ForumsForum GamesSuper Hero/Villain 3

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In this RPG, you will be playing as a Super Human. You can choose from any of the powers listed below this paragraph, and the best part--you can choose what type of super human you wish to become. You can be evil, and be feared;or be good, and earn the respect, honor, and love of the community that surrounds your character.

Fame and Honor will be factors in this game.

Honor is how much people respect, or disrespect you. This is based off of your actions that you make throughout your story. This will also determine what kind of allies/enemies you will make.

Fame is how known you are in the world. Also, this will determine how often Bounty Hunters will try to hunt you down if your honor is low, or how often people give/send gifts to you or your base of operations.

Name: (Choose your very own super hero/villain name, or use a first and last name)
Desc: (Physical)
Power: (Choose any one power, can't be overpowered)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

I've added much more details to the character sheet, and this time, I'm hoping for the game to reach a couple hundred pages, or even more than that.

Also, this time, you get to choose your very own story line!

Options for stories:
1) You wake up in a weird facility, trapped in a room with a sealed door and a glass wall. You get interrogated by some strange men, and you must decide on how to escape, or decide to stay and be their little lab rat.
2) You lead a normal life, until you decide to go postal with your powers and become a hero, or a villain. You live in a small apartment, and you have a part time job at a fast-food restaurant, such as a Wendy's, or a McDonald's. It will be randomly chosen for you, or you can choose any fast food restaurant for yourself. I will fill in the rest in the "job" location on the character sheet.
3) You wake up randomly in the forest, desert, or in the arctics with no clue about your past. All you know is that you've discovered your powers and your name and all the simple stuff.
4) Choose your own, personal story line.

Post the number 1,2,3, or 4 below your filled out character sheet, for whichever number you choose. If you choose the number 4, tell me what you want your story line to be about, and I'll most likely approve. (Nothing too far out of the ballpark, as in no mansion with 50 billion dollars or so. That would just ruin all the fun! It would be better if you played long and earned it.)

I hope everyone enjoys. ^_^

Previous players of these RPG's may know that I get stressed and end up quitting these after some 70 pages or so, but the girl that caused all of the problems is gone, and I have no more problems with any of that, so this RPG will be up until all players are bored. Thank you. BROFIST.

  • 248 Replies
1,046 posts

Name: Brandon Franks
Desc: Lean, somewhat muscular 6'3, light short cut brown hair, one icy blue eye one pale green eye.
Power: Bone Matter Manipulation
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

i choose 3

1,386 posts

Name:Evil Genius
Desc:7'4, 84 kg, a strong muscular build, has green eyes, black lush hair,evil grin, eight canine teeth instead of the usual two. He has a slight slouched back and small nose.
Powerark Powers
Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy back.
HP: 100%
Fame: 1%- Looks like you've got a few reliable friends so far.
Honor: 0%- Make enough actions, and this will tell you what you've become.
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home:
Money: $1,200

I live in a large town.

4,710 posts

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts.
Power: shape-shifting
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

well, i look around, searching something to cut the cacti open. (even if it is in a game, it hurts me to hurt a cactus) i need some water to get some energy. (i can feel the irony, if i had choosen my old power i could just absorb the sun light) after i got some energy i shift into a cheeta to get out of here and to find a place where i can rest. if i have to do i use the plants as a source of food/water to get energy. if i can not eat the plants raw i make a fire to roast them so i can eat them.

883 posts

Name: Josh Ahkad
Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent.
Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

"What tasted horrible? Where am I? Who are you? Who was that guy?"

1,676 posts

Name: Brandon Franks
Desc: Lean, somewhat muscular 6'3, light short cut brown hair, one icy blue eye one pale green eye.
Power: Bone Matter Manipulation
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0


Your vision opens up to a man and woman sitting beside you in a wagon.

"Are you ready to go, son?" the man asks, looking at you.

"Yes. Let's get this over with." you say to him.

You look into the distance, and the wagon is following a trail to what looks like a castle. The castle is under seige, with flames billowing from the castle.

"The gaurds won't hold back, son. Please... be careful."

Suddenly, you hear an instense whistling sound, then a loud BOOM. The wagon topples over, with all of its contents and passengers (you and your parents) being flung off.
*End of Flashback*

You wake up, and your freezing cold. You lift your head slowly, as your chest and your legs shiver intensely. You slightly open your eyes, and your blinded by whiteness. You feel light taps of snow gently patting your face and body, which isn't helping with the shivering.

(If you need me to clear things up, this is what happened. You had a flashback about you and your parents, and you were bombed by a cannon. Then, the flashback ended. For some reason, the flashback was in medieval times. Now your in the modern ages (2012), and you have to figure out mroe things about your past. A good way to this this is either take a certain drug called Megalode, which is meant to restore memories, or you could do quests or jobs for people or corporations, be it good or evil, and piece back some of your memory every time you fall asleep.

