In this RPG, you will be playing as a Super Human. You can choose from any of the powers listed below this paragraph, and the best part--you can choose what type of super human you wish to become. You can be evil, and be feared;or be good, and earn the respect, honor, and love of the community that surrounds your character.
Fame and Honor will be factors in this game.
Honor is how much people respect, or disrespect you. This is based off of your actions that you make throughout your story. This will also determine what kind of allies/enemies you will make.
Fame is how known you are in the world. Also, this will determine how often Bounty Hunters will try to hunt you down if your honor is low, or how often people give/send gifts to you or your base of operations.
Name: (Choose your very own super hero/villain name, or use a first and last name) Desc: (Physical) ----- Power: (Choose any one power, can't be overpowered) Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
I've added much more details to the character sheet, and this time, I'm hoping for the game to reach a couple hundred pages, or even more than that.
Also, this time, you get to choose your very own story line!
Options for stories: 1) You wake up in a weird facility, trapped in a room with a sealed door and a glass wall. You get interrogated by some strange men, and you must decide on how to escape, or decide to stay and be their little lab rat. 2) You lead a normal life, until you decide to go postal with your powers and become a hero, or a villain. You live in a small apartment, and you have a part time job at a fast-food restaurant, such as a Wendy's, or a McDonald's. It will be randomly chosen for you, or you can choose any fast food restaurant for yourself. I will fill in the rest in the "job" location on the character sheet. 3) You wake up randomly in the forest, desert, or in the arctics with no clue about your past. All you know is that you've discovered your powers and your name and all the simple stuff. 4) Choose your own, personal story line. Post the number 1,2,3, or 4 below your filled out character sheet, for whichever number you choose. If you choose the number 4, tell me what you want your story line to be about, and I'll most likely approve. (Nothing too far out of the ballpark, as in no mansion with 50 billion dollars or so. That would just ruin all the fun! It would be better if you played long and earned it.)
I hope everyone enjoys. ^_^
Previous players of these RPG's may know that I get stressed and end up quitting these after some 70 pages or so, but the girl that caused all of the problems is gone, and I have no more problems with any of that, so this RPG will be up until all players are bored. Thank you. BROFIST.
Name: Josh Ahkad Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent. ----- Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water) Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies: Dang It! I say,"Where's the other woman? I won't drink it until she comes!" If she comes, I drink it, hoping it will give me some energy and not wipe my memory or poison me. If she doesn't, I knock it out of his hand and spill it everywhere.
Name: Mort Desc: He's tall, has grey eyes, and dark blond hair. He's not too muscular, and usually wears jeans. ----- Power: He can stop time, but he can't manipulate any objects while doing so. Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: None Enemies: None
*sarcastic voice* "I feel great, thanks for asking."
Name: sepehr narov Desc: black hair . blue eyes . 182 cm . 60 km . ----- Power: time travel (not like go five minutes back i mean like go to 1000 years ago or like in another centery ...) Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
4 . he was a Archaeologist of Achaemenid period in his last visit to Persepolis ruins he discovered something ... a temple ... a temple deep underground ... when he was searching in it he saw some writings : Cyrus the great leader of achaemenid empire grants you to this holy place . your destiny is to uncover the secret of the great empire and its people . use this power to give peace to world dont use it for destruction . god bless you . cyrus . when he read some beautiful blue relic came out from the ground and he touched it after some seconds he was in the place but everything was changed the colors were much more alive everything was new ... now he has this ability ... (pleas pleas pleas accept)
Name: Storm Dragon Desc: Storm is 5'6" and has short white hair. She has eyes that are the color of fall leaves and shaped like a wolf's. She is a tomboy when it comes to her clothes and wheres leather armor when she is fighting her enemies. ----- Power: control over shadows Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
Welcome! There is always more room for more players, my games don't have player limits.
Since you've lived on Earth for seven years now, you can choose where you live. Do you live by yourself, or do you live with foster parents? =================================================================== Name:Evil Genius Desc:7'4, 84 kg, a strong muscular build, has green eyes, black lush hair,evil grin, eight canine teeth instead of the usual two. He has a slight slouched back and small nose. ----- Powerark Powers Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy back. HP: 100% Fame: 1%- Looks like you've got a few reliable friends so far. Honor: 0%- Make enough actions, and this will tell you what you've become. ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: Middle-Class Apartment (Good Quality Ap.)/$210 per week Money: $1,200 ------ Allies: Enemies:
You exit the apartment, and walk 6 blocks to a facility known as ReapCo. You enter the front door, and a beautiful woman behind a large, burgundy desk greets you.
"Hello! How may I help you, sir?" =================================================================== Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts. ----- Power: shape-shifting Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
You walk up to a man that is unloading goods from the elephant and storing them into one of the houses. You say,"hello, i am Zachary MacAllistor. i need some food and some water. i have no money but i can work for you to pay fpor it. i woke today up, knowing only who i am. please help me."
"Why, sure!" he says. He gives you a firm handshake. "Nice to meet 'cha." He points to a house, and tells you that its unused, but its also unfurnished.
You enter the small house, and you notice that the lock on the door doesn't work. You look out of the window, and you see everyone circling around the man that pointed you to the house. Strange...
What will you do? =================================================================== Name: Josh Ahkad Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent. ----- Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water) Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
"Whoops! Oh no!" he sarcastically says. "She accidentally fell down a flight of stairs! Hahahahahaha. Now DRINK!" he yells. His voice is thunderous, and his eyes begin to glow strangely.
