The year is 2651 A.D. Humanity has been pushed too the brink of extinction by a genocidal alien race. Earth was destroyed in an assault a decade ago. Now, the survivors are living on ALG-L42 "Metal Earth". Forever searching the universe for a new planet. After years of searching, the alien species that initiated the attack has caught up with Metal Earth and wants to finish the human race. After days of fighting, Metal Earth shows signs of failing, the ten-thousand strong population of Metal Earth is forced to evacuate. You and four others rush into an escape pod and jettison to the nearest planet, ELSAR-563. The landing is terrible at best and you get knocked unconcious. When you wake up you see two largely varying landscapes: a dry barren wasteland, with no resources on the surface. On the other side, you see a lush paradise, inhabited by many alien species, some peaceful, others monstrous predators. It is almost nighttime. This is where you begin.
He doesn't move, he lies there in the smoke, dead. Continuing to the crash site you begin to feel the insides of your nose burn and begin to cover your face with your shirt. Pressing on, you see several more bodies, all looted, and some footprints, some survivors got away.
Ahead you see a body, tied to a tree. Possibly bait. The body has been slashed at by some sort of blade and one of the arms has been gnawed off. Kyle scurries towards it and nibbles on it's toes. There is a faint growling around you, but you can't make out the creature, the smoke masing their presence. It doesn't seem to know you're there though.
The growl gets fainter after roughly ten minutes. There is smoke all around you, at it's worst above. Kyle is eating the bait body and there are footprints going away from the crash furthere into the forest.
Eventually the smoke begins to clear and you can stand up again, Kyle leaves the body and catches up to you. You continue to follow the footprints into the forest. It is going to be dark soon and your starting to get hungry.
As you progress on you find that the people you have been tracking are actually the aliens that shot down your ship. There are four of them, all well armed. They must be trying to make sure humanity ends here. They don't know you are there yet, and you still have the element of surprise, but are outnumbered and outmatched and likely to die.
Eventually, they split up, but not as planned. They split up in pairs and scout the area. Two wander ahead while the others scavenge through their immediate vicinity.