ForumsForum GamesSuper Hero/Villain 3

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1,676 posts

In this RPG, you will be playing as a Super Human. You can choose from any of the powers listed below this paragraph, and the best part--you can choose what type of super human you wish to become. You can be evil, and be feared;or be good, and earn the respect, honor, and love of the community that surrounds your character.

Fame and Honor will be factors in this game.

Honor is how much people respect, or disrespect you. This is based off of your actions that you make throughout your story. This will also determine what kind of allies/enemies you will make.

Fame is how known you are in the world. Also, this will determine how often Bounty Hunters will try to hunt you down if your honor is low, or how often people give/send gifts to you or your base of operations.

Name: (Choose your very own super hero/villain name, or use a first and last name)
Desc: (Physical)
Power: (Choose any one power, can't be overpowered)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

I've added much more details to the character sheet, and this time, I'm hoping for the game to reach a couple hundred pages, or even more than that.

Also, this time, you get to choose your very own story line!

Options for stories:
1) You wake up in a weird facility, trapped in a room with a sealed door and a glass wall. You get interrogated by some strange men, and you must decide on how to escape, or decide to stay and be their little lab rat.
2) You lead a normal life, until you decide to go postal with your powers and become a hero, or a villain. You live in a small apartment, and you have a part time job at a fast-food restaurant, such as a Wendy's, or a McDonald's. It will be randomly chosen for you, or you can choose any fast food restaurant for yourself. I will fill in the rest in the "job" location on the character sheet.
3) You wake up randomly in the forest, desert, or in the arctics with no clue about your past. All you know is that you've discovered your powers and your name and all the simple stuff.
4) Choose your own, personal story line.

Post the number 1,2,3, or 4 below your filled out character sheet, for whichever number you choose. If you choose the number 4, tell me what you want your story line to be about, and I'll most likely approve. (Nothing too far out of the ballpark, as in no mansion with 50 billion dollars or so. That would just ruin all the fun! It would be better if you played long and earned it.)

I hope everyone enjoys. ^_^

Previous players of these RPG's may know that I get stressed and end up quitting these after some 70 pages or so, but the girl that caused all of the problems is gone, and I have no more problems with any of that, so this RPG will be up until all players are bored. Thank you. BROFIST.

  • 248 Replies
1,386 posts

Name:Evil Genius
Desc:7'4, 84 kg, a strong muscular build, has green eyes, black lush hair,evil grin, eight canine teeth insteadof the usual two. He has a slight slouched back and small nose.
Powerark(Same as last time)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

4. I had torturous parents who drove me to insanity, and now have a evil mind. They left me a will when they died, a small amount of money, and a small house. Evil Genius forgotten all he had known as the doctors told him he woke up from a coma. He only remembers that he has a Phd in chemistry, physics, maths, and knows advanced computer tech.

2,515 posts

Desc: Six foot 200 pound all muscle, has a large head and receting hairline, Short Brown hair, Red eyes, White teeth.
bio: Was a Scient experiment with cybernetics. they improved his brain with nanoBots that Have him a 500 IQ. The Nanos Spread through out his body and improved him EVERYwhere. hi got taller, stronger, and better
Power:Genious-He has a 1000 I.Q. that allows him to Rapidly build Anything he See fits.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

4)Was a Scient experiment with cybernetics. they improved his brain with nanoBots that Have him a 500 IQ. The Nanos Spread through out his body and improved him EVERYwhere. hi got taller, stronger, and better. but when the Scientist realized how improved he was getting he tried to put him down, se He ran. through the forest and past the desert iinto a Random City.

1,211 posts

Name: Mort
Desc: He's tall, has grey eyes, and dark blond hair. He's not too muscular, and usually wears jeans.
Power: He can stop time, but he can't manipulate any objects while doing so.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

1,676 posts

Name:Evil Genius
Desc:7'4, 84 kg, a strong muscular build, has green eyes, black lush hair,evil grin, eight canine teeth insteadof the usual two. He has a slight slouched back and small nose.
Powerark(Same as last time)
Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy back.
HP: 100%
Fame: 1%- Looks like you've got a few reliable friends so far.
Honor: 0%- Make enough actions, and this will tell you what you've become.
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home:
Money: $1,200

Is the house in the suburbs, or wilderness? You choose.
Desc: Six foot 200 pound all muscle, has a large head and receting hairline, Short Brown hair, Red eyes, White teeth.
bio: Was a Scient experiment with cybernetics. they improved his brain with nanoBots that Have him a 500 IQ. The Nanos Spread through out his body and improved him EVERYwhere. hi got taller, stronger, and better
Power:Genius-He has a 1000 I.Q. that allows him to Rapidly build Anything he See fits.
Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy.
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%-No one knows you whatsoever. It's like you don't exist... yet.
Honor: 0%- Make a few actions, and this will determine whether you're evil or good.
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

And you've just arrived outside of a newly discovered city. You see a couple of tall buildings, but more small buildings than tall. You see billboards with TV show advertisements scattered across the city. You're currently standing on a highway, just a few miles away form the city. Cars continuously pass you as you walk closer and closer to the city. What will you do?
Name: Mort
Desc: He's tall, has grey eyes, and dark blond hair. He's not too muscular, and usually wears jeans.
Power: He can stop time, but he can't manipulate any objects while doing so.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

What story will you choose?

