ammount.

  • 206 Replies
23,530 posts

Nick Name: Red Star
Pokemon: Timburr
Traits: Unusually small nose.
Attacks: Brick Break/Work up, Low Kick/bide.
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Pokeville

It gets frustrated at its failure, and leaps backwards off, heading out into the forest.
He takes a minute as he debates whether to follow or not, in the end he decides to chase him. He uses bulk up then begins leaping after him.
16,287 posts

Nick Name: Grim
Pokemon: Grimer
Traits: a slight rip in the muck down the center of his "face"
Attacks:Stench, Sticky Hold, Tackle
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Karp path

i just watch

raised middle finger (cookie for reference)

153 posts

Nickname: Havoc
Pokemon: Azurill
Traits: Havoc is just slightly smaller than the average member of his species, by about two inches, and also weighs correspondingly less. His fur glistens a darker blue than normal, too, owing to genetics.
Attacks: Bubble, Slam, Water Gun
Inventory: Berserk Gene, Mysterious Stone
Party: n/a
Location: Ruined Village

[Ah, okay. By the way, that image can be credited to Esepibe at Deviantart. I happen to have seen it before, so I just had to google a few choice words to locate the artist again.]

The way that pokemon just... absorbed... that Scizor... stupid for getting in its way... but still, I may owe my life to its intellectual shortcomings.

I no longer feel safe. In fact, I know I'm not safe at this point. I can't face down a beast like that alone. I need an army to fight something like this, I need the most powerful groups of pokemon in existence on my side. And if anything can rally them, it's the threat of something like this creature, this twisted, grotesque pokemon hunting me down.

Quietly, stealthily, I begin working my way through the most solid-looking, leafless branches, retreating high into the trees where I can't be seen before attempting to slip away deeper into the forest. Surely, at some eventual point, I'll find someone powerful and willing to help.

4,584 posts

Nick Name: Storm
Pokemon: Mudkip
Traits: Storm has two notches along the top edge of the fin on her head and two more along the side edge of her tail fin.
Attacks: Tackle, growl, mud-slap
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Seer's chamber

I look at the ones that had helped us get out of the cave. "I guess you two didn't know he was an imposter?" I ask as I try to figure out why shiny pokemon are evil and how I knew the lucario was evil.

1,761 posts

Nick Name: Grim
Pokemon: Grimer
Traits: a slight rip in the muck down the center of his "face"
Attacks:Stench, Sticky Hold, Tackle
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Karp path

Raichu watchs in amazement, and dusknoir opens the next box, containging the nidorino from earlier. Except now, he has gone feral, in a small cage, desperetly clawing at the cage bars, and is now completely "shiny".(as in, the low chance to get an alternate colored pokemon, not shiny as in, sparkles.)

Nickname: Havoc
Pokemon: Azurill
Traits: Havoc is just slightly smaller than the average member of his species, by about two inches, and also weighs correspondingly less. His fur glistens a darker blue than normal, too, owing to genetics.
Attacks: Bubble, Slam, Water Gun
Inventory: Berserk Gene, Mysterious Stone
Party: n/a
Location: Ruined Village

(Thank you, im glad i now know who did that amazing work)

You come to a split path, the creature not to far behind. One leads into a hole on a beach, leading on to a underwater cave. The one to the right leads up and into the cave inside a volcano. You see a carving of kyroge on the water cave entrance, and a groudon carving on the volcano cave entrance.

Nick Name: Storm
Pokemon: Mudkip
Traits: Storm has two notches along the top edge of the fin on her head and two more along the side edge of her tail fin.
Attacks: Tackle, growl, mud-slap
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Seer's chamber

"No, but that leaves the question as to what happened with the real seer." You remember something about that lucario...and the shiny pokemon...You, treeko, and chatot are all immediately briefed on a mission, and begin to walk down a cave. It goes like this: Your swung by the guild hall, initiated, given 2 days of supply's, told that slowking is guild master, chatot is 2nd in command, and your going to get that celebi. Its all very suddenly, and with no explanation as to you and treeko being sent on the mission. You arrive at a cave with a carving of a giant stone pokeball at the entrance. Its close to night, they begin to set up. Chatot unpacking the tent, and treeko getting food out of his pack.

16,287 posts

Nick Name: Grim
Pokemon: Grimer
Traits: a slight rip in the muck down the center of his "face"
Attacks:Stench, Sticky Hold, Tackle
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Karp path

i just watch yet again

23,530 posts

What about me?

4,584 posts

Nick Name: Storm
Pokemon: Mudkip
Traits: Storm has two notches along the top edge of the fin on her head and two more along the side edge of her tail fin.
Attacks: Tackle, growl, mud-slap
Inventory: None
Party: Treeko
Location: Seer's chamber

I help with setting up camp.

153 posts

Nickname: Havoc
Pokemon: Azurill
Traits: Havoc is just slightly smaller than the average member of his species, by about two inches, and also weighs correspondingly less. His fur glistens a darker blue than normal, too, owing to genetics.
Attacks: Bubble, Slam, Water Gun
Inventory: Berserk Gene, Mysterious Stone
Party: n/a
Location: Ruined Village

At first, my instincts pull me towards the water and my sworn queen, Lady Kyogre, the Sea Basin pokemon. If anyone will help me, she will. But...