What will you do? =================================================================== Name: Mort Desc: He's tall, has grey eyes, and dark blond hair. He's not too muscular, and usually wears jeans. ----- Power: He can stop time, but he can't manipulate any objects while doing so. Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: None Enemies: None
He stands up, acting as if he might strike you, then he sits back down. He doesn't say anything for a while. He just stares at you for a couple of minutes, as if hes thinking about what to do with you.
What will you say/do? =================================================================== Name: sepehr narov Desc: black hair . blue eyes . 182 cm . 60 km . ----- Power: time travel (not like go five minutes back i mean like go to 1000 years ago or like in another centery ...) Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
Do you want to choose a different power? I think that one wouldn't fit well in this story, since its mostly based on what is happening now, not what is happening in the past and future and what-not.
Name: Mort Desc: He's tall, has grey eyes, and dark blond hair. He's not too muscular, and usually wears jeans. ----- Power: He can stop time, but he can't manipulate any objects while doing so. Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: None Enemies: None
Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts. ----- Power: shape-shifting Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
i could need some rest. but before i go into this house i say to them: "can i have some food and water first before i enter this house?"
Name: Josh Ahkad Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent. ----- Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water) Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
Name:Omnihero Desc: Six foot 200 pound all muscle, has a large head and receting hairline, Short Brown hair, Red eyes, White teeth. bio: Was a Scient experiment with cybernetics. they improved his brain with nanoBots that Have him a 500 IQ. The Nanos Spread through out his body and improved him EVERYwhere. hi got taller, stronger, and better ----- Power:Genius-He has a 1000 I.Q. that allows him to Rapidly build Anything he See fits. Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy. HP: 100% Fame: 0%-No one knows you whatsoever. It's like you don't exist... yet. Honor: 0%- Make a few actions, and this will determine whether you're evil or good. ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
I look out unto the city, than back at what i Am wearing. and begin to Hichhike to the city
Name: Mort Desc: He's tall, has grey eyes, and dark blond hair. He's not too muscular, and usually wears jeans. ----- Power: He can stop time, but he can't manipulate any objects while doing so. Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: None Enemies: None
He continues to stare. The mood in the room is becoming pretty awkward. Then, a loud bang startles you both. The man who was staring at you jumped out of his seat, then tried to play it off. You hear through the intercom: "Come on Leo, get out of there. You're not even doing your job." a male voice says. =================================================================== Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts. ----- Power: shape-shifting Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
"No." says a woman. "We can't just give a stranger our water that we worked hard for. You have to earn it." =================================================================== Name: Josh Ahkad Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent. ----- Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water) Energy: 15% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
You drink, but nothing happens. The man kicks his feet back, and relaxes as if he's waiting for the drink to do something to you. After 5 minutes, he starts to scratch his head. "Why isn't it working?" he asks himself.
You feel a little bit of power coursing through you. =================================================================== Name:Omnihero Desc: Six foot 200 pound all muscle, has a large head and receting hairline, Short Brown hair, Red eyes, White teeth. bio: Was a Scient experiment with cybernetics. they improved his brain with nanoBots that Have him a 500 IQ. The Nanos Spread through out his body and improved him EVERYwhere. hi got taller, stronger, and better ----- Power:Genius-He has a 1000 I.Q. that allows him to Rapidly build Anything he See fits. Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy. HP: 100% Fame: 0%-No one knows you whatsoever. It's like you don't exist... yet. Honor: 0%- Make a few actions, and this will determine whether you're evil or good. ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
You see the same things that you've seen earlier in the city. You're wearing the common clothes of the planet that you came from. (They are whatever you are imagining.)
Name:Omnihero Desc: Six foot 200 pound all muscle, has a large head and receting hairline, Short Brown hair, Red eyes, White teeth. bio: Was a Scient experiment with cybernetics. they improved his brain with nanoBots that Have him a 500 IQ. The Nanos Spread through out his body and improved him EVERYwhere. hi got taller, stronger, and better ----- Power:Genius-He has a 1000 I.Q. that allows him to Rapidly build Anything he See fits. Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy. HP: 100% Fame: 0%-No one knows you whatsoever. It's like you don't exist... yet. Honor: 0%- Make a few actions, and this will determine whether you're evil or good. ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies: ( i said that i would hichhike to the city, walking along the way)
Name:Evil Genius Desc:7'4, 84 kg, a strong muscular build, has green eyes, black lush hair,evil grin, eight canine teeth instead of the usual two. He has a slight slouched back and small nose. ----- Powerark Powers Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy back. HP: 100% Fame: 1%- Looks like you've got a few reliable friends so far. Honor: 0%- Make enough actions, and this will tell you what you've become. ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: Middle-Class Apartment (Good Quality Ap.)/$210 per week Money: $1,200 ------ Allies: Enemies:
Name: sepehr narov Desc: black hair . blue eyes . 182 cm . 60 km . ----- Power: hand shifter (well i can change my hand to stuff ... guns and ...) Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts. ----- Power: shape-shifting Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies:
"that is what i said. i dont have money but i want to work for it."
Name: PuppetMaster 01 Desc.: Black Mask, Pale skin, Tall ----- Power: Nano Control - Injects nano cells into targets body and controls it. Energy: 0% HP: 100% Fame: 0% Honor: 0% ----- Inventory: None Time of Day: Unknown Job: None Current Home: None Money: $0 ----- Allies: Enemies: