ForumsForum GamesSpammers!

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1,795 posts

Unless you haven't been on AG in forever, you obviously know that these sports advertisers are so frikkin' annoying! The purpose of this game is to brainstorm about how to get rid of them, but in game form.


1) I stop the spammers by going Al Qaeda and bombing their HQ.

Next post) I stop the spammers by calling Chuck Norris and have him Roundhouse kick them.

I'll start!

I stop the spammers by becoming an administrator and banning them.

  • 33 Replies
1,795 posts

Lol don't mess with CM Paladin!

I create a wormhole, creating a path into non-existence and I tell the spammers, "Hey! A broken firewall!" and they run to it. Bye bye.

2,739 posts

threaten them with killersup.

they commite suicide

This will probably get this thread locked for too much brutality, but here's my method (sort of in the pattern of Killersup):
First, I mercilessly beat them for 26 hours straight. Afterwards, I tie the spammers to metal chairs, blindfold, and gag them. I establish IV hookups in each of them in order to provide a constant dosing of a modified synthetic adrenaline compound so that they cannot sleep but still feel pain. I cut open their abdomens, pull out their intestines while being careful to leave them connected, and wrap said entrails around the spammers. I use various knives and razors to cut each of them approximately 500 times, then smear the cuts full of a mixture of salt, hydrochloric acid, crushed glass, and rat feces (promotes septic infection - very painful). I force-feed them more crushed glass, then leave them in this condition for two weeks.
At the end of that time, I take half of them and begin to dismember them from the feet up with a machete. I dump the parts into a wood chipper which ejects into a vat of medium-strength acid (we don't want immediate dissolution). Then, I take this mixture and force-feed it to the rest of the spammers. After letting that sit for a while, I cut off their arms and legs using a blowtorch (this sears the wounds closed, preventing premature death from blood loss - also extremely painful). I beat the spammers with their now-severed limbs (remember - they're still alive and conscious because of that drug), then I run over them and their disassociated parts with a steamroller and burn the remains.
Yeah - I hate spam.

they commit suicide again! after that
and if killersup didn't get it locked then you prolly will not.

killersup ties them to a chair and puts a single night crawler down their ear.and let them feel the pain as it crawls down their eardrum and drill into their brain.mwahahah
1,943 posts

Here's an actual solution:

Bump threads to clear the adds of the front page

1,795 posts

How are we supposed to do that fast enough to beat the hundred or so spammers that keep posting?

1,515 posts

Here's how:

We counter their spam-bots with sensible-bump-bots.

Either that or this:

I get a lightning rod. I then proceed to knock out all the spammers using it used as a bludgeon. I then wake them up. At this time, they are all tied to iron chairs attached to wires, which are, in turn, attached to the lightning rod on the roof. (the wires are shielded.) I then wait for a storm to come, using the aforementioned synthetic adrenaline to keep them awake. When the storm comes, I allow it to shock the spammers within an inch of their life. I then make sushi out of one of the spammers and force-feed it to the rest of the spammers (with an even amount of his digestive juices on all the pieces as a condiment.) and attach them to the chairs again, this time without the lightning rod. When another storm comes (hopefully with the spammers fully recovered from last time) I do the last process again (sushi and all) and repeat until there is only one left. I then proceed to throw him into a wood chipper, then I put the chips of him into an incinerator, and I put the ashes into a deep freezer, putting the ice in a ballistic missile, which I detonate in the middle and at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Thank you for your time.

3,042 posts


we can tape them to chairs,and when they learn their leason force them to f*** the others then,if not battle to the death

1,515 posts

That wouldn't work.

Rather, we could simply wrap them in duct tape and stick them in a potato sack. Then we throw the sack into a pond and fish them out when we know they've had enough. Then we stick it underwater for 30 seconds, and if this hasn't killed them, we throw them into a wood chipper, feet first.

3,042 posts

then shove the chips of bone up the @$$3$ of the other spammers.
causing them to have a um...what its called.and they die!

2,515 posts

I have a solution, STOP ALL PROFILE CREATION FOR A MONTH, not man actual user join every day.