What will you do?
Name:Evil Genius
Desc:7'4, 84 kg, a strong muscular build, has green eyes, black lush hair,evil grin, eight canine teeth instead of the usual two. He has a slight slouched back and small nose.
Powerark Powers
Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy back.
HP: 100%
Fame: 1%- Looks like you've got a few reliable friends so far.
Honor: 0%- Make enough actions, and this will tell you what you've become.
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: Middle-Class Apartment (Good Quality Ap.)/$210 per week
Money: $1,200

You live in a good quality, middle class apartment, but you currently don't have a job. You can either get a normal job, or search for good/evil corporations or HQ's to work for, and get paid a lot of money, depending on the mission they give you.
Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts.
Power: shape-shifting
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

Well... the light absorbtion was a cheap way of gaining energy, since others had to gain energy the normal way.

You can't find a way of getting the cacti open without getting hurt by its needles. You'd need a tool to extract the water before it evaporates or gets absorbed by the sand anyways.

You can eat some weeds, but it would damage you since its unhealthy, but you would gain a bit of energy.

You can't create a fire, because you don't have the right equipment.
Name: Josh Ahkad
Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent.
Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

"What tasted horrible?"

"Oh, so you lost most of your memory too. That sucks."
she says. She stands up, and walks to one corner o the room, with her back turned, then she turns around to speak again. "We gave you a drink, like the other patients. Apparently, it had an agent in it that caused memory loss, or amnesia."

"Where am I?" you ask.

She hesitates, then says,"That's classified."

"Okay... well who are you, and who was that guy?"

"He's an employee here, same as me. I don't think I should be telling you any more than I already have." she gets up, and walks towards the door.

What will you say?

4,710 posts

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts.
Power: shape-shifting
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

yes, it was a cheap way to get energy. sadly i can only use my powers if i have enough energy, otherwhise i would turn into a turtle that can eat cacti. i travel around, heading north, hoping i find a place to rest.

883 posts

Name: Josh Ahkad
Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent.
Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0
I take note of the corner of the room she was in, then expand the water particles in the woman's coffee until it explodes.
"Oh My gosh, let me help you with that."
I stand up and walk over to her as well as I can with a straightjacket on and grab any keys I can see out of her pocket while she is distracted, then shove them up my straightjacket.

1,795 posts

Name: Captain M
Desc: Buff
Power: Super Strength
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

3) You wake up randomly in the forest, desert, or in the arctics with no clue about your past. All you know is that you've discovered your powers and your name and all the simple stuff.

1,676 posts

What the hell happened on the 2nd page?

1,676 posts

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts.
Power: shape-shifting
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

i travel around, heading north, hoping i find a place to rest.

You travel far, and eventually end up at a small settlement. There are a few elephants, being used as transport for goods it seems. No one has noticed you yet. They look busy, doing work around the settlement. There are 4 elephants in sight, two wagons, and 6 small buildings in sight.

What will you do? (You can approach and ask for work, but you don't know if they have any money to give. Or, you could stay there for a day or so, so you could gain enough energy to attack and take control over the settlement. That is, if they are even friendly enough to let you in. If you don't think they are friendly, you could sneak up behind a building, or possibly an elephant, and sneak into a building and lock the doors and sleep, then take control.)
Name: Josh Ahkad
Desc: At 5'11", 180 lbs, Josh is built like a Linebacker. He has Black hair and Darker Skin, but was always considered an oddity because of his naturally blue eyebrows, and the fact that he looks Indian even though he is of Irish Descent.
Power: Hydrokinesis (Control and creation of Water)
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

You don't have an energy to perform your power! You have to sleep, drink, or eat to gain energy.
Good plan, though.
She walks out of the room, and shuts the door.
With nothing else to do, you have no choice but to go to sleep and wait for them to re-enter the room later.
A little time flies bye, and your woken up again by the brute that slapped you before.
"Wake up, sunshine. Time for your drink."
He crouches beside you, and holds a cup of liquid up to your face.
"Drink, or you'll get a beat-down, pipsqueak." he taunts.