1,211 posts

Name: Mort
Desc: He's tall, has grey eyes, and dark blond hair. He's not too muscular, and usually wears jeans.
Power: He can stop time, but he can't manipulate any objects while doing so.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

[sorry, forgot]

4,710 posts

so, can i continue with my old character in this game?

1,676 posts

Name: Mort
Desc: He's tall, has grey eyes, and dark blond hair. He's not too muscular, and usually wears jeans.
Power: He can stop time, but he can't manipulate any objects while doing so.
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Allies: None
Enemies: None

"Uughhhhhhh." you groan. You slowly lift your head up, and squint your eyes at the bright light above you. Your sitting in a metal chair. Chains are crossing over your torso, bonding you to the chair. Then, a man opens a large metal door, and seals it shut behind him.

"So... how do you feel?" he asks. He has a grin on his face, so it seems like hes acting like a smart ***.

What will you say?:
A) Screw you.
B) What do you want, and who are you?
C) Why are you so short?
D) Make your own option

so, can i continue with my old character in this game?

Sure. Just add the new stuff to your old sheet.
4,710 posts

sorry for double posting:

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts.
Power: shape-shifting
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

story number 3 please, but in the desert.

883 posts

Name: Josh Ahkad
Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent.
Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
Story Line #1, please.

1,676 posts

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts.
Power: shape-shifting
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

-You see two scientific-looking men in lab coats walking towards you. You have some sort of weird glass bubble shielding you form the outside world. Your in a dark room, and you see the two men sitting in chairs behind a glass window with a lamp on a desk between them. "He's the one. Take him with us." After a short silence, you hear a loud banging sound, and a creaking sound, like a door opening. You see another strange lab scientist... and he stares at you for a couple of seconds, then looks down at a red button on a table in front of you. You're in some kind of strange capsule, and this seems to be what looks like an interrogation room of some sort. The scientist presses the button, and a gas spreads throughout your capsule, and you pass out.

You wake up with a jolt. You sit up fast, and look around. Nothing but sand. It's very windy... and you don't see anyone or anything around you except for very few cacti. The ground is cracked, and a few weeds are springing up form beneath the earth.

So... what will you do?
Name: Josh Ahkad
Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent.
Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

Thanks for playing ^_^

"Ow!" you yell.
"Wake up, you've slept long enough." a male voice rings.
You take a little time to look around before you speak. The room is completely cushioned... and its all white. There is a ceiling fan above you and the man, and your sitting down with a straight-jacket on. The man is pacing back and forth, waiting for you to speak.
"Did you just slap me?" you say.
"How are you feeling?" the man asks, with an angry tone.

What will you say?
A)Screw off.
B)Why am I here? Who are you?
C)How would you like it if I slapped you while your sleeping, hmm?
D)Make your own choice of words

1,795 posts

Name: Captain M
Desc: Buff
Power: Super Strength
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

1,676 posts

@mattduggan13 What story will you choose? Look back at the very first post and read through the whole thing if you haven't, and choose a story line to use for yourself.

1,676 posts


I'm sick of these Live Stream threads, so until they stop, I won't be posting. I'm not saying that I'm quitting this--I'm simply postponing it until the Live Stream threads get discontinued.

883 posts

Name: Josh Ahkad
Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent.
Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

D) I would feel better if you hadn't slapped me.

1,676 posts

Name: Josh Ahkad
Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent.
Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

"Hmm, maybe I'll slap you harder enough to get some sense through your thick skull." he says. He cocks his arm back, ready to swing, but then a woman grips his arm from behind him, and tells him:"No. Let me handle him. Go treat the other patients."

The man looks at you, and gives you a mean look. He then walks out of the room, and the woman shuts the door behind him.

"So? Do you feel anything different now? It tasted horrible, didn't it? That's what the other patients have been reporting." she says as she drinks a cup of coffee. "They all suffer from minor memory loss, unfortunately."

(By the way, I'm gonna give you a little hint about your power. When you create water, it will consume more energy than controlling water that you find from somewhere.)

Showing 1-15 of 248