12,319 posts

A mass deletion has recently occurred. The Tavern was cleared of spam threads when it previously had pages of them.

The only real action we can do is to flag the spam threads and wait for the admins to mass delete.

Now that the real action has been posted, it is time to make up unreal solutions.

Unreal solution: Cause the site that the spambots are linking to to shut down. This solution is unreal because we cannot cause another site to shut down.

1,900 posts

Guys, stop cursing, or this'll get locked.

Okay, here we go:
Take a rusty razer, then shave off the skin on their legs. Take a knife, and carve out the meatnear the ankle until we reach the tendon. Take hold of the tendon, and rip it out. Next, slice open their belly, and reach inside. Take their stomach, then start squeezing it. Next, electrocute it, and pour some corosive acid on it. Finally, set it on fire. They should still be alive for the next wave of torture.
Put them hanging on a chain, and light a large fire under their feet, with the flames licking the bottom of the toes. Leave them hanging there for about 6 hours. Next: Chinese water torture, with scorpians. Every few seconds, another scorpian falls on their face. Keep antivenom, and inject it into them every few minutes with a giant needle.
Stay with me, only two more steps.
Give them some more of that adrenaline, then slowly remove their limbs. One tendon, vein, muscle, bone, skin scrap at a time. Making sure to burn the area cut, so not too much blood is lost.
Lastly, feel the area above your eyes, near the top of the bridge of your nose? Take a drill, and drill into that slight opening. Remove the drill, then take something that will clamp down, and place it into there. Next, pull out at medium speed. What should happen is everything on the face, eyes, nose, features in that general area, will all come out.
If you don't do it too fast, hopefully the skull won't let the brain sag out, and they will be alive long enough to feel the pain.

If anyone has anything better, I'd love to hear it.

1,515 posts

Real solution: Flag every spam it is in our power to flag (I was doing this recently.

Unreal solution: Seek out every spam account on AG and delete it.

3,042 posts

unrealull a NCIS,and look for clues finding multipule computers that are 'un personed' and are in use.
Unereal:have charlie the unicorn stab the spammers
Unreal:have baby charlie bite the spammers

12,319 posts

Guys, stop cursing, or this'll get locked.

One or two swear words does not endanger a thread, and that is backseat modding anyway. In addition, this thread might already be in danger for "brutality."

Take a rusty razer, then shave off the skin on their legs. Take a knife, and carve out the meatnear the ankle until we reach the tendon. Take hold of the tendon, and rip it out. Next, slice open their belly, and reach inside. Take their stomach, then start squeezing it. Next, electrocute it, and pour some corosive acid on it. Finally, set it on fire. They should still be alive for the next wave of torture.
Put them hanging on a chain, and light a large fire under their feet, with the flames licking the bottom of the toes. Leave them hanging there for about 6 hours. Next: Chinese water torture, with scorpians. Every few seconds, another scorpian falls on their face. Keep antivenom, and inject it into them every few minutes with a giant needle.
Stay with me, only two more steps.
Give them some more of that adrenaline, then slowly remove their limbs. One tendon, vein, muscle, bone, skin scrap at a time. Making sure to burn the area cut, so not too much blood is lost.
Lastly, feel the area above your eyes, near the top of the bridge of your nose? Take a drill, and drill into that slight opening. Remove the drill, then take something that will clamp down, and place it into there. Next, pull out at medium speed. What should happen is everything on the face, eyes, nose, features in that general area, will all come out.
If you don't do it too fast, hopefully the skull won't let the brain sag out, and they will be alive long enough to feel the pain.

That's pretty creative torture there, but you just increased the chance of this thread being locked for brutality.

Real solution: Flag every spam it is in our power to flag (I was doing this recently.

I already said that, but it's good that you are flagging.

Unreal solution: Seek out every spam account on AG and delete it.

Even if all the spam accounts were banned, more would be created. I said banned because accounts cannot be deleted, only banned.
1,900 posts

One or two swear words does not endanger a thread, and that is backseat modding anyway.

Well, Iv've seen some people banned for doing this:


No blame to whoever did that, just saying.
Showing 16-30 of 33