ForumsWEPRWhy does America rank first in school shootings?

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755 posts

I thought this was a very good question. I want to know what you all think the reasons for this are. Article here

  • 97 Replies
2,487 posts

If I were to take a stab at it, its most likely because we give more access to guns for civilians than any other country in the world. Japanese school children are even more brutalized, but they have high suicide rates because their children aren't able to get to a gun as easily as a student in the U.S. can. all the killer has to do is get into his parent's room, and take the gun. then he's all set to kill everyone (including himself) he can with the bullets already in the chamber.

really, it is also the parent's fault as much as the killers, because they didn't make it hard for the kid to get the gun in the first place.


3,817 posts

really, it is also the parent's fault as much as the killers, because they didn't make it hard for the kid to get the gun in the first place.

Wow. That is horrible.

So you are saying that it isn't the man who decided that he wanted to kill a bunch of people's fault that he killed a bunch of people? He didn't do it on his own free will? No, it must be the person who gave him the weapon. Since that is logical?

I thought this was a very good question. I want to know what you all think the reasons for this are. Article here

Now we need to define some things. What do you mean "America is first"? Does it only count gun shootings, or does it include bombing and knifing? Is it counted by body count or by frequency?
4,220 posts

American media is a violence obsessed *****. The American population is addicted to violence, bloodshed, and war, and it rubs off in children.

Yes, I just blamed the media.

3,817 posts

Can someone find something on the homicide rates in schools of various nations? I can't find any statistics. Does America even "Rank first in school shootings"?

626 posts

I cant find statistics either, numbers. I also think that we're ranked by frequency.. seeing as how the article says

School shootings are far more frequent in America than in other countries
in the very first line. I've been wrong before though.
2,487 posts

So you are saying that it isn't the man who decided that he wanted to kill a bunch of people's fault that he killed a bunch of people? He didn't do it on his own free will? No, it must be the person who gave him the weapon. Since that is logical?

yes, good job for taking me out of context. really hoped you would pay attention to the whole thing, instead of acting like a flamer. what I said was if the person has the ability to, and the motivation to, then chances are that he will most likely take his parents gun that was bought for self-defense, and kill all who wronged him.

its the parents fault to a degree because they didn't most likely didn't take the necessary steps needed to prevent the kid from getting the gun on his own. they may have trusted the child, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't restrict him.

5,043 posts

Wow. That is horrible.

So you are saying that it isn't the man who decided that he wanted to kill a bunch of people's fault that he killed a bunch of people? He didn't do it on his own free will? No, it must be the person who gave him the weapon. Since that is logical?

I wouldn't doubt that parents often play a role in the children's destruction. It's the parent's responsibility to raise their children to be sane-minded adults. It's hard to blame the parents without evidence that the parents were hurtful and neglecting at home though.

Can someone find something on the homicide rates in schools of various nations? I can't find any statistics. Does America even "Rank first in school shootings"?

I had no luck.

After a quick scan through Wikipedia, I discovered that there's actually a school in Texas that has allowed teachers to bring concealed handguns to school. I won't lie, I can't believe I didn't know of this before. Then again, I never dug very deep into gun laws.
3,386 posts

Well, I guess I get to refer to being in the South, again T_T

Most people have guns here. It isn't hard to get one. It doesn't have to be from a parent, you can have older friends or under the radar deals. While here, it isn't thought of wrong to have or get a few firearms, I'm not sure about the rest of the US, but I doubt it's too terribly difficult.

its the parents fault to a degree because they didn't most likely didn't take the necessary steps needed to prevent the kid from getting the gun on his own. they may have trusted the child, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't restrict him.

Well, you can blame the parent for some of the faults. Proper steps not being taken in helping the kid with bullying, depression, etc. There are real medical problems with some, while others didn't start out at a DNA disadvantage. But, it is the parents duty to get medication or help for their children.

After a quick scan through Wikipedia, I discovered that there's actually a school in Texas that has allowed teachers to bring concealed handguns to school.

C'mon, bro. It's Texas. 'Nuff said.
3,085 posts

While I don't wish to turn this into a debate about gun control and whether the USA should tighten it up - perhaps the higher number of school shootings in the country is due to the fact that guns are so easy for anyone to just get a hold of in most areas?

5,129 posts

its most likely because we give more access to guns for civilians than any other country in the world.

wich is not true. there are enoufg nations on this world where people just as easly can get a weapon then in the usa.

Japanese school children are even more brutalized, but they have high suicide rates because their children aren't able to get to a gun as easily as a student in the U.S. can.

WTF. where is the logic in this?

oh no, i have no gun... now i want to suicide.

thats totaly BS.

all the killer has to do is get into his parent's room, and take the gun.

so can any kid in Switzerland, however there are not so much school shootings then there are in the usa.

i would explain all this by just stating that americans are spoilet and stupid.
(plz. don't come whit the "you generalis" argument.
i know and i don't gonna explain that again)
534 posts

What causes teens to do school shootings is:
drugs, getting bad friends, getting bullied, watching a violent movie/show, wanting to know what killing a person is like, presure to do good in schools, bad parenting, and the list go's on and on.
So many deaths are because of these.

5,129 posts

drugs, getting bad friends, getting bullied, watching a violent movie/show, wanting to know what killing a person is like, presure to do good in schools, bad parenting, and the list go's on and on.
So many deaths are because of these.

non of these happens only in the usa. so it can't be the cause why it happens more there.
755 posts

I would have to say some blame must be placed on the parents. Yes, your son or daughter can easily get a gun in America. However, it is the parents responsibility to raise your kid to know right from wrong. I dont want to be narrow minded. I know there could be numerous other factors why. I am a tad surprised about America ranking first.

534 posts

non of these happens only in the usa. so it can't be the cause why it happens more there.

When did I say it only happened in America? I was just stating facts.
5,129 posts

When did I say it only happened in America? I was just stating facts.

then it wasn't a post to answer the topic question.

you only said what a reason could be that some1 kills another.
thats not the topic realy.
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