Logic steers me instead towards the cave of Kyogre's rival, Lord Groudon. He has the immense power necessary to fight a long-term war of attrition, and at the moment, his skillset is more suitable for taking on a Scizor, or whatever this thing has made its prey into.

But no. Groudon would never help me, a runt of a water-type, not even yet in my basic form. I have to seek Lady Kyogre's assistance first. She may be able to make Groudon see the light of our cause later, but I need to make sure I have at least one powerful ally before I go meddling in the affairs of my type's natural rivals.

I leap into the water and take off. The water is my natural terrain, and I'm small enough to be annoyingly agile. If I can just get to Lady Kyogre or fellow servants of her might... I may just survive.

153 posts

[Forgot to mention, my location is no longer the Ruined Village. In fact I have no idea where I am. An update there would be appreciated, good sir Darth.]

1,761 posts

Nick Name: Red Star
Pokemon: Timburr
Traits: Unusually small nose.
Attacks: Brick Break/Work up, Low Kick/bide.
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Pokeville

You chase after him, but by the time you reach the forest, he is no where in sight.

Nick Name: Grim
Pokemon: Grimer
Traits: a slight rip in the muck down the center of his "face"
Attacks:Stench, Sticky Hold, Tackle
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Karp path

He continues with the 3rd box, pulling out what appears to be a (time gear) large gear. "This, helps keep time from collapsing onto space. Although, i don't need it anymore" He would probably smirk right now if his mouth worked that way.

Nick Name: Storm
Pokemon: Mudkip
Traits: Storm has two notches along the top edge of the fin on her head and two more along the side edge of her tail fin.
Attacks: Tackle, growl, mud-slap
Inventory: None
Party: Treeko
Location: Seer's chamber

You set up camp and have a small dinner of sandwiches. You begin to sleep, but are woken up by a rustling in the bushes.

@jalapeno, yes, you can join, everyone is welcome.

Nickname: Havoc
Pokemon: Azurill
Traits: Havoc is just slightly smaller than the average member of his species, by about two inches, and also weighs correspondingly less. His fur glistens a darker blue than normal, too, owing to genetics.
Attacks: Bubble, Slam, Water Gun
Inventory: Berserk Gene, Mysterious Stone
Party: n/a
Location: Kyogre temple

(sorry about the location, i'm not very good with changing character sheets alot.)

You reach the bottom of the lake, and enter the cave. Going down a long slope, and then riseing up out of the water inside of its cave, you reach the entrance to the temple. Before you, stands a blastoise.
"None may enter until proven worthy to be seen by our ladys grace."
Also, feel free to do what ever you may want to with your items whenever. That stone is bound to come in handy.

16,287 posts

Nick Name: Grim
Pokemon: Grimer
Traits: a slight rip in the muck down the center of his "face"
Attacks:Stench, Sticky Hold, Tackle
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Karp path

Keep listening till something of interest happens

4,584 posts

Nick Name: Storm
Pokemon: Mudkip
Traits: Storm has two notches along the top edge of the fin on her head and two more along the side edge of her tail fin.
Attacks: Tackle, growl, mud-slap
Inventory: None
Party: Treeko
Location: Camp

I go see what was making the bushes move.

153 posts

Nickname: Havoc
Pokemon: Azurill
Traits: Havoc is just slightly smaller than the average member of his species, by about two inches, and also weighs correspondingly less. His fur glistens a darker blue than normal, too, owing to genetics.
Attacks: Bubble, Slam, Water Gun
Inventory: Berserk Gene, Mysterious Stone
Party: n/a
Location: Kyogre Temple

[That's alright, I'll just remind you whenever I can. As far as using my items, I'm not quite sure what their effects may be. For all I know I may harm an ally or help an enemy, or blow something up, which... could be bad.]

"Brother," I say to the Blastoise, looking up into his eyes nearly five feet above mine. He has size, strength, power, and probably even speed to his advantage. For all I know, he may even have unexpected agility behind his bulk. But none of this matters, because for the moment we must treat one another as equals, so I stare him down with confidence, and... not humility, but modesty, perhaps. The locking of our gazes must be simple and unconcerned on both ends. "Forgive me."

I take a breath, and then proceed to summarize my business with Kyogre: "I'm being pursued by a dark creature, a twisted caricature of a pokemon which has taken the body of another. I will do whatever it takes to prove myself worthy, but please allow me to do so immediately, for unless I am allowed to meet with Lady Kyogre quickly, the entire world may soon be in peril from a threat we've never faced before."

23,530 posts

Nick Name: Red Star
Pokemon: Timburr
Traits: Unusually small nose.
Attacks: Brick Break/Work up, Low Kick/bide.
Inventory: None
Party: None
Location: Pokeville

You chase after him, but by the time you reach the forest, he is no where in sight.
"**** it, where is he." He gives up and just walks back to the village.
Showing 76-90 of 206