What will you do?
Name: Captain M
Desc: Buff
Power: Super Strength
Energy: 67%
HP: 100%
Fame: 25%
Honor: 25%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: US Marine
Current Home: US Marines Bunker
Money: $36,048
Allies: US Marines
Enemies: Japanese Military

"Hey, M. Wake up, bro. We're almost there." a man says. You wake up, and you hear the sound of a helicopter propeller. Your flying in a chopper, and you've got an Assault Rifle strapped to you.
"Our ETA is four minutes." he says. Your flying over a jungle, and you decide to have a little snack. You eat a Twinkie, and throw the rapper out of the chopper. "ETA, three minutes!" you hear the man yell. You're wearing a bullet-proof vest, and so is the man that is talking periodically. "Two minutes!" he yells, loading his M16. Suddenly, you hear a loud gust of wind from below you, and the man yells,"RPG!" The side of the helicopter explodes, and you fly out of the helicopter. Luckily, you had a parachute on, but it didn't help too much because you were already close to the ground. You begin to free fall, then you pull your 'chute. Then, you feel pain in your back and your legs, as the treetops and branches get pounded against your body. Finally, you touch the bottom of the forest, but you passed out.

Now, you've woken up, and your M16 is lost, and so is the military equipment that you've brought along with you. This forest is heavily seeded with trees. You see smoke coming up from a distance, and the smoke disappears after it reaches the treetops. This must be the enemy Japanese camp that the Commander was telling you about. You remember his last words before you were sent on this mission. "If you complete this mission, soldier, then you are free to be sent home. If you choose to be sent home."

After thinking about what he said, you see the man that shot the RPG at the helicopter. He is reloading the RPG with another shell. He is very far off in the distance, so getting to him would be a little troublesome, and you'd have to be stealthy while doing so.

What will you do?
1,046 posts

Name: Brandon Franks
Desc: Lean, somewhat muscular 6'3, light short cut brown hair, one icy blue eye one pale green eye.
Power: Bone Matter Manipulation
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

I run as fast as i can trying to find shelter (cave works :P or abandoned log cabin? *serial killer enters* OH SHI- *5 minutes later im walking away holding his machete* nyahahaha) ok then >_>

1,676 posts

Name: Brandon Franks
Desc: Lean, somewhat muscular 6'3, light short cut brown hair, one icy blue eye one pale green eye.
Power: Bone Matter Manipulation
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

I run as fast as i can trying to find shelter

You look around, and you see a log cabin about two miles away. The trees are covered with snow, and you hear the trees rustling in the wind. You reach the cabin, and shut the door behind you. The inside is comfortable and warm. You see insulation on the ceiling, being help by straps of black bands. The cabin itself has just one large room. There is a bed in the corner of the cabin. No other objects are in the cabin.

(You do realize that the medieval thing was in the past, right? Its not happening right now. Right now, your lost in the arctics and you need to find a way back to civilization, or you could thrive out here if you wanted to. You also need to figure out the rest of your past.)

*serial killer enters* OH SHI- *5 minutes later im walking away holding his machete* nyahahaha) ok then >_>

Derp. xD
4,584 posts

Name: Storm Dragon
Desc: Storm is 5'6" and has short white hair. She has eyes that are the color of fall leaves and shaped like a wolf's. She is a tomboy when it comes to her clothes and wheres leather armor when she is fighting her enemies.
Power: control over shadows
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

4.Storm was born on another planet where controlling an element was normal. She was born into the royal family but doesn't act like it. For Storm the memories of her home are bitter sweet cause her home planet was destroyed. As far as Storm knows she is the only survivor and that is because her older brother Vallen had shoved her into one of the pods that were set up to be used as an escape for the people if something happened to the planet. All of the pods had destinations that could be changed but the pod Storm was in had been damaged. She landed on Earth. Storm was 15 when she left her home and has lived on Earth for seven years.

I hope there is still room for new players.

1,386 posts

Name:Evil Genius
Desc:7'4, 84 kg, a strong muscular build, has green eyes, black lush hair,evil grin, eight canine teeth instead of the usual two. He has a slight slouched back and small nose.
Powerark Powers
Energy: 0%-Eat, drink, or sleep to gain energy back.
HP: 100%
Fame: 1%- Looks like you've got a few reliable friends so far.
Honor: 0%- Make enough actions, and this will tell you what you've become.
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: Middle-Class Apartment (Good Quality Ap.)/$210 per week
Money: $1,200

I look for any jobs that are to do with science, preferably physics. If not, I find some police job.

4,710 posts

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Desc: He is tall (1,90), has red eyes, and black hair with red stripes. He is a little bit athletic and likes to wear jeans and t-shirts.
Power: shape-shifting
Energy: 0%
HP: 100%
Fame: 0%
Honor: 0%
Inventory: None
Time of Day: Unknown
Job: None
Current Home: None
Money: $0

no risk no fun, right?

i go towards them and say: "hello, i am Zachary MacAllistor. i need some food and some water. i have no money but i can work for you to pay fpor it. i woke today up, knowing only who i am. please help me."

well, if they are bad they can just kill me or use me as a worker. if they are nice they will give me what i asked and accept my offer. it is risky but again, no risk no fun.

Showing 16-30 